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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Wait, is @jdgnole an an faggit? News to me...bro, try not to be an an faggit...dicks belong in yore hand, not yore mouth, anoose, or anywhere else...but definitely not yore mouth...be less of an an faggit, and more of a man...

pro tip, I've heard, from a friend, that if you just take the tip, you won't puke...

Good talk, faggit.

You fuckin dick. I thought the browser wasn’t loading and refreshed 3 times


Jan 8, 2021
I have had it with this bullshit. I have no idea why women support it. These are not men that want to be women and dress up as such.

These are confused men that think it is fun to mock femininity. They dress up like clown women at a freak show. They are appropriating womanhood. And the women just go along with it because they don’t want to offend people that are blatantly doing things that should offend women.

Appropriation is a dirty word unless it’s a man or woman appropriating woman hood or man hood.
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