Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Hypocritical of Trump who allowed the allowed Fauci his “2 weeks to flatten to curve”

So tired of Trump. Thought he was a clown most my life, then changed my mind when he was taking bullet after bullet from the deep state. But maybe he is "controlled opposition" this board loves talking about? Either way - he needs to go away as a candidate. Way too many bad decisions - purposeful or not. I mean dude is still supporting Graham and Ronna? GMAFB. He knows better by now. So......
Do you think Americans will wake up when Biden's Policies see 100M plus incinerated American dead in the USA?
When another 1-200M dead in the EU/UK. And God knows how many millions in Russia and Asia.

Now he is giving Zelinsky F16's and long range missiles to strike deep into Russia.

If you do not have a plan to survive thermonuclear war, make one.

So tired of Trump. Thought he was a clown most my life, then changed my mind when he was taking bullet after bullet from the deep state. But maybe he is "controlled opposition" this board loves talking about? Either way - he needs to go away as a candidate. Way too many bad decisions - purposeful or not. I mean dude is still supporting Graham and Ronna? GMAFB. He knows better by now. So......
It could be that he controls them now. People were pissed when he supported McCarthy for Speaker, but he seems to be doing the right thing so far.
It surely does throw people into a tizzy when you tell them you don't text or do any of that code bullshit. Sam's had to get 3 managers involve to get me my tax software (online order). They didn't know how to respond if I didn't go get in their drive-in line and text them I was there so they could bring the product to me. They simply could have given it to me at the door where they keep online orders. But no. Finally a manager just went into the storage area and got it for me. Took over 15 minutes.
I consistently piss people off doing the same thing. Fuck your QR codes and everything that goes with it. I mostly do it at restaurants...I tell them I'm old and want a menu, then I tell them I'm a pureblood so I won't be contracting or spreading the rona. These youngsters are beside themselves when I make my demands. They know the "customer is always right" saying but you can see the aggravation in the faces, mannerism.
CULTURE not color!
Not just that. The news only shows the black race ever getting hurt or what ever by the police. They never talk about Whites that have been abused. Furthermore, have you heard any news network say this was 5 BLACK cops that killed the dude? Nope but i guaradamnteeit if they were white it would be plastered all over the news
Its like whites are the cause of everyone 's problems. FUCK all the news. I have said this before, the only way this country gets out of the shit it is in is to declare war on all three branches of govt and place them in jail or 6 feet under and elect new people with term limits. Must follow constitution.
Also, Get rid of every fucking illegal. Only let those who want to come in legally and they must assimilate to American Culture
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Lebron is a huge fag, but so is Dave and his pizza reviews.

Lebron is low IQ, Kamala Harris level critical thinking..

But it was a foul. Those aren’t Lebrons fingers on his shooting forearm. View attachment 165044

He looked like me after Ruggles missed his field goal in the Peach a bowl. I was drunk, stoned, slapped the ground once like I was on defense, and went and smoked some more pot while you faggit Georgia fans unclinched your assholes and celebrated.

Losing is getting to him, he chased titles only to pay 20% more in taxes, make a shitty space jam movie, and waste his last 4 years of his career.
I hate that Commy loving sack of shit. May his career end badly !
So tired of Trump. Thought he was a clown most my life, then changed my mind when he was taking bullet after bullet from the deep state. But maybe he is "controlled opposition" this board loves talking about? Either way - he needs to go away as a candidate. Way too many bad decisions - purposeful or not. I mean dude is still supporting Graham and Ronna? GMAFB. He knows better by now. So......
He needs to pick his Jekyll or Hyde persona and stick with it.

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