Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I would love one of these babies. Ruger Redhawk short barreled in .44 mag. Shooting hard cast semi wadcutters in 250 gr.
Oh$1400. Hm.
Lebron is a huge fag, but so is Dave and his pizza reviews.

Lebron is low IQ, Kamala Harris level critical thinking..

But it was a foul. Those aren’t Lebrons fingers on his shooting forearm. View attachment 165044

He looked like me after Ruggles missed his field goal in the Peach a bowl. I was drunk, stoned, slapped the ground once like I was on defense, and went and smoked some more pot while you faggit Georgia fans unclinched your assholes and celebrated.

Losing is getting to him, he chased titles only to pay 20% more in taxes, make a shitty space jam movie, and waste his last 4 years of his career.
He's going to be the all time leading scorer in and in 10 years he'll slip to being considered 3rd best player all time. That playoff record is going to look horrible in hindsight especially with who he played with.
Iran blowing up. No msm reports yet.
Light Years from Home, 29.01.23 post 412

Iran was attacked last night more than 6 times, government buildings, oil facilities, armament factories, all over the country.Big explosions huge fires. Internet stopped and in my stupid country I can not access Russian media. Get to twitter, #Iran under attack.Bleak info. Suspects are well known Israel, USA, the front line of war being enlarged.

God help them.
I was telling my dad about it and he watches news on and off all day long. He said he hasn't seen a blip about it on any channels... weird huh.

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