Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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If that is happening in AZ, you can bet it's happening in other states. What the woman painted was quite similar to the Cartel's "influence" in Mexico. Their tentacles are spread throughout government at all levels. Will be very hard to remove considering those responsible for investigating and/or prosecuting this stuff are in the bag. Maybe that's why there have been no real investigations and prosecutions of voter fraud. The system is compromised.

Looks like it. Both the Model 12 and Model 97 are outstanding shotguns. My Model 97 was made in 1906 and was the first shotgun my great-grandfather got when he move his family to S Texas. It will go get birds other shotguns can't reach. I was at a family reunion at my Great Uncle's home. He was an avid hunter and had a large trophy room with a wall of guns and many trophies of animals. In one corner was a huge bear standing tall he got on a hunt in Alaska. I saw about a dozen unopened boxes of Model 12's he gave to people he did business with.

Saw something on TV recently, perhaps by Marianne Van Zeller, showing many American babies in Ukraine being used for nefarious purposes.
Not just Cartels. UN and their hundreds and hundreds of NGO's that are accountable to no one, but all existing and working off tax payer grants and contracts from UN and State Department etc.

1.5m NGO' in USA.

Big Mike Ruptured Obama


^^good read^^
Kanekoa is a good read. But he is wrong. The seeds of the Ukraine War began in 1992 with Bill Clinton and the old Carter advisor Brezinski wo hated Russians. The whole state department is infected with the Brezinski ites. Nuland Blinken and nod (Biden)
When USSR collapsed in 1992. The USA never trimmed their sails, an adjusted to the new reality.
They listened to the UK and the Brzinski ites. Instead of expanding relations with Russia and making deals and trade.
And driving a wedge between China and Russia, and expanding relations with India, the largest Democracy on earth.
America chose to succor China and attack Russia. Reward Pakistan and not India. Thus forging a very strong alliance that will now bring down America.
They are eating our lunch now and will collapse the USD.
This really is true. But how do you cut the blue areas off from the purse of the Red areas?
How do you remove taxpayer support from a Blue County in a Red state. Tah is the conundrum I see.
Unless you adopt something like the Swiss model. Were the tax payer gets a direct non cancelable vote on funding.
"Do you want to pay for CRT education in schools in this county or state. Vote Result NO. And do not allow legislators a work around. The people said no it is no or it is yes."
Some truth in there depending on the department. The larger departments are generally run by left leaning chiefs and commissioners, so they will throw cops out on the street for anything. Mid size and smaller are still run by more middle to conservative administrators. So we have more protection.

The simple answer to your question is that we are held to an even higher standard today than in any other time in history. So it is not a fun job to have anymore.

Furthermore, I have investigated cops in criminal investigations and internal investigations. When they needed to be arrested, disciplined or fired. They were.

There are still plenty of bad cops out there. It’s just not as rampant as some would think.
Thanks for your service Cooper, stay safe.
Interesting part of that Arizona video, go to the 41:20 mark. Senator Bennett (who is clearly compromised and a traitor) keeps asking questions that gets individuals out in the open. Could that be so the cartel knows WHO to take out? Anyway, he specifically asks the woman who invited her there today to speak and she kinda reluctantly says Representative Harris. Harris, the woman in the middle of the panel, looks at her and sort gives her a throat slash and head nodding basically what it looks like to me saying, "thanks you just killed me." Unbelievable shit.
I got two of these, one on each side of the other. Must have been one big double sided fireplace. Nice to look at but totally inefficient. These Osburn wood burining inserts are bad ass. If you got cured wood you can flip off the WEFers for a while. SKOL!
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That throws my theory all to shit. I figured you lived in an igloo.
View attachment 170383
Gen Z is here, they’re queer, and right-wing nuts are completely freaking out about it

A recent Gallup poll has revealed that young adults are even queerer than you’d think — and right-wing politicians are terrified.

A newly published survey conducted in 2022 of over 10,000 adults in the U.S. revealed that an approximately 7.2% of those surveyed identify as LGBTQ+ across all age groups.

When you zero in on Gen Z (specified as young adults born between 1997 and 2004), a whopping 19.7% self-identified as LGBTQ+. That’s right; there was 1 queer young adult for about every 5 Gen Z respondents surveyed.

This is a remarkable uptick from surveys of this kind taken in the past, even as recently as the 2010s. Gallup information from 2017 put the national estimate of LGBTQ+ adults as low as 4.5% (though the number of Gen Z adults at the time was likely too low to draw conclusion from).

Don’t tell me there aren’t groomers everywhere…
A Saturday morning episode of life as a CBP agent in 1980ish...

