Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

The death toll for the Ukraines is going to be massive. So many deaths NATO is responsible for.

Slaughter Them - All of Them (Except the Hot Ukranian Girls Under 35 Years of Age - Ship Them to Colombia Where They Will Feel at Home)

Fuck That Piece of Shit Money-Laundering Country With It's Dancing Faggot President That Never Washes His Fucking Clothes

Level It!
The Liberal "White-Man" Created An Underclass of Low-Life & Law-Less Turds of One Specific Race of Americans By Throwing $50 Trillion At Them Over the Last 50+ Years

If We Had Just Stopped the Discrimination and Had Them Continue to Function in Society By Having Two Parent Families, Having to Go to School, and Having to Get a J-O-B We Wouldn't Be In This Fucking Race-War Mess

Go Google Harlem in the 40's and 50's It Was Thriving With Black-Owned Businesses and Had Several Black Millionaires - Post "The Great Society" It Turned Into a Ghetto

And The Whitey That "Created" It Was That Fucking POS POTUS Named LBJ

He Hated Black People and Knew the Best Way to "Keep Them Down" Was to Keep Them Reliant on The Government Dole

Also . . . could you explain what it is, this so-called "White Man" supposedly created?

Any Other Fucking "Brain-Teasers" Cunt Friend?

Coal miners coming up after work, Belgium 1920s, after enjoying a nice workday of white privilege.

I used to work on and overhaul industrial gas turbines. This one was an old GE Frame 5 LA Prime designation. 25,000 HP. Th rotor had to go to GE shop for radial runouts to ensure still in spec. 16 stage radial compressor and 2 stage power. The rotor weighs 16 ton. View attachment 171988View attachment 171989View attachment 171990

That's awesome

Nothing quite that big but I worked in refinery construction years ago on large compressors and electric motors
That's awesome

Nothing quite that big but I worked in refinery construction years ago on large compressors and electric motors
I worked on all sorts of equipment, from steam engines to gas and steam turbines huge gantry cranes it did not matter, machine shop, heavy rigging, lime kilns, in 43 years i accumulated a lot of hours.
Had a lot of fun.
I never saw it as a job.
He was trying to knock him to the ground so they could smother the fire. They kept screaming at him to get on the ground and the dumbass wouldn't, so the pud threw the bike at him thinking it would knock him down. Throw was so weak, it didn't matter.

I SMH each time I see something like this. Had to believe they have the voice they have to push this crazy shit.

Is that Stanford University debate team?

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