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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021


He should be shot and pissed on and then dragged through the streets behind a horse.


Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 8, 2021

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
Details of Putin speech. That the msm will not tell you. Massive rearmament of Russia’s Hypersonic missiles with Nuclear Warheads. Conventional warheads being removed and Nuclear warheads installed. Kinzal, Zircon, Poseidon Torpedo’s and the 9m730 bureveStnik missiles.
Immediate mass production of nuclear hypersonic missiles.
Will return to classic nuclear testing no more simulations.
He will now arm Iran with Nuclear weapons and technology.
This is a huge rapid vertical escalation to begin immediately.
These new hypersonic nuclear missiles, America has no defense against them so far.
They travel at Mach 9.

The Burevestnik is a nuclear powered missile of unlimited range

Plus very likely a new mutual defense pact with China.

There is no way he gives Iran nukes. This entire thing has been measured and calculated. That would be a dumb move and to what advantage?

I continue to smell a rat in the area of hypersonics. I find it difficult to believe that we are so far behind in this area, we are defenseless in this area and we continue to broadcast these facts to the world over and over. I think if a major war broke out and hypersonic missiles started flying over the North Pole, our understanding of the capabilities of several countries would quickly shift.


Nov 27, 2021
There is no way he gives Iran nukes. This entire thing has been measured and calculated. That would be a dumb move and to what advantage?

I continue to smell a rat in the area of hypersonics. I find it difficult to believe that we are so far behind in this area, we are defenseless in this area and we continue to broadcast these facts to the world over and over. I think if a major war broke out and hypersonic missiles started flying over the North Pole, our understanding of the capabilities of several countries would quickly shift.
The hypersonics are real. They do not have to come over the pole. They can be launched on either coast from a sub or a ship outside the 12 mile limit.
Means contact in less than a minute.
Yes America is that far behind.
Why would he not give Iran nukes. I guess it depends on whose bull is gored.
Maybe he is sick of America arming his enemies and has decided to play the same game.

You can ignore reality, but you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality


Jan 8, 2021
We have allowed it to happen.
Not me. I’ve never seen this ish or allowed it around my kids. Period. I’d be in jail for destroying that shit.

When we had kids in public school I went and met the school leadership and the school board personally. I was the “Council of PTA” President - only male to ever hold the position. None of this shit happened under my watch. But, a lot of kids received scholarships that normally wouldn’t get it - mid tier grade kids - and kids that needed food didn’t have to pay. No hoops, no open discussion, just money pooled for any kid that needed breakfast or lunch for free.

If you have kids in public school at least you can get off your ass and go meet the leaders so your voice is heard.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
You guys should slow down a little bit with all this Putin good guy talk. You think the guy who has stayed in power in Russia for almost 25 years is less corrupt than our longtime federal officials? My guess is they are all a bunch of dicks.
Different types of corruption. The Russian People like him. What the Political left and swap are doing is corruption on much much different and more dangerous levels. Also including but no limited to the Child trafficking issues. For 25 years what has russia done?
Jan 8, 2021
I think you will find the vast majority of the non western civilizations would disagree with you. India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and many others now see the west as the oligarchs and brutish thugs hell bent on regime change and world domination. You are spewing western propaganda as far as I am concerned. He is probably not as good as some think nor as bad as others think. I honestly think he is looking out for his Russian people. SKOL!

I agree with this. I don’t think Putin is a good person but he is on the right side of issues I agree with. He has more morals than Obama, Biden, etc.

If y’all are going to talk shit about Russia and Iran you need to understand as an American citizen is you live in the most corrupt country on the planet. We are the number 1 exporter of terrorism around the world and it’s not particularly close. The US and the leadership on most issues aren’t better than any other country. Our propaganda is the best though


Dec 1, 2020
I agree with this. I don’t think Putin is a good person but he is on the right side of issues I agree with. He has more morals than Obama, Biden, etc.

If y’all are going to talk shit about Russia and Iran you need to understand as an American citizen is you live in the most corrupt country on the planet. We are the number 1 exporter of terrorism around the world and it’s not particularly close. The US and the leadership on most issues aren’t better than any other country. Our propaganda is the best though
Listen to the Armstrong interview for my overlying viewpoint on Putin. He has a Russia first policy. Sound familiar? SKOL!

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021

Look what the have done to America
Life with two under 4 is a bit crazy but one thing that I have made an effort to do more of is say grace at dinner time. Our 1.5 year old is usually put in his high chair and given food first because he goes bat shit when he's hungry. Then the rest of us sit down and get our food. We will hold each others hand and bow our heads to say grace. Once we sit down, he has started to put his hand out for me to hold when we say grace without any of us having to say or do anything. The first time he did it I didn't think he was doing it for grace but he has done it every night for the past week or so.

Our 4 year old isn't as compliant with grace but he does ask God for things that he wants like a giant mechanical T-Rex that he can ride and also will stop tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes because those hurt people and he wants to help them. We've also started praying before bed most nights.

It all starts at home.


Dec 9, 2020
I had a nice visit with my adopted grandson Michael. Mikey is 21 and is a severely handicapped autistic. His grandmother now deceased and my wife now deceased were friends.
Mikey functions at a age 5 level approx. He is a pleasure to have around. When he was little my wife would say go get Michael he has his mom and grandma worn out.
I would pull in their driveway and Mikey would be waiting. He was little then.
He would crawl in the front seat and immediately steal my John Deere hat.
He had and still has a thing for anything green with a tractor or farmer logo.

He would crawl up on my old JD tractor and play for hours. Sometimes I would take him to the local John Deere dealer and he would be in heaven.
It would take him an hour sometimes to climb in an out of combines and tractors and just walk around the dealership lot.

I would get him t shirts and hats with farm stuff. I should say the wife would.
As soon as he sees me he asks for grandma. I tell hi she is sleeping. He has no concept of death.
I enjoy him very much. No whining, complaining demanding very simple child. No jealousies, or demands.
He struggled very hard to learn simple things we take for granted. Like not messing his pants, going to the bathroom. eating.
It was a long hard fight by everyone.
I told his mother this trip. That she had made the right decision in not aborting Michael like the Doctors counselled her. Because they knew before he was born he was autistic. His chromosomes were all messed up.
He waited in the front room window making signs with his hands and playing with an old electric drill with no battery for my granddaughter to come home from school.

Before he went home I got out the pie an ice cream. Fixed him a big bowl.
There he was at the table surrounded in a semi circle by dogs all waiting patiently for him to screw up and they would get his pie.
He ate pie and ice cream with one eyeball on them. Blueberry pie all around his mouth.

You made it Mikey. You ate all your pie and made Grandpa's life so much better.
Pure love. ❤️

Both of you are blessed to have each other.

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