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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
My sister works at a hospital and took the original shot, but no boosters. I hope that saves her life. It was basically 'take the shot right now today, or get your things and go.' AFAIK, she's the only family of mine that's taken any of the shots.
Both my kids were required to get jabbed but they refuse to allow my 3 grandkids the shot


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Keep at it - I've dropped 28-30 "ballots" this weekend.
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Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
On the fence? Facts are facts. McCarthy bribed her and she went all in.

Now she can have all the coke filled extramarital sects orgies she wants. Most people have a price.
Jan 8, 2021
That is the most ignorant, dumbassed post I have read on this forum and I have been here since day one. The military WAS FORCED, health care workers, WERE FORCED, professional athletes, WERE FORCED. To say that everyone could have simply said “no” and quit is fucking laughable. We were in a complete lockdown with no options to support ourselves and our families. On top of that, while many of us suspected it, we are only now finding out the true depth of the lies. I hope you are just trying to be cute here and this is some sick troll. I would hope no one could be this ignorant.

Point stands. People need to have some accountability for the decisions THEY made. And people could have said “no”, again, because it wasn’t forced.

That’s not to say people weren’t coerced, deceived, and had their livelihoods threatened. I feel for people that were put in that position to make that decision. But again, there was a decision to be made. I don’t remember stories of people being strapped down to beds and forcibly injected. If you have free will you aren’t “forced” but I understand what you are getting at
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Jan 7, 2021
Point stands. People need to have some accountability for the decisions THEY made. And people could have said “no”, again, because it wasn’t forced.

That’s not to say people weren’t coerced, deceived, and had their livelihoods threatened. I feel for people that were put in that position to make that decision. But again, there was a decision to be made. I don’t remember stories of people being strapped down to beds and forcibly injected. If you have free will you aren’t “forced” but I understand what you are getting at
First, I apologize for my response to your original post. I ht me in a way that most posts do not. I am nearly 60 and my wife is 55. Two years ago we were within 2 weeks of our companies forcing us to get the shot or losing our jobs. But for the grace of god, the SCOTUS stepped in and stopped the mandates. But what if it had not acted in time? My wife and I have to work, we have kids in college. We help elderly family members. WE COULD NOT SURVIVE WITHOUT OUR JOBS!! My daughter and wife and I did not take the shot and I am happy we didn’t. However, my 23 old son did get the initial two Pfizer shots. I go to bed every night preying that god will take care of him. He has already suffered from a mild case of Bell’s palsy. I will go to my grave obsessed with the fact that I should have done more to change his mind. God bless all of us that are living in todays world.

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