Check out this fag…
I wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't stop to say hello either..I listened to it live. Fk that guy. I'd deck him if I saw him. Him and his boyfriend Herbstreit
LooksSounds like the whole pride got a meal
Vladimir Putin is "weaponising food", and the impact is being felt around the world, the boss of one of the world's biggest fertiliser firms has warned.
Svein Tore Holsether, from Yara, said countries needed to cut their reliance on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine hit global food supplies and prices.
Russia is a top exporter of fertilisers and chemicals used to make them.
But the war has caused supply issues and driven up the price of natural gas, which is key to fertiliser production.
As a result, global fertiliser prices have hit record levels and forced farmers to raise food prices, putting pressure on consumers worldwide.
"Putin has weaponised energy and they're weaponising food as well," Mr Holsether told the BBC at the start of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
The warning echoes concern from the International Monetary Fund. Also speaking to the BBC, its managing director Kristalina Georgieva said the world should "move attention today to fertilisers, because this is where we see particular threat for food production and therefore food prices in 2023".
She added: "Fertiliser prices remain very high.
Production of ammonia [which is used to make fertiliser] in the European Union, for example, shrank dramatically.
All of this is connected, of course, to the impact of Russia's war on gas prices and gas availability."
Russia stockpiled fertiliser for domestic use last year.
While its exports declined, the record prices paid for fertiliser led to a 70% increase in export revenues, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Moscow increased exports to countries such as India and Turkey.
Russia also produces enormous amounts of nutrients, like potash and phosphate - key ingredients in fertilisers, which enable plants and crops to grow.
Mr Holsether called this dependency a "powerful weapon".
"With energy we've built an infrastructure in Europe on cheap Russian gas and we see the consequences and the cost of that right now with food and fertiliser."
He pointed out that half of the world's food production is dependent on fertiliser.
"If you see significant disruptions on that, that's a very powerful weapon."
'Severe impacts'
Last week economists reported that sharp increases in fertiliser costs could lower food production yields so much that by the end of the decade, an increase in agricultural land equivalent to "the size of much of Western Europe" would be required to meet demand globally.
Dr Peter Alexander of the School of Geosciences at Edinburgh University said: "This could be the end of an era of cheap food.
While almost everyone will feel the effects of that on their weekly shop, it's the poorest people in society, who may already struggle to afford enough healthy food, who will be hit hardest.
"While fertiliser prices are coming down from the peaks of earlier this year, they remain high and this may still feed through to continued high food price inflation in 2023."
Sustained high fertiliser prices could increase food prices by 74% from 2021 levels by the end of this year, the study calculated, raising fears of "up to one million additional deaths and more than 100 million people undernourished if high fertiliser prices continue".
Yara's boss Mr Holsether warned that the impact of all of this is being felt around the world.
"Russia is the world's largest exporter of fertiliser, so it will have global implications.
We've seen some of that from the disruptions already and there is a need for Russian fertiliser in order to maintain global food production," he said.
"But my message here is that we also need to think about the next phase to reduce, to avoid the dependency on Russia.
Because when that is being used as a weapon in war, we cannot go back to how it used to be."
Leave Krakow out of it, great city and beautiful blondesZelinsky to get F16's. US Senators, Lindsay Graham, Blumenthal and Whitehouse demand Biden send F16's.
I hope Russia's 1st Nuclear missiles take out DC, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Krakow. And NYC so as to take out the UN.
Fuck Around and Find Out.
H Oυκρανία θα πάρει και F-16: Ξεκίνησε η συζήτηση παραχώρησης μαχητικών – "Σε έξι μήνες θα έχουν εκπαιδευτεί οι Ουκρανοί" - WarNews247
Η Ουκρανία εκτιμά ότι οι πιλότοι της θα χρειαστούν περίπου έξι μήνες εκπαίδευσης για να μάθουν να πετούν δυτικά μαχητικά,
I will say it again. From 1945 to 1991 we had real wise cold warriors that kept America safe.It's not just Tanks.
Exclusive - Lt. Col. Daniel Davis Warns of Nuclear War: U.S. Has ‘No Plan’ in Ukraine, This Is Not a ‘Video Game’
Providing new tanks to Ukraine won’t change the reality on the ground of the current conflict with Russia, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, who claimed the United States has “no plan” or strategy and warned of the real-world danger of invoking NATO’s “mutual defense”
100% Obama got rid of the Old War Dogs, and put in his queers and steers.I will say it again. From 1945 to 1991 we had real wise cold warriors that kept America safe.
They understood MAD and did not play freaking games with nuclear armed nations.
This current group doesn't understand MAD and are playing with our lives.
They are drunk on their own arrogance.
This is interesting.
And I don’t see no horns on them so they must be…….100% Obama got rid of the Old War Dogs, and put in his queers and steers.
So I sold my car right before used car market tanks.This is sad days for America.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
If I were in charge of the account. My first post would be about abortion, and how making woman give birth is the same as rape. Making babies the most likely age group to be rapers. Therefore abortion is good.
Things Get Awkward Between John McEnroe And Chris Fowler Over Novak Djokovic's Vaccine Status
Things got a bit uncomfortable when John McEnroe and Chris Fowler got a bit snippy over treatment of Novak
Anita B DayI only have one good Twitter account remaining the other 4 are still @Bant
Can someone set one up?
And what will be our "Name"?
Something Catchy like the Dr Ita Beatin (sp) account
All Senior Generals and Admirals. Irreplaceable Experience.And I don’t see no horns on them so they must be…….
Oly Race treated sooooo badHey they built America. They even designed and built Washington DC. The White House and all the Monuments.
In later years they moved on to Shuttle Launches and brain surgery.
Their big downfall was KFC and Popeyes Chicken.
Billons of Dead Chickens is their lasting Legacy.
I am seeing these lowered hiring standards in the city I work for. Longtime hiring tests and standards were changed 3 years ago to make hiring more equitable. It is especially noticeable with the law enforcement personnel.When you pay cops shit
When you lower the sense of right vs wrong in society
When policy makes you hire almost anyone
The result you get is above
When you pay cops shit
When you lower the sense of right vs wrong in society
When policy makes you hire almost anyone
The result you get is above