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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Cause he is winning and will be the next Reagan? People generally love a winner. Since you quoted me do you live in Florida? Listen, I don't want him to run, with the super majority in both houses and DeSantis along with control of the courts a lot of us down here hope they change the Florida constitution to allow 16 years of service and he stays for 12 more. But keep going with the guy that the media can cheat to beat and they will in 2 years. Trump has zero chance, they cheated in 2020 and they will again with him. They can't with DeSantis.

perhaps this has been answered so i apologise but what do your mean by "they cant cheat with desantis"

its obviously these people can rig any election they want for any candidate they chose

they give us the the plain as day red states as a bone and rig the swing states, stevie wonder can see that shit clearly

so how are they unable to do this to RD?


Jan 9, 2021
Posobiec on that podcast last night said that Ron only had 30% name recognition nationally. It's easy for people like us to say he's popular or people in the southeast to say it. But people out west and in the northeast have no idea who he is.
Where i am in the northeast, Ron is well known by both those that like and dislike him.


Dec 1, 2020

Love this on a local level. Area weekly free newspaper, leans left but generally fair, endorsed Elise and the liberals are enraged. Cancelling their electronic subscriptions or picking up the paper itself. Which is laughable because we know they like free shit. Even threatening the owner who is a nice guy who does some good local things. All while saying the right is the threat with violence.


Jan 8, 2021
Hilarious. Nobody can win if cheating is involved. If you are saying Trump can’t win straight up then I definitely disagree.

That’s the fact. They are mistaking can’t win with they won’t let him win.

I’m under the impression that unless election laws are changed and do away with mail in voting and Trump is the candidate he won’t win. THEY aren’t going to let him win. The steal 2020 was pretty egregious and nothing was done. They would just do the same thing in 2024 knowing nothing will be done. Or worse year knowing something will be done and using that to really come after conservatives as domestic terrorist.

The other option is Desantis. They could easily cheat Desantis out of 2024 if he’s the candidate. What does that say if they don’t?

Looks like we are in a tough spot

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
Exactly what the Dems want Pubs to be debating. Congrats, they fell for it. They want us infighting. It’s the only hope yet to prevent Trump from being our candidate.

Less than 48 hours after polls closed and Democrats emerged from the midterm election poised to take control of every branch of state government, the Michigan Republican Party released a scathing memo blaming their electoral failures largely on Tudor Dixon, her campaign and former president Donald Trump.

Dixon posted the memo publicly on social media, writing on Facebook “this is the perfect example of what is wrong with the Michigan Republican Party” and calling for “fresh leadership.”

She singled out Cordes and the party’s co-chairs, Ron Weiser and Meshawn Maddock in particular, writing they “all refuse to take ownership for their own failures. It’s easy to come out and point fingers now, but the truth is they fought against me every step of the way and put the entire ticket at risk.”

“You, Paul, as Chief of Staff, I will personally fire you on stage in February for lack of accountability and unity in the Republican party,” Putnam wrote in the letter. “The grassroot patriots want change and we elected Tudor, Matt (DePerno) and Kristin(a Karamo), and you left them out in the cold.”


One of the Main Maniacs for Sure
Dec 2, 2020
I am not going to post a side by side win % but if I did how would you respond?
That RDS did a great job of cleaning up Florida elections, something that can ONLY