Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^how are we not #1^^

Would be fun to watch those lesbo soccer women run around the pitch dressed head to toe in black in 110 degree weather.

^^how are we not #1^^
Only jv teams rated here. We’re VARSITY
I’m not trying to sound like an asshole here, but the homes I’ve lived in we’ve never had a problem with rats.

Is it a regional problem?
Most people never see the rodents in and around their homes unless there are many. Based on the number of rat boxes I have placed out around homes and businesses, there are lots of rodents as the boxes are usually empty of bait each time I go by to check. They don't discriminate on where they go. I've seen as many or more in the high rent districts as the Sec 8 districts. Had some Vietnamese at one Sec 8 complex. They would trap, cook and eat rats. They didn't want rat boxes anywhere near their buildings.

The point I'm making is the gov't is going to restrict the use of these pesticides soon and the costs to cure the problem will increase. Restriction is the first step. The goal among the NWO is to eliminate all pesticides. Hence, the push for bugs in food.

^^how are we not #1^^

Great line in the Saudi sponsorship article. “We don’t have enough big money sponsors and it costs $400M to put this on. We hope to break even”.

And the women want equal pay. It’s all a scam!!!
I laid out facts, you can't defend or dispute them. Which makes you angry, for some reason. If reporting facts is viewed as a "personal attack", that should tell you that you've got a you-problem. It's not that I know something special or secret, it's right out in the open. Has been for some time.

What's really pathetic that you invest hope in a guy who spits on his constituency out of one side of his mouth, while praising them out the other. And even knowing it, you continue to follow after him like a lost puppy looking for a home.

What is there to meet in the middle about regarding Trump? He's either disastrously incompetent or an agent of the deep state. Another option, that he's who he said he was, just made some bad choices, is not a viable opinion, given what we've seen in the last few weeks alone, even if we ignore Denn's list above. What should we be discussing? Considering his (Paul Ryan's) tax cut, a handful of other items and ignore the herd of elephants in the room? The vaccine. How is he not to blame? He is probably right now at this moment telling someone somewhere that it's his. Hugh Hefner didn't take the photos of naked girls nor type celebrity interview articles at Playboy, but it was his magazine, no? Trump's vaccine. You and Stew Peters wishing it were otherwise doesn't make it so.

If only you held Trump to any semblance of the standard you to which you wish to hold random message board posters.
Man from a 10,000 foot view. You do and have done none of that. Nothing you said lays out facts. Ive followed everything from a far and rarely post anymore. You make no sense in almost every post. We have to have a president and Don Trump is the best fit for the job. Whats the alternative? Its that simple. All you do is rail against everything and never offer anything. you say you laid out facts. What facts did you lay out? That trump talks out of both sides of his mouth? Or that you laid out facts? You move goal posts and use absolutes all the time. Its just really bizarre. You using and accusing others of having "faith" is a play, and doesnt make any sense.


^^The long term Senators and congressman are the biggest threat to America and the "Democracy" they claim to love^^

Ezra Miller, DC's the Flash, has been arrested a few times and still has charges outstanding and DC won't fire him. He beat a woman, started a fight and vandalized a bar and is accused of kidnapping a girl and holding a gun on her parents... rumor is that he's still at DC because he can accurately describe the penis of every big money freak in Hollywood. We'll see. If a normal straight dude says "honey" to an actress they can him yet this freak just keeps getting paid.
Not surprising given the new head of DC is pedo Gunn
Pathetic. Every Hollywood Classic movie has to be retold to make a POS Black or FAG or Lesbo the hero. Because none of them accomplished SFA on their own. FFS some of the dumb shits even think Wakanda is real.
Now we have Feminist losers re writing Geoge Orwell's 1984 to suit Feminist Asswipes.

Complete bullshit. Vast majority of police are great people and patriots.
I agree with this. Having been raised for a good portion of my life by a LEO, I can attest to what I have seen. He did tell me about the bad eggs there though, and the amount of politics that go in making decisions. Those that become the commissioner or captain have to play those politics or they will not get to that position. He also said to me when I was in my early teens that police officers need to be more about protecting the people and not play to their own the ambitions or that of the higher ups and politicians. We do need a police force in this country. IMO.
I agree with this. Having been raised for a good portion of my life by a LEO, I can attest to what I have seen. He did tell me about the bad eggs there though, and the amount of politics that go in making decisions. Those that become the commissioner or captain have to play those politics or they will not get to that position. He also said to me when I was in my early teens that police officers need to be more about protecting the people and not play to their own the ambitions or that of the higher ups and politicians. We do need a police force in this country. IMO.
Without the police we would have anarchy. It’s interesting to read supposed patriots on here calling out police. It sounds just like blm/dems and their desire to defund.
Pathetic. Every Hollywood Classic movie has to be retold to make a POS Black or FAG or Lesbo the hero. Because none of them accomplished SFA on their own. FFS some of the dumb shits even think Wakanda is real.
Now we have Feminist losers re writing Geoge Orwell's 1984 to suit Feminist Asswipes.

And nobody will watch. It’s comical.

People bitching about 6% mortgages. My first was at 10% in 1981 and that was state mortgage backed money. The rate at other lenders was 14%+.

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