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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Part 2. People on twitter are having followers removed, which means I don't know. 220000 sealed indictments. Steele said president of italy is m-6 agent controlling a lot. This part is crazy. Expect credit card machines to go down and the internet for as much as 5 days soon. The next part is ridiculous and makes me doubt the whole thing. Says that NESARA is going to happen. That is complete overhaul of us govt. With 93% of senators arrested for treason it would have to happen. Does any of this seem at all realistic to those who understand way more than me


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
what I have never understood is why would something marked or delta in 2018 have any relevance to something today. Most if not all of them have not come to fruition correct?
It's difficult to explain. People a lot smarter than I am figured it out. Many "past" events have since been proven by "future" events - future proves past. The fact something didn't happen on a specific date stated by Q means basically nothing. Some people can't hang with that and cut bait.


Jan 8, 2021
I want to revisit this. This came out probably 48 hours ago. What is everybody’s thoughts on what is going to come out of this?


I would think FBI could get through Hunter’s laptop in less than a full day.

Seems like a lot of stuff to review but after all, we are talking about the possible President of the United States (emphasis on possible!).

I think they could do it if they wanted We The People to know the truth. Do you agree or is it just me? https://api.parler.com/l/5MicE https://api.parler.com/l/yxVPH



Dec 1, 2020
There is that word again
Part 2. People on twitter are having followers removed, which means I don't know. 220000 sealed indictments. Steele said president of italy is m-6 agent controlling a lot. This part is crazy. Expect credit card machines to go down and the internet for as much as 5 days soon. The next part is ridiculous and makes me doubt the whole thing. Says that NESARA is going to happen. That is complete overhaul of us govt. With 93% of senators arrested for treason it would have to happen. Does any of this seem at all realistic to those who understand way more than me
. Dude, NESARA is the end result. That’s freedom and no taxation without representation. Owning your land and being a real American. It’s only hard to believe because you can’t get your head around this new way of thinking. It’s coming. Enjoy the show! SKOL!


Jan 9, 2021
93% seems low.
Part 2. People on twitter are having followers removed, which means I don't know. 220000 sealed indictments. Steele said president of italy is m-6 agent controlling a lot. This part is crazy. Expect credit card machines to go down and the internet for as much as 5 days soon. The next part is ridiculous and makes me doubt the whole thing. Says that NESARA is going to happen. That is complete overhaul of us govt. With 93% of senators arrested for treason it would have to happen. Does any of this seem at all realistic to those who understand way more than me
Dec 9, 2020
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared "National Emergency" that set an Election Day trap for the "unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure"

Am I missing something here? This was a while ago wasn’t it? Or is there something hidden in here I missed or maybe forgot?


Jan 8, 2021
As you guys know I get a long email every day and I try to summarize it the best I can because I'm not allowed to repost it. But if you all scroll back up to #nolenole post, that letter he posted has quite a few similarities in the one that I read it's not nearly as detailed but you might be able to make more sense out of it because I have to leave out a bunch of things because my email is probably three or four thousand words long


Jan 8, 2021
Part 2. People on twitter are having followers removed, which means I don't know. 220000 sealed indictments. Steele said president of italy is m-6 agent controlling a lot. This part is crazy. Expect credit card machines to go down and the internet for as much as 5 days soon. The next part is ridiculous and makes me doubt the whole thing. Says that NESARA is going to happen. That is complete overhaul of us govt. With 93% of senators arrested for treason it would have to happen. Does any of this seem at all realistic to those who understand way more than me

Is this the email u received that ur summarizing in ur own words?

if so yes that’s what we’ve discussed for several months now

the letter I posted a few post above that I received from a friend says the same thing

please read if u have the chance


Jan 8, 2021
As you guys know I get a long email every day and I try to summarize it the best I can because I'm not allowed to repost it. But if you all scroll back up to #nolenole post, that letter he posted has quite a few similarities in the one that I read it's not nearly as detailed but you might be able to make more sense out of it because I have to leave out a bunch of things because my email is probably three or four thousand words long
Thank you for bringing that information this way

Teddy Jack

Jan 8, 2021
There is that word again

. Dude, NESARA is the end result. That’s freedom and no taxation without representation. Owning your land and being a real American. It’s only hard to believe because you can’t get your head around this new way of thinking. It’s coming. Enjoy the show! SKOL!
I’d love for that to happen. But I think it’s unrealistic. Like a pipe dream. But we’d all love to see it of course.


Jan 8, 2021
Is this the email u received that ur summarizing in ur own words?

if so yes that’s what we’ve discussed for several months now

the letter I posted a few post above that I received from a friend says the same thing

please read if u have the chance
that is funny If you look above I just said that in my previous post because I went back and read your letter after I summarized mine. But no it's not the same letter mine is why way longer


Jan 8, 2021
Part 2. People on twitter are having followers removed, which means I don't know. 220000 sealed indictments. Steele said president of italy is m-6 agent controlling a lot. This part is crazy. Expect credit card machines to go down and the internet for as much as 5 days soon. The next part is ridiculous and makes me doubt the whole thing. Says that NESARA is going to happen. That is complete overhaul of us govt. With 93% of senators arrested for treason it would have to happen. Does any of this seem at all realistic to those who understand way more than me

YES, NESARA is Possible, but it will not happen overnight.
It will be a process, ..... our entire govt / federal / financial and economic way of thinking will evolve, will change.

No more Fed
No more IRS
Federal taxes will be overhauled, federal income tax might change altogether

But it all starts with The Fed
and, think Gold standard, right

If DT pulls us thru this, I have no doubt NESARA is somewhere in the mix.
Before being killed, JFK always wanted to go this route.
He was as anti- Fed as DT, of course.


Jan 8, 2021
He’s playing. That’s my best pal’s lady. He is in a position to know.

Saban will do whatever it takes! Alabama will win by 17 to 21 points in my opinion. And y’all will claim your 1000 national championship. You bastards! I am so jealous. I just need Georgia to get one. The last time we did that I was one. Just one


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
There is that word again

. Dude, NESARA is the end result. That’s freedom and no taxation without representation. Owning your land and being a real American. It’s only hard to believe because you can’t get your head around this new way of thinking. It’s coming. Enjoy the show! SKOL!
...but it would mean the end of the economy as we know it today. A lot of pain for some in the short term, but a stronger country for all over the long haul.


Jan 8, 2021
That Red Velvet cake looks delicious - that's my favorite for whomever is buying desert in Vegas!

Does this lady have a name?


Jan 8, 2021
Am I missing something here? This was a while ago wasn’t it? Or is there something hidden in here I missed or maybe forgot?

I think it is just that reminder of the "Nat'l State of Emergency" we are under, for past year - thanks to Covid - and hence since we are now, and we were on 11/3 this enables DT to easily enact as needed both the 2018 EO and/ or Insurrection Act - as those constitutionally can be empowered when the nation is under a foreign threat (like the election fraud). This foreign interference and threat and the EO and Ins. Act turns this into the Military Operation, leading to what we will see in a few days, or possibly a few hours.

If and WHEN the Media blackout comes, and all hell breaks loose - which is a good thing - then we know the Military Operation is under way.

These could happen in the next 48 hours.

That link was a reminder of where we stood with the Natl state of Emergency, and the nation and Military is ready to rock and roll.

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