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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
I attempted to have this conversation with one of my best friends who is an infectious disease doctor at the Houston hospital that's been in the news quite a bit the past couple of years for mandating the jab. 30+ year friendship. I stood in his wedding and he stood in mine kind of thing. High school. College roommates. Brothers from another mother.

Last week when the news broke about Dr. Mary Bowden rejecting the Texas Medical Boards "punishment" they tried to levy against her, I finally broke the ice on the subject with him. He called her a quack who was promoting unproven methods

Wanting to get a baseline understanding for what a quack doctor is in his eyes, I asked if Fauci, Birx and Wolensky fit the definition. The conversation went south quickly. He had no leg to stand on except calling Bowden a quack and telling me he knows what he's talking about because it's science and that's kind of his thing. Sound familiar?

I told him that if Bowden is a quack, then Fauci is evil. That was the end of the conversation. Not sure I'll ever speak with him again he is so dug into the propaganda.

Interesting side note, given I've always had an interest in geopolitics, I heard about the China virus in late 2019 well before most people had. I reached out to him about it, asking if I should be concerned. He howled laughing at me and asked if I had survived the bird and swine flu scares, completely diminishing what I was asking him about. Then the propaganda took hold. About 3 weeks later I got a text from him in a full body hazmat suit at the hospital telling me not to leave my house until I heard more details from him regarding what this virus was all about. The propaganda grabbed him and sucked him in and I'm afraid I'm losing a cherished friendship over the Wuhan Flu. It sucks.
He is jabbed you had less than 5 years left with him anyway.


Jan 8, 2021
Not good for who? Not sure who to pull for in this global war. I guess neither as they are probably controlled by the same satanic cabalists. Either way, we could be eating bugs and owning nothing and not liking it. haha SKOL!
It's not good for anyone.

The Chinese have nothing good in mind for us. They're no better than the western oligarchs and european bankers who want to destroy us.


Nov 27, 2021
Biden has lost the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and Iran both resumed full Diplomatic Relations and signed huge trade deals with China.
Pretty much the USA is out. China to possibly get 500B deal to build Saudi Super City. Iraq and Oman and Yemen onside.
Petro dollar dead.
They are all joining the BRIC with Russia and China.
This is big diplomatic shift globally.
China buying up 25% of all Saudi Oil Production.



Nov 27, 2021
Massive slaughter of Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut. Russia caught them as they were retreating in a huge encirclement and destroyed them with continuous artillery fire.
uncounted Ukrainian dead and all roads and streets blocked with the dead and destroyed tanks and equipment.
Biden, Zelinsky and the UK advisers having a bad day.

Just as Zelinsky probably on Biden advice attempting to retake city.



Nov 27, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
This is not good, not good at all.
Saudi Arabia
This alignment will allow them to add others very quickly. I heard they were already strongly looking at South Africa.
Well, it was foretold, so it isn’t going to be stopped.

I say let’s get to it!


Nov 15, 2022
They’ll do just enough to create a few “fall guys,” all the while protecting their incestuous, pocket filling, mahogany trough.

Bernie Madoff wasn't the guy responsible for the 2008 crash. Did he run a scheme and swindle lots of people? Yes. Was the he the only person doing it? Hell no. There were at least hundreds, if not thousands of swindling criminal assholes behind the 2008 collapse. The idea that Madoff was behind it all is laughable.

And it's mind-boggling that that's how far our republic has fallen. The people should be awake and aware enough to demand that Wall Street pay for its crimes. But they gave us a scapegoat and it placated the majority of our population.


Nov 15, 2022
Also the crime that Madoff died in prison for? Payment for order flow is legal now.

* Also, if we are on the subject of mind blowers - PFOF isn't even the most threatening financial crime that is destabilizing our economy.

Failing to Deliver on short sales is a bigger problem than PFOF.

Off-exchange trading and dark pools is a bigger problem t han PFOF.

The CFTC illegally refusing to report swap data to the public as required by the Dodd-Frank act is a bigger problem than PFOF.

The SEC watching pornhub and giving out slap-on-the-wrist penalties for financial crimes is a bigger problem than PFOF. What could the SEC do better? They could start by issuing fines that are greater than the profit made by the crime in question. Right now the SEC just collects their cut.

** JPow keeping rates so low for so long and only slowly, slowly raising them at the stroke of midnight as inflation hits our country like a truck is a bigger problem than PFOF. The "crack-up boom" is a well-known and documented thing and anyone with a degree in finance would have studied Mises and know all about it. The Fed deliberately led us down this path.
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