Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Late Thursday Update – the House of Representatives is still working through the process of selecting a Speaker. If you missed my posts this past Sunday and Tuesday, please take a moment to read those for broader context.

I want to start off by saying this:

What’s playing out in the House is a bit chaotic, but that’s a good thing. The fact this hasn’t happened in the last “umpteen years” is neither here nor there. We OUGHT to have a strong debate about the Speaker and his/her priorities. It is NOT healthy for party members to blindly follow the Establishment. And it is CERTAINLY appropriate to make sure the individual who will ultimately control everything in the House for the next two years is a person who can be trusted, and who is capable of the job.

I love the pundits on television claiming the “work of the people” isn’t getting done because, heaven forbid, the House has to take a few days to work through this process. Give me a break. We’ve been through FOUR YEARS of total dysfunction while Democrats were in the majority, so a few days of housekeeping on the front end of this congressional term is not the end of the world. We’re going to be fine. (And no, despite the scare tactics you’re hearing, a Democrat is not going to be elected Speaker.)

Here’s where things currently stand:

As I’ve said here and in countless interviews, my #1 objective in Washington right now is to put our nation on a trajectory towards a balanced budget and paying down our outrageous mountain of debt. A reasonable timeframe to balance the budget is probably around 7-10 years, depending on which experts you’re listening to. By “reasonable” I mean a plan that is healthy for our economy and will allow time for the various functions of the federal government to safely adapt.

7-10 years is NOT unreasonable! In fact, it’s awful that our spending is so out-of-control that it’ll take that long just to get back to the point where we’re breaking even. We don’t have a revenue problem. Instead, we have a spending problem, and Republicans are just as much to blame. Perhaps more so.

I believe the House Speaker has a critical role to play in restoring fiscal sanity to Washington. The status quo is failing us, so I want firm assurances that the next Speaker is able & willing to leverage every tool within his/her disposal to work towards spending reductions, a balanced budget, and ultimately digging ourselves out of this crippling debt.

Talks and discussions are ongoing, and I’m actively involved in many of those as we try to find common ground and an acceptable path forward. I don’t know which Republican will ultimately be Speaker, nor do I know how many more hours or days this may take. But I do know this…

We’re going to get through it, and we’re going to be better off on the other side precisely because we’re going through this process now.
I posted on the 29th and he was last seen on the 1st. So he has been back. Like OPD said, you can look on the previous page to see it. He used to post nearly every day multiple times a day. I always looked for his Ukraine updates.
He posted for the last time on the 30th....I believe he posted half a dozen times after that mention by yoreself. I also thought the same thing about numerous posts per day and dwindled quickly after that. Coincidence? Maybe. I remember him saying he was about to turn 74 real soon....maybe had to travel to see some of the covert buddies for an FSF update and bday party.
Thank the Skoll Brothers for bringing this to our attention. Don't know if true, but a good discussion and break from the dog face pony show in DC right now.
How the hell did I miss this? What was it that made people start thinking he was a fed?

That being said, I posted this a few months ago that I wholeheartedly believed that the FSF was being read by the federal government. Too many of us “dangerous” conservative types on this website.
How the hell did I miss this? What was it that made people start thinking he was a fed?

That being said, I posted this a few months ago that I wholeheartedly believed that the FSF was being read by the federal government. Too many of us “dangerous” conservative types on this website.
I imagine you're correct....I figure most are lurking and taking notes etc...with a few engaging in certain dialogues, posts of articles etc... It was first brought up as a little tongue in cheek but started to make some sense as some folks had certain thoughts or suspicions.

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