From another board but the guy makes some great points. The swamp has been around far longer than most people realize. American history is lost on most people today.
To be fair to Trump. Anyone that truly wants to stop spending and drain the swamp...
And I mean actually do it in a real, meaningful way... not just generic Republican consultant talking points... basically would have to lead a revolution and undo over 100 years' worth of federal legislation and even changes that have been made to the Constitution in the 20th Century.
It would probably kick off a civil war in America and ultimately a massive world war and mass riots and chaos. This is just the reality because the elites who created this mess knew exactly what they were doing. They have game-planned it out three or four steps ahead of anyone who has the desire to stop it.
And I would indeed be in favor of taking such drastic action (killing the FED, 16th Amendment, FDR era social nets, LBJ era social nets, Obamacare, NATO, the MIC, IRS, FBI, 90%+ of federal bureaucracies, and bringing back the gold standard). Even though I realize there would be some pain ripping off the band-aid.
Also worth mentioning. Whoever the person is that would try to do it, would most likely be assassinated and possibly put their family at risk.