Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Also, Pfizer and the other poison producers broke the contract when they ensured 'safe and effective', they knew all along it was not. In fact, it is an engineered bio-weapon. Not sure orange man bad knew that. I pray he did not. No doctor who shot this bioweapon in people is safe. They are all guilty and should hang next to Fraudci and the other demons! Fucking quacks! SKOL!
Agree, and if we are to believe the reporting coming out now that it was our DOD that developed the vaccine and used Pharma to get it to the market this was all a plan long before Trump.


Sans the Trans part I had a very similar thing happen to me in the eighth grade. My friend Willy came up to me and asked "Where were you last night" before I could answer Willy punched me in my nuts really hard yelling "You should have been on guard".
While laying on the ground sobbing and writhing in pain I could hear Willy chortle as he sprinted away.

Not a joke............
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For those wanting to read more about the Tik Tok Ban(Restrict Act), it's a good explanation of why this is the Patriot Act 2.0.

One example of a violation would if accessing Tik tok through a VPN should it get banned. Your punishment? A cool $250,000 fine for your first offense.

Funny thing is, when I search Restrict Act on Youtube, all I get is some very short news station segments but when I search it on Tik Tok, I get a whole bunch of different people giving their opinions and thoughts on it.
For liberal men who work at NPR may be that is correct but not for the average men.

The Book of Revelation contains that warning. The Bible is a collection of Books. In no way do the other Books debunk the overall Bible, and the Catholic Bible has MORE Books than the KJV, as just one example.

I would caution you strongly to put your faith in God, not in King James.
Would you be more clear here? Too much innuendo. I want to make sure I understand you before I reply.
Jimmy Dean, underrated American icon
99.9% sure banged my mom.

At the Texas State Fair my mom, myself, and my sister were walking into the Embarcadero. My mom started putting on lipstick and playing with her hair. We walk down the aisle getting food samples. My mom says - Hi Jimmy. He looks up and yells - Jodie!!! Comes from behind the table and swarmed her with hugs.

My mom was named Joanne. She was a bartender/cocktail waitress and at work they called her “Jodie”.

I used to kid mom when she would order bacon - sure you wouldn’t prefer the Jimmy Dean Sausage. She never blushed. Mom was a wild one.
"The discharge of latex finishing material into the creek was initially observed on Friday evening, according to the Coast Guard."

Knew about it Friday, waited until Sunday to tell residents.

They want to depopulate by any means necessary.

Likely held it under wraps until someone low on the paygrade figured it out and they had to go public.

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