What says you I thought DV calls were some of the most dangerous but not according to Lunch bucket Joe.
I think they were wearing them long before covid. I recall seeing Japanese tourist groups when in DC all wearing masks like a decade ago. I'd never seen such.
This place is getting a bit too woke for me.*Asian
Rugs are Oriental
YepMurica should’ve went austerity in 08’, but banks owned the politicians and all all that.
Rugs are Oriental
Bannon got arrested for refusing a congressional subpoena... LOL.So it begins.........
DOJ declines House GOP requests to hand over investigation materials
Jordan is likely to receive similarly guarded responses from federal agencies in his capacity as head of the weaponization panel.justthenews.com
We took 40 someodd collapsing banks that were “too big to fail” & facilitated the combination of them into less than 10 mega banks gave the ceos golden parachutes, prosecuted no one, & let small businesses collapse by the thousands & home foreclosures by the millions all on the taxpayers dime.