Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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No Fn detail. Whats up with Antarctica
That is the question. Still no good reason commercial flights can't take routes over that continent. They say for safety reasons but we know that is utter bs. North or south is up to debate but Byrd says the earth is hollow??? Whatever is going on it is not save the penguins! haha SKOL!
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They all met as a group with all the Government agencies to coordinate and plan the censorship.
They even conducted dry-run planning sessions with those agencies on a possible future Russian hack and the targeted subject hack was Hunter Biden's laptop months before the NY Post story broke.

None of the Twitter witnesses yesterday found that odd.
No shit Sherlock!
The jig is up! Not really related but the line reminded me of this song. SKOL!

When a female takes testosterone, the profound and permanent effects of the hormone can be seen in a matter of months. Voices drop, beards sprout, body fat is redistributed. Sexual interest explodes, aggression increases, and mood can be unpredictable. Our patients were told about some side effects, including sterility. But after working at the center, I came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor.
Copied from another site I follow.......

I am keeping an eye on the money spigots for the big event. The UKR war is largely a distraction. Imo, the ever widening of the war by USA vs Russia, then China is all about replacing their competitors. If the US can’t compete and, facing financial collapse, it has deployed sabotage and theft.

The 2022 USA trade deficit is $1 trillion and its budget deficit is $1.4 trillion, the latter does not include off-books liabilities. [you mean they keep off-books accounting? Not looking good.]

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of US Treasury, noted the two deficits are largely funded by petrodollars –
“For a half century the petrodollar has supported the value of the US dollar and ensured financing for America’s large budget and trade deficits”

Fast forward. The seizure of RF's Foreign Reserves held in gold and USTs (not Grenada, she) has put into question the custodial safety of other countries’ Foreign Reserve accounts. Additionally, the western dimwits have announced, “China is a threat”, - meaning, after Russia, they are slated for the slaughter and sanctions queue.

As Mr. Lavrov recently observed (those dimwits) “they forgot something” >>>

When it applies to budgets, that ‘missing something’ is the fact that China is the largest buyer of USA debt – USTs .

The Dragon whispered, “Oops, let’s be proactive.”

China is dumping USDs and buying gold, for storage at home and out of harm’s way. Not only China, - - “Foreign Selling of U.S. Treasuries is Accelerating”
Source: LINK

Red phone emergency calls for Ms. Yellen and Mr. Powell.
Well, karma is a B*tc*. You shouldn’t have stole Russia’s foreign reserves.
I am on record from way back when Trump picked that guy as saying I never trusted him. There is/was something very off about him. He is the Judas in this play and I believe we all saw him sell out our country for a coin. SKOL!
I always thought he was a weak pussy. My dad had a name for people like him, he would say he is anybody's dog that will hunt with him.
DC is full of people like him.

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