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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021

Next time you "skip" Jury Duty look in the mirror when you see miscarriages of justice.

It's hard to be tried by a jury of your peers, when your peers skip out on their civic duty for various bullshit reasons.

You are left with dumb-fucking people that despise you and/or your way of life.

Exhibit #1 Posted Above
This is the best advice ever seen on this forum. Yes it's a pain in the ass to go to jury duty. However, if you ever get caught up in the meat grinder that is the justice system you better hope there are sane people on the jury.

When I served on the Dallas County Grand Jury many moons ago, many of my fellow jurors were amazed at some of the cases brought before us. We no-billed a number of them because they were stupid. I'd imagine there would be several of these people in jail or with criminal records had they gone directly to trial being judged by some of the nitwits in the Central Jury Room. One doesn't want to leave their fate in the hands of some of those people.

Do your civic duty and serve when summoned. Over the years I've been called many time but only chosen for a jury 1-2 times. Most of the time you never get chosen as the cases settle and it costs 1 day of your time.


Dec 1, 2020


Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
People are fools for calling into question egregious mistakes in those he trusted? Blindly just follow someone you do not trust or have concerns about? That sounds like liberal ideology.
Thats not how it works. Lol none of you knew anything about anybody until Trump brought it to light. Now you dopes think youre above it and on top of it all. Its stupid to think that He was going to flip the switch and boom the swamp is all gone. Its Fn obnoxious. Nobody is blindly following anybody. That stupid premise is counter productive to everybody. I disliked Pence for some reason from the beginning and the kind of liked him but ultimately proved me correct. Stop being simpleminded acting like you have this great insight and you knew and Trump is dumb and deep state. How about that.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Once the bong hits fade a little, perhaps you'll consider that a large # of non-western civilizations are ran by communists, religious fanatics, and authoritarian dictators like Putin himself. Why would you care what they think? Putin is the same man who called the fall of the communist Soviet Union a great "tragedy". It's comical how easily you and many others on this board have made Putin into your champion. It shows how easily the masses are swayed by a few speeches or soundbites.

When this war ends, and he starts another in the next few years, you'll still have your head in the sand, cheering him on as though it's justified. One look at Russia tells you how he "looks out for them". He kills his political enemies and just like Zelensky, bans any opposition, forbids opposition press, and rigs elections to a degree that would make Fulton Co blush.

Putin isn't fighting for any of the things you somehow think he is. "He made a speech!" So what. He says he's a Christian out of one side of his mouth, while ordering the murder of thousands out of the other. He's a KGB thug who longs for the days of soviet domination.
What you posted is exactly what youre railing against. You are exactly what you say your against. Plus you obviously have no idea what is actual reality. What wars has Putin started?


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
Fuck Yeah! South Bend Represent! Go Irish! Lol
I’m kinda surprised that South Bend ranks so high on such a negative list. I was born in Elkhart, 20 miles east of South Bend. I know SB has a few bad neighborhoods, but apparently Mayor Pete and his replacement honestly didn’t GAF about crime. Come to think of it, that may be why Pete fits in so well with the Biden administration.


Jan 8, 2021
Catching up, wow...lots of drama re @Cincinattus91. Songs o the week nominees for cincy:

5) Should I stay or should I go -Clash
4) If I could turn back time -Cher
3) Don’t you forget about me -Simple Minds
2) You can go your own way -F Mac

1) Don’t go away mad (just go away) -Crue
No drama for me. I put that racist, cop hating, BLM loving bitch on ignore.


Nov 27, 2021
I had a nice visit with my adopted grandson Michael. Mikey is 21 and is a severely handicapped autistic. His grandmother now deceased and my wife now deceased were friends.
Mikey functions at a age 5 level approx. He is a pleasure to have around. When he was little my wife would say go get Michael he has his mom and grandma worn out.
I would pull in their driveway and Mikey would be waiting. He was little then.
He would crawl in the front seat and immediately steal my John Deere hat.
He had and still has a thing for anything green with a tractor or farmer logo.

