Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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When the troops of Roman consul Marcus Fulvius Nobilior besieged the Greek town of Ambracia in 189 BC, the defenders proved remarkably effective against the Roman battering rams, so the general decided to go under the wall instead. The Ambracians soon realized, despite Marcus's efforts at concealment, that tunnels were being dug, and they started digging their own tunnels, until the twain met under the city. At first the confrontation was conventional—they tossed spears at each other—but when shields and wattle screens deflected the weapons, the defenders got crafty.

In Histories 21.28 Polybius describes how the Greeks took a jar as wide as the tunnel, bored a hole in the bottom and inserted an iron funnel into it. They then filled the jar with chicken feathers, lit a fire next to the mouth of the jar, and topped it with an iron lid peppered with holes. When they got to the enemy's position, they placed the jar in the tunnel and filled in the empty space around it, creating a block with only two holes on each side just wide enough for spears to be thrust through to keep the Romans from messing with the jar.

Burning feathers don't just smell painfully acrid. Combustion of the cysteine in feathers releases toxic sulfur compounds. This was the first known use of poison gas against a Roman siege tunnel and while it worked like a charm in the moment, it wasn't enough to defeat the Roman army. Shortly after the weaponized burning feather incident, a group of envoys from Athens and Rhodes convinced the city to surrender to Marcus Fulvius.
OK you win. ha ha ha.
This is interesting.

So this was either a staged psyop or subsequently utilized for the same purpose ala the late great george floyd......basically the blacks have been engineered to be America's Palestinians pawns in a greater game

Interesting how the cops know they are being filmed and continue to beat on the guy as he screams, "mom." taylor made for the intended audience

Mass media is the weapon of the terrorists

When it's not throwing artillery your way it puts on a circus aka sports

"football, beer, and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult" - George Orwell.....I am guilty of all 3 but things will continue to devolve until the bread and circuses end
Most of the growth in GDP reported by Government is really just government Deficit Spending.
Not real economic growth
Government spending.. less participation in spending by consumer...savings gone...onto credit cards...slow down all around.
DC and the Top US Military are a bunch of Morons. Nobody wins a Nuclear Waar with Russia and that is what thy seem to be pushing for, America's Generals and Secretary of Defense are Zombies.
It’s not gonna happen. Much hysteria over nothing. There will not be a nuclear war.

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