Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I don't think it was against Fauci's will, but rather against a discipline he maintained for most of his career.

Tony Fauci wasn't a household name until 2020, yet he'd been in his position for 25 years.

The public had to understand who he was and what role NAID plays in the system. That was accomplished via the COVID response.

If you take out Big Pharma, but leave the research and health system infrastructure in place, you will simply see a new generation of Big Pharma emerge and the game continues. Gotta get that tick out by the head.

Related to original post from yesterday: https://www.beckershospitalreview.c...italE&utm_medium=email&utm_content=newsletter
Maybe another kinsey statue

You are making very big leaps from his fame. I do think they are overshooting the runway but that is due to their own depravity, delusion, arrogance etc
The English is limited here, though you can get by.

Part of the reason I moved here is to go from conversant to fluent.

In addition to immersion I'm doing live on-line one on one lessons with a Spanish tutor.

My cost is a whopping $7.50 and hour.

Based on the program if I attend every day by this time next year I'll be fluent.

I look at it as an investment I spend just under $2k to become fluent in about a year.

How many more loans can I do in Texas if I speak Spanish fluently?

Better yet how many more girls can I communicate with in their native tongue?

The demographics say I'm investing wisely.

Here is the website - you can do it for most any language in the world.

Really cool -

Come on Down - The Weather is Great!
Thanks for the reply. I hope to take you up on that offer one day. Cheers!
I don't recognize my own country anymore.
Me neither. I am 74 in a couple of weeks and I can smell a woman ovulating 10 ft away.
Old Alpha's are Alpha's to the end. Years ago I took my then 14 year old daughter shopping in the city in a big mall. She's a little tiny blonde.
This black punk that was hanging with his bro's moved in like a coyote his eyes all over my daughter. He asked for a cigarette. My answer you best get the fuck away from me fast unless you want cut bad. Gone in 60 seconds.
My innocent daughter was Daddy, he only wanted a cigarette.
Lavrov states Pentagon has threatened to assassinate Putin.
I guess the Pentagon and the Criminal Biden can not figure out the consequences of such an act by the USA.
Biden has not been in control for a long time. This kind of talk is very unbecoming for a Great Nation like America. It is also LUNACY of the 1st degree. It will mean 100 M dead Americans if they do this.
America needs to clean out its stables. DC and all associated branches are over ripe and rotting. Maybe America needs a South American tradition of a good old fashioned military Coup de etat. Round them up and show them the wall
The leader of Motzart group gave a drunken interview where he admitted to seeing Ukr soldiers routinely commit war crimes. Jimmy Dore with a clip about it and then the full interview if you want to see it. Motzart is a US private military army operating in Bahkmut Ukr since late summer.

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