Was there another site besides ammoseek mentioned?i just got a good deal on 300 black out, 300 rounds for $149, check them out
also ammoseek, theyll find you the best deals, just search your desired ammo
be careful of entities asking you to pay via a pay app first, then theyll send you the ammo, avoid this scam
Ima kill the next mfer that says ‘nothing burger’!
That is one fag ass SOB.What a pussy...
there are multiple sites: 2awarehouse, 1st round ammo, palmetto armory etcWas there another site besides ammoseek mentioned?
I linked that video a coule pages back. That dude got trashed on that podcast and just kept getting more and more honest as it went.Commander of U.S. forces in Ukraine: "It's a corrupt, f@@@n society run by psychopaths – They commit atrocities"
US Commander of US Forces in Ukraine. Says it is a Corrupt Shithole and War Crimes are being committed by Ukraine Leadership. WH in full spin mode.
The video has caused an uproar inside and outside Ukraine. Especially in Kiev. Milburn issued a second statement insisting that "war crimes have been committed by the Ukrainian leadership."
Milburn is the head of forces of PMC Mozart, a private mercenary company founded in March 2022 as the rival of Russian PMC Wagner. Mozart's forces are the ones holding the Ukrainian Army upright in Bakhmut.
Διοικητής Αμερικανικών δυνάμεων στην Ουκρανία: «Είναι μια διεφθαρμέν
“Διεφθαρμένη, γ@@@νη κοινωνία” που διοικείται από “ψυχοπαθείς ανθρώπους” χαρακτήρισε την Ουκρανία και την ηγεσία της ο Διοικητής των αμερικανικών και μισθοφορικών δυνάμεων που πολεμούν στην χώρα, κυρίως στο Bakhmut, Andrew Milburn , ένας απόστρατος πεζοναύτης των ΗΠΑ. Το βίντεο έχει προκαλέσει...warnews247.gr
They trashed him because he was drinking on set....I linked that video a coule pages back. That dude got trashed on that podcast and just kept getting more and more honest as it went.
Just for a millisecond, I read this as cock.Should be in an institution on daily dose of electro shock.