Ukraine Hit Today with one of the largest missile attacks in a year. 3 waves of missile's and drones.
Ukraine's largest thermal power plant destroyed.
Of course the Coke Head Dwarf of Kiev is winning. Him and his boys can see the spires of Moscow from his Audi Stretch Limo as him and Bono discuss war plans and snort coke.
Maybe this week end he will wring Putin's neck.
Ukraine's largest thermal power plant destroyed.
Of course the Coke Head Dwarf of Kiev is winning. Him and his boys can see the spires of Moscow from his Audi Stretch Limo as him and Bono discuss war plans and snort coke.
Maybe this week end he will wring Putin's neck.

“Zελένσκι καλημέρα”: Πιλότος Tu-95 εξαπολύει Kh-101 και δίνει το σύνθη
Εφιαλτικές στιγμές ζει από το πρωί η Ουκρανία καθώς η Ρωσία έχει εξαπολύσει διαδοχικές πυραυλικές επιθέσεις στο σύνολο της ουκρανικής επι