Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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When I think of this person, the first thing that comes to mind is the word "garbage." Sgfeer linked a post to him basically calling his adoptive parents, who are white, racist. He has made himself money calling everything and everyone not black, racist. Garbage
Hot Garbage. He is a weak coward who hung the victim card around his neck and blamed all his issues on others.
That card unfortunately pays well in our dysfunctional country.
Have been a big fan of hers since early in her candidacy, I just don't think she's ready. They will already paint her as a radical and use that against her with white suburban women
My sentiments exactly. Although, if Trump is involved, it may not make any difference. If BDD could stay a bit more positive, and focus on the differences between his time in office vs. Biden's time in office, he shouldn't really need to do or say too much else. Let the records stand on their own.

And he also needs to back off the vax stuff, and how he did so much to push it through the system. Pretty tone deaf on that one.
When I think of this person, the first thing that comes to mind is the word "garbage." Sgfeer linked a post to him basically calling his adoptive parents, who are white, racist. He has made himself money calling everything and everyone not black, racist. Garbage

That's what the video's about.

Good people had compassion and adopted him, and he spit on them by calling them racists. Ungrateful doesn't begin to explain what he is. Human debris.
It is up to us as voters to decide whether that is a big enough negative for Trump or not because there is a snowballs chance in heck that he will relent on touting "his" vax.

When the dam bursts, he'll change his tune. Won't help the millions he led into death and disability, but he'll start blaming Fauci and Birx, and never cast a single glance in the mirror.


Did he back the jab and mandates? I know my doctor was the only one in Anchorage or AK for that matter that went against the narrative. She had a hand in bringing Dr. Malone up for a discussion on the jab and lockdowns. Seems a majority of our medical professionals went along to get along and even get paid handsomely to propagate the big lie. It is reflected in a whopping 72% of Americans having no faith in the medical community. Wild times.
im an anesthesiologist and im not vaccinated


^^he couldn't walk to the stage if he found it^^

^^Bettlejuice's going away gift to Chicago
When the dam bursts, he'll change his tune. Won't help the millions he led into death and disability, but he'll start blaming Fauci and Birx, and never cast a single glance in the mirror.
He is remarkably stubborn in this area. It could hurt him with many voters as well. Though it isn't currently. At least if you believe in polls. It won't move the needle much for me because I don't believe he supports mandatory vaccines for covid. Could be wrong on that but I haven't heard him say that yet.
He is remarkably stubborn in this area. It could hurt him with many voters as well. Though it isn't currently. At least if you believe in polls. It won't move the needle much for me because I don't believe he supports mandatory vaccines for covid. Could be wrong on that but I haven't heard him say that yet.
IMO, all he'd have to say is something like this.

"We were faced with a new virus that we didn't know much about. I pushed the agencies to work faster and harder than they've done ever before to develop a vaccine to protect the US citizens. I never mandated it or believed that it should be mandated in our country, or anywhere in the world.

As time has gone on, the effectiveness of the vaccines doesn't seem to be as high as what our administration was told by the drug companies and Dr. Fauci/Byrx. My hope is that the companies will be very transparent with their research that they had at the time, when they sold the government and the citizens on a "safe and effective" vaccine.
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What is it that Tucker is lying about? They say and throw that term out without meaning.
Wonder if they can verbalize what was lied about? They think we are sheep following what people tell us bc thats what they are. We already knew this stuff and want it to be released.

Whats. These fools Nevermind It angers me

They verbalize with the lie they were told saying it’s the truth while the actual truth they call a lie. Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance are a bitch
This is not good, not good at all.
Saudi Arabia
This alignment will allow them to add others very quickly. I heard they were already strongly looking at South Africa.
Not good for who? Not sure who to pull for in this global war. I guess neither as they are probably controlled by the same satanic cabalists. Either way, we could be eating bugs and owning nothing and not liking it. haha SKOL!

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