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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021
That is the best soldier and warrior that the entire land known as the United State of America has ever produced.

That is includes greater than Grant, Sherman, Patton, McArthur, etc., etc.

Greater than all of them.
I agree. Although I would put General George Washington above him, after all Washington gave us America warts and all.
Of course I am biased, because after Franklin, Jefferson, Washington etc they broke the mold.


Jan 9, 2021
I agree. Although I would put General George Washington above him, after all Washington gave us America warts and all.
Of course I am biased, because after Franklin, Jefferson, Washington etc they broke the mold.
I can see the argument.

However the yankees having Jackson's troops bearing down on their ass that afternoon at Chancellorsville might have a different opinion.


Dec 1, 2020
I remember watching the entire thing unfold in real time. I had 2 videos set up in my office watching the certification and waiting for Trump.
I remember distinctly him starting late. Also, several Senators had gotten up to debate before Cruz. When he did take the floor, about half way through there was a news flash at the bottom of the screen saying the Capital is under siege.
Trump was wrapping up his speech and encouraging folks to "head on down" to the Capital to peacefully protest. Meanwhile, shit's already popping off there.
There is no way folks listening to Trump could make it the 1+ miles from the Ellipse to the Capital in such a short amount of time.
It really starts to make sense why the deep staters acted when they did. It was less about Trump and more about stopping Cruz from initiating the investigation.
It’s also why the Swamp has refused to make all available surveillance and other video available.

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