He would crawl up on my old JD tractor and play for hours. Sometimes I would take him to the local John Deere dealer and he would be in heaven.
It would take him an hour sometimes to climb in an out of combines and tractors and just walk around the dealership lot.

I would get him t shirts and hats with farm stuff. I should say the wife would.
As soon as he sees me he asks for grandma. I tell hi she is sleeping. He has no concept of death.
I enjoy him very much. No whining, complaining demanding very simple child. No jealousies, or demands.
He struggled very hard to learn simple things we take for granted. Like not messing his pants, going to the bathroom. eating.
It was a long hard fight by everyone.
I told his mother this trip. That she had made the right decision in not aborting Michael like the Doctors counselled her. Because they knew before he was born he was autistic. His chromosomes were all messed up.
He waited in the front room window making signs with his hands and playing with an old electric drill with no battery for my granddaughter to come home from school.

Before he went home I got out the pie an ice cream. Fixed him a big bowl.
There he was at the table surrounded in a semi circle by dogs all waiting patiently for him to screw up and they would get his pie.
He ate pie and ice cream with one eyeball on them. Blueberry pie all around his mouth.

You made it Mikey. You ate all your pie and made Grandpa's life so much better.
Last edited:


Dec 2, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

Next time you "skip" Jury Duty look in the mirror when you see miscarriages of justice.

It's hard to be tried by a jury of your peers, when your peers skip out on their civic duty for various bullshit reasons.

You are left with dumb-fucking people that despise you and/or your way of life.

Exhibit #1 Posted Above
I have been the “Presiding Juror” the last two times called. I love jury duty!


Jan 8, 2021
I’m kinda surprised that South Bend ranks so high on such a negative list. I was born in Elkhart, 20 miles east of South Bend. I know SB has a few bad neighborhoods, but apparently Mayor Pete and his replacement honestly didn’t GAF about crime. Come to think of it, that may be why Pete fits in so well with the Biden administration.
2 miles or less from campus is a shithole. I used to Rep for a company out of Mishawaka. I’d laugh at the Golden Domers and their shitty town.


Jan 9, 2021
Thats not how it works. Lol none of you knew anything about anybody until Trump brought it to light. Now you dopes think youre above it and on top of it all. Its stupid to think that He was going to flip the switch and boom the swamp is all gone. Its Fn obnoxious. Nobody is blindly following anybody. That stupid premise is counter productive to everybody. I disliked Pence for some reason from the beginning and the kind of liked him but ultimately proved me correct. Stop being simpleminded acting like you have this great insight and you knew and Trump is dumb and deep state. How about that.
Who expected the swamp to be gone right away? Find where I have said anything remotely close to that. It is also very fair to call into question someone who self promotes that he only hires the best people, when even Stevie Wonder can see that is a far from the truth. Trump has been around for longer than 2016 election season. He has faults and they showed up when in politics. That doesn't mean, in the end, that those of us that find faults with him do not also want him to to succeed. Even though he was a registered democrat for many years and has contributed to the likes of Bill and Hilary Clinton during that time, I still want to support him and what his words are. If he gets back in as president, he had better make the adjustmentys needed this time around because the last time he was in office, he spent it campaigning.

Sure he made some people more aware of the swamp rats, but take a look at our country right now.....does it look like what he was promising in 2015 while going from town to town and soaking up campaign $$ or are we worse off now than we were when he took office?


Nov 27, 2021
Not good. Biden and UK/EU and NATO just got delivered with bad news.
China has announced they will be siding Russia in the Ukraine War, they will be supplying all the weapons Putin wants. Maybe even troops eventually. And they will be forming a much deeper alliance with Russia.
They and most of the world have come to understand, that none of them are safe, and America is a rogue nation. Blowing up gas pipelines and sabotage like common terrorists.
Attacking anyone they like and seizing country's foreign reserves and sanctioning trade when ever they like.

This is very very bad.



Jan 8, 2021

What needed to be asked was, why are China and India exempted from participation in this global warming scam?

If, as those Morons said, we all have to work together, then exempting China and India makes $50 trillion just a down payment. Reality is with the current spending spree by OBiden, McConnell et al, there won't be any money to spend on global warming or anything else and it will occur long before 2050.

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