FAG Piss
Even old men like us could slap the shit right out of his head
Completely made upBullshit. No such thing. Maybe he had a stroke that harmed him but “Long Covid” is as made up as Asymptomatic Spread was.
Interesting read.Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the collapse of Russia, The rise of Putin.
Has Russia Already Won? Is it “Game Over” for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire? - Algora Blog
Russia/Putin & the West Part 1 by Sam Parker Behind the News Network Edited by Algora Background (1991–Present) The fall of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a highly dangerous new phase of American aggression against a severely weakened Russia. For the Rockefeller Empire, it
Happy to bring joy babyI just laugh at you now. So please carry on.
Suck a dick Hogg, your 15 minutes are over.![]()
Muhammad Becomes Most Popular Baby Name in Irish City
Muhammad was the most popular baby name in the Irish city of Galway last year, the country's government has
UK Pupils Suspended After Quran Sustains Small Tear, Smudged Page
Four pupils have been suspended from a high school in the UK after a Quran they purchased was said to have sustained a small
Activist David Hogg: Americans 'Have No Right to a Gun'
Gun control activist David Hogg tweeted that Americans "have no right to a gun," suggesting the right to bear arms applies only to a
England Bans Violent 'Transgender' Male Inmates from Women's Prisons
Violent male criminals who claim to be "transgender" women will be banned from female prisons from
Guys, putin is a servant to the same forces as every other government.....the clue is he has been in power for over 20 years amongst other things including Russia's embrace of the jabs, covid hysteriaInteresting read.
Went to shit when corporal punishment was kicked to the curb in the 70's.I told people in my HS graduation class (1968) that if they wanted to blame someone for the failure of education to blame themselves. If we screwed up at school the punishment was worse when we got home. My classmates decided it was better to sue the schools if their darlings messed up rather than knocking the crap out of them. Been downhill since.
Suck a dick Hogg, your 15 minutes are over.
Don’t report anything that happens on your own property to any LEA. Bury them deep.ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Every opinion I’ve seen is someone that is a fan supporting him or a hater/non-fan saying he has to be kicked off the team.The Police state that Miller received a text from Miles to bring his gun (Miles) to him (Miles). Even if the evidence doesn't support an Accessory to murder charge this is still a horrible look. That's all I am saying here. Before the local prosecutor made the statement that there wasn't enough evidence to support the charge of accessory this was a horrible look. He never missed a game throughout! Bama's best B-ball team ever!
What if the State Prosecutor convenes a Grand Jury and that Grand Jury charges Brandon Miller with Accessory to Murder? All I am saying is that all things being considered you err on the side of caution in these situations.
Now, Let's pretend Brandon Miller is an Auburn Tiger. What would be your stance then?
Another Jew? SuperShe’ll be back. The media attention around her was excessive, somebody has a plan.