With OBiden and his deranged DOD, the Albuquerque hot air balloon festival may become a target rich environment.PSA
If you are currently planning a hot air balloon ride cancel it NOW.
He was chosen.What is the back story. Why would a man this fucking sick want to waste his time as a greasy politician. Something hidden here.
Have to find a way to directly fund Freedom Caucus members and not the RNC.
Just like AOCHe was chosen.
During the 2020 campaign I was called repeatedly by the RNCC. I finally answered and cut the lady off. I told her she ought to go to the Senate Office Building and slap the shit out of McConnell. When I saw that on national TV, I'd donate. She told me a large portion of the people she spoke with said similar.RNC will never get a penny from me. They had no problem fundraising for election theft, and we all know what they did with that
Correct and wrong in your judgement. Trump hit his marks for a first term in politics as presidentCoulda, woulda, shoulda. It started long before he became President.
He had a heavy stone to carry, at the same time try and make America function again.
He busted it all open for us to see.
It was not just Trumps problem. But every man and woman in America also let America down for years.
Honestly I think Milley is into Lipstick and garters and ladies under garmints, that and fart sniffing
This what? LolThis..
Dude you think Trump was to go into office and just rip the curtain back and expose everything bam on the spot? Everything in which you listed? You expected Trump to declassify everything you want, and expose the "swamp". All the clinton corruption, LapTops etc. What kind of unrealistic simple minded scheme is this? Otherwise hes part of it.If Trump wanted to open eyes, there was a mountain of things he could have declassed. Forfeting his chance to attack the swamp so he could do it in a 2nd term is absurd. Seth Rich, Epstein, Obama, Clinton Foundation, Vegas, all the old events like JFK's murder, and he exposed none of it. Because, according to Peter Navarro, his advisors talked him out of it. Same advisors no doubt that told him to endorse Ronna Romney (again) and Kevin McCarthy. He had one chance to dismantle institutions like the FBI and Pentagon, and instead made them worse. To say nothing of his full-throated endorsement of a vaccine that is killing millions.
All Trump has done since he left office is show a 2nd Trump term would mirror the first. Except this time, he's running with his hands covered in blood.
What??Holy Fuck.
Putin responds to the Hersh article on the Nordstream pipelines.
His ultimatum is if the negotiations that underway fail then the West has 72 hrs to evacuate everyone from the Nuclear Strike Zones he picks.
Απάντηση Ρωσίας στις αποκαλύψεις Σ.Χερς: Αν οι διαπραγματεύσεις αποτύ
Την πρώτη αντίδραση έχουμε από το "βαθύ" ρωσικό κράτος απέναντι στις αποκαλύψεις του, βραβευμένου δημοσιογράφου με Πούτλιτζερ, δημοσιογράφwarnews247.gr
I think a full on nuclear scare is coming. multiple people have predicted it. Not sure if this is it but with all the news being bad for the far left/globalists it could be. Who knows? I just can't believe they can continue to suppress gold and silver. Everyone is buying that shit up. SKOL!Holy Fuck.
Putin responds to the Hersh article on the Nordstream pipelines.
His ultimatum is if the negotiations that underway fail then the West has 72 hrs to evacuate everyone from the Nuclear Strike Zones he picks.
Απάντηση Ρωσίας στις αποκαλύψεις Σ.Χερς: Αν οι διαπραγματεύσεις αποτύ
Την πρώτη αντίδραση έχουμε από το "βαθύ" ρωσικό κράτος απέναντι στις αποκαλύψεις του, βραβευμένου δημοσιογράφου με Πούτλιτζερ, δημοσιογράφwarnews247.gr
The article is Putins response it has to be translated with google translate.What??
Link? Where do I find that and why no examples? smhThe imbedded Twitter thread in this article is pretty creepy.
Is that a sushi option?Replace the eye roll
This is all Trump should be saying on the trail. He needs to be on message and message only. This is what got him going the first time and what he got away from the 2nd time. He should come out with real plans for reducing spending and fundamentally reforming departments.
So We should just go presidentless. Youre so lostWhere does "We have no better option" come from?
No, I'm not saying "shit about Trump", I'm reciting facts about Trump.
A politician is not any solution. The only solutions are prayer and blood, but that window may be closed no matter what we do. But regardless of my opinions, what we do know - or should know - is that an 80 year old blowhard who refused to take on the deep state in his first term, shouldn't be an option for another term.
I think a full on nuclear scare is coming. multiple people have predicted it. Not sure if this is it but with all the news being bad for the far left/globalists it could be. Who knows? I just can't believe they can continue to suppress gold and silver. Everyone is buying that shit up. SKOL!
If you are at a bad restaurant and you feel obligated you have to make a choice don't criticize the person pointing out all the bad choices......leaveWhat is the alternative dude.
You keep saying this sh*t about Trump but we literally HAVE NO BETTER OPTION.
So.....what is the BETTER option already??
Just shit food. You fuckers probably put ketchup on steak.Good BBQ places in Bama will ask if you want Mayo or Vinegar slaw.![]()
Central Bank gold buying around the world is massive. Something major is coming and ain't gonna be good for the dollar.
We have all been dialed in on the scams they are trying to pull and gonna pull. I just pray it's a scare and not the real thing. I am ready for spring I don't need no nuclear winter now. haha SKOL!I've been predicting fake nuclear war for close to a year now. Complete with bogus media coverage, stay at home orders and more violations of our civil liberties all for the sake of our own good.
He’s not trying to win an election.My honest opinion is Trump is playing his part accordingly. Nothing about his whole run for president and his presidency itself makes any sense unless through the lense of him being scripted like the rest of them. JMHO SKOL!
If you are at a bad restaurant and you feel obligated you have to make a choice don't criticizw the person pointing out all the bad choices......leave
The only answer is self governance. A politician isn't going to do it......that's obvious