You have to be very, very careful when firing someone in a “protected class” even in Texas.
These fucking crybaby minorities that sit on their ass and do nothing, never produce, and then cry I got fired, because I’m a minority can cost you a lot of money in court.
Unfortunately, you can’t fire a lazy motherfucker on the spot for being a lazy motherfucker if they are a girl, black, Hispanic, Asian, a faggot, a lezbo, a queer, transgender freak, fat asses, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist etc.
Basically, the only one you can fire on the spot is a straight white conservative male.
Being hired or fired, should be on merit, and even when it is on merit, motherfuckers whine like a bunch of little bitches.
You have to make sure that you issue these people, a written warning, a verbal warning, then you have to give them a month or a set timeframe to make quota, and even when they still sit on the fucking fat, fucking minority asses or fucking transgender asses and don’t do shit. They still might sue you.
So as usual, there’s a big difference between theory and reality.
And you’re really fucked if they are a fucking black, transgender female, practicing Muslim!