Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
In their defense, Crocs have always been gay.




Commander of U.S. forces in Ukraine: "It's a corrupt, f@@@n society run by psychopaths – They commit atrocities"​

US Commander of US Forces in Ukraine. Says it is a Corrupt Shithole and War Crimes are being committed by Ukraine Leadership. WH in full spin mode.

The video has caused an uproar inside and outside Ukraine. Especially in Kiev. Milburn issued a second statement insisting that "war crimes have been committed by the Ukrainian leadership."
Milburn is the head of forces of PMC Mozart, a private mercenary company founded in March 2022 as the rival of Russian PMC Wagner. Mozart's forces are the ones holding the Ukrainian Army upright in Bakhmut.


Bakhmut is falling! – Advisor Zelensky: "We have thousands of dead"- 30 times greater casualties than the Russians! – Ukrainians ambushed (hard video)​

Zelensky we have thousands of dead, slaughter.

Was there another site besides ammoseek mentioned?
there are multiple sites: 2awarehouse, 1st round ammo, palmetto armory etc

but at ammoseek you just enter the ammo your looking for and theyll find you the best deal, simple

remember dont fall for the scam about pay us on a pay app first (venmo, paypal) and then we'll ship the ammo when we receive confirmation. be able to purchase using a cc

Commander of U.S. forces in Ukraine: "It's a corrupt, f@@@n society run by psychopaths – They commit atrocities"​

US Commander of US Forces in Ukraine. Says it is a Corrupt Shithole and War Crimes are being committed by Ukraine Leadership. WH in full spin mode.

The video has caused an uproar inside and outside Ukraine. Especially in Kiev. Milburn issued a second statement insisting that "war crimes have been committed by the Ukrainian leadership."
Milburn is the head of forces of PMC Mozart, a private mercenary company founded in March 2022 as the rival of Russian PMC Wagner. Mozart's forces are the ones holding the Ukrainian Army upright in Bakhmut.

I linked that video a coule pages back. That dude got trashed on that podcast and just kept getting more and more honest as it went.

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