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Too many pubs did as well

meanwhile in NM



We have all of this in Florida already thanks to BDR. The teachers unions are extremely mad they have to catalog their teaching materials and make them available to parents.

Funny thing is, my sixth grader brought home a sex Ed book from his private Lutheran school this week with a permit ion slip. It says real big on the permission slip that they will not be covering chapter 12 in school. So of course I flip to section (like I’m sure the 11-12 year olds did) - it covers things like masturbation, homosexuality, incest stuff like that. But they gave the kids the books and the permission slips at the same time. Anywho, I doubt this book would not be allowed in a public school in Florida.

Is Lutheran Church more liberal than others?
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Breed of peace strikes again. If you let your kids be around a pit bill, you're a lunatic. One second, playing with the girl, the next, trying to chew her face off.

having a pitbull is letting everyone know that you have a below 100 IQ and most likely poor. I’ve seen too much evidence to believe otherwise
Is Lutheran Church more liberal that others?
I have Lutheran family members. Seemingly there is a large divide among that denomination as one side is extremely liberal (female and homosexual pastors) and the other is extremely conservative. I’ve been to a few of the conservative services, and the church seems old and dead in spirit. They certainly need a revival. Lutherans seems to be political in their church duties and life (the church home). Not much outreach to non-members. Not very evangelical, but rather generational in nature. Very Catholic-like. My 0.02.

Rodney Terry will be a disaster as a head coach.

That's not what Del Conte is waiting to do.

If he's smart he'll let this play out and go hire a big name coach.

Any of the assistant coaches named interim coach would be at the same place.

Hell I could coach this team.

Heavy Jr/SR/5th & 6th Year Covid Year Players all over this team.

Beard recruited most and/or got them via portal.

Terry has never done squat as a head coach.

This situation is much like Barry Switzer inheriting the team Jimmy Johnson built - anyone and I mean anyone was going to win a Super-Bowl with the talent they had stacked on that team.

If they hire Terry then Texas is "One & Done" after this year - will decline for next 3 years and have to hire a new coach.

Quit acting like the interim coach has done something totally unexpected.

Make a hire with your heart is a sure-fire recipe for disaster.

And as @Jayhox says you can "BOOKMARK" this post.
This is exactly what I’m hoping happens and partially why I picked them to win the whole thing (besides being the most talented team). If they win it all, how can they not hire Terry and like you said, he’d be a disaster as a head coach.
This is exactly what I’m hoping happens and partially why I picked them to win the whole thing (besides being the most talented team). If they win it all, how can they not hire Terry and like you said, he’d be a disaster as a head coach.

Yes, I’m not a blind fan!

When you make decisions based on emotion, we will fucking fail 90% of the time.

Give him a gold watch and go hire a top-flight coach!

Let the fans and more over the players ride this emotional wave to winning a natty.

Then have the balls to make a decision with your brain.

Unfortunately, Texas is a woke liberal fucking cesspool of stupidness, and they will hire Terry.

Texas at best will be one and done as far as basketball national championships go.

The irony of the whole situation is that the former coach will likely win a national championship at fucking Ole Piss before Texas ever sniffs the final four again!

But one day at a time they have a very tough game tonight.

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