That's awesome
Nothing quite that big but I worked in refinery construction years ago on large compressors and electric motors
The Liberal "White-Man" Created An Underclass of Low-Life & Law-Less Turds of One Specific Race of Americans By Throwing $50 Trillion At Them Over the Last 50+ Years
If We Had Just Stopped the Discrimination and Had Them Continue to Function in Society By Having Two Parent Families, Having to Go to School, and Having to Get a J-O-B We Wouldn't Be In This Fucking Race-War Mess
Go Google Harlem in the 40's and 50's It Was Thriving With Black-Owned Businesses and Had Several Black Millionaires - Post "The Great Society" It Turned Into a Ghetto
And The Whitey That "Created" It Was That Fucking POS POTUS Named LBJ
He Hated Black People and Knew the Best Way to "Keep Them Down" Was to Keep Them Reliant on The Government Dole
Any Other Fucking "Brain-Teasers" Cunt Friend?
I did this with 8-track, cassettes and CDs. Have a bunch of those things but no 8-track player. Can play, and do, the others.
Don't they also have to have man tits?
Translation - you guys thought you paid me off last time but this one is going to cost you double.From Manchin:
"The contents of this memo speak volumes - if this is what this Administration truly believes and is how they are going to make decisions, it is unacceptable," the West Virginia senator continued. "It’s a clear and intentional threat to energy security and the all-of-the above energy policy Congress has consistently reinforced."
If true, this is another example of OBiden's treasonous behavior and abdication of his oath to protect and defend the national security of the US.
Of course, the GOP has been silent on this issue for over two years.