Us inspectors rotated between passengers, cargo and boarding airplanes in Houston. I had the night watch boarding planes. A Royal Jordanian 747 landed. Once the passengers got off I went on board to inspect. I rounded a corner near a galley. Standing there were 4-5 Jordanian men putting AK-47's inside one of the overhead storage bins. I assume they were Jordanian "Air Marshals". If they were stowing the rifles I'm guessing they flew with the rifles exposed for all the passengers to see.
Interesting part of that Arizona video, go to the 41:20 mark. Senator Bennett (who is clearly compromised and a traitor) keeps asking questions that gets individuals out in the open. Could that be so the cartel knows WHO to take out? Anyway, he specifically asks the woman who invited her there today to speak and she kinda reluctantly says Representative Harris. Harris, the woman in the middle of the panel, looks at her and sort gives her a throat slash and head nodding basically what it looks like to me saying, "thanks you just killed me." Unbelievable shit.
That’s exactly what he was doing.

Identifying targets.
Have my Dad's old Winchester 97 in sweet 16. Well my oldest son's now. These old dolls could be slam fired. They also out shoot a 12Ga on distance.
He got it as a wedding gift from his new FIL in 1933 right at the bottom of the Great Depression.
Nobody had any money for gifts and such in that time. At least my family did not.
But that gun kept things going.
Prime fox pelts at the time were very high. And Dad got 4 dollars USD per day plus his shells to hunt fox all winter from daybreak to sunset.
That was a fortune. Men working in the bush all day with a cross cut and an axe maybe got a dollar or 2 for all day in the cold.
Whenever that gun came out, he would tell that story, about how the 16 Winchester kept him and the family's table.
A lot of those old girls were take downs as well.
Grandfather worked the axe (and anything else he could find) during those times. unreal seeing the dates written on old pictures of he and his team. These men were wearing suits to while clearing roads in the middle of summer. Pretty tough work for $7/week.
Grandfather worked the axe (and anything else he could find) during those times. unreal seeing the dates written on old pictures of he and his team. These men were wearing suits to while clearing roads in the middle of summer. Pretty tough work for $7/week.
Today's youth and misfits take for granted what others did to allow them to act like the idiots they are. I watched my grandfather and Great Uncle roof a barn using hand tools in the Texas sun. Both were in their mid-60's and worked from morning to dusk. With modern nail guns and other machines today few would be able to work (or want to) like previous generations. Fast food is too hard for many.
Grandfather worked the axe (and anything else he could find) during those times. unreal seeing the dates written on old pictures of he and his team. These men were wearing suits to while clearing roads in the middle of summer. Pretty tough work for $7/week.
Remember when Carter was Pres. The high interest rates and stagflation.
It put a lot of men out of work and on relief.
I was lucky i had a job. No raises or bonus's but I was very grateful. I knew it was head down, ass up and mouth shut and a yes sir no sir.
Many I knew had to go to work for the county clearing brush and roads sides. all day in the cold. Every where you went on the back roads, guys standing around burning brush piles and stacking free firewood for tax payers.
It was a good reminder to me to appreciate.

Yes Landjeff it was pretty tough work. Place I worked still had old men who had been around in the 30's and one told me. They all thought it was heaven when the company went from 6 days a week to 5 1/2 days a week so they got Saturday afternoon off with family.

I had a big family for these days. 4 kids. I was always on the hustle for part time work in addition to my full time job.
I would do anything legal. I cleared road allowances for developers just me and my chainsaw and pick up truck. He would pay me cash for my time and I got all the wood I wanted. Which I bucked and spit by hand and sold in the city.
I would do yard clean ups, general handyman work, roofing you name it.
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This shit is just getting more ridiculous by the day. Country music is now in the propaganda business?

Has been for years. A lot of the newer acts have lgbqwerty "friendly" songs, for example. Anything the billionaires get their hands on is gone, NFL, NBA, the music industry, movies, video games, etc. It's hard to think of a single corner of the entertainment industry that isn't co-opted.
Today's youth and misfits take for granted what others did to allow them to act like the idiots they are. I watched my grandfather and Great Uncle roof a barn using hand tools in the Texas sun. Both were in their mid-60's and worked from morning to dusk. With modern nail guns and other machines today few would be able to work (or want to) like previous generations. Fast food is too hard for many.
When things go bad many will not survive. Just look at the stats from the collapse of the USSR. Thousands died who could not adapt and overcome.
The ones who survived took matters into their own hands and did not wait or want government help.
Like the old saying. Don't look at it get at it.

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