Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Some truth in there depending on the department. The larger departments are generally run by left leaning chiefs and commissioners, so they will throw cops out on the street for anything. Mid size and smaller are still run by more middle to conservative administrators. So we have more protection.

The simple answer to your question is that we are held to an even higher standard today than in any other time in history. So it is not a fun job to have anymore.

Furthermore, I have investigated cops in criminal investigations and internal investigations. When they needed to be arrested, disciplined or fired. They were.

There are still plenty of bad cops out there. It’s just not as rampant as some would think.
He should be arrested and tried as an accessory to capital murder. He brought the murder weapon to the scene of the crime. "But for" him bringing that gun the girl would not have been killed.
Not only did the sob bring the gun but he also parked his car so that the car Ms Harris was in was blocked and could not move immediately. He should be in prison right now - but no this is Gumpville- Alabama
He should be arrested and tried as an accessory to capital murder. He brought the murder weapon to the scene of the crime. "But for" him bringing that gun the girl would not have been killed.
We have a Ukraine caucus now in Congress.

We are committed to fighting to the last poor Ukrainian SOB and milking every dime in kick backs and payola for our support of the MIC through our voting for more money for Ukraine so they can buy more weapons from American Weapons manufacturers, with the support of the USA Military Chiefs of Staff and Retired Generals who are all consultants and recommending more, more more.
Is that not how it works.
So far at least they have not got it ramped up to were they are getting Americans killed so the traitrous bastards can make money.

What needs to happen here!

What needs to happen here!
FIFY- That needs to happen here and include corrupted politicians. We would have to add on though as 40K is not big enough
Whew! Found myself 12 pages behind after being off the grid since Wednesday evening. Ice storm knocked out power for 500k in SE Michigan. 48 hours listening to the hum of my generator and a crackling fire. I see not much has changed in our world. It was a mentally peaceful time with no news. Enjoy your weekend my friends! SKOL!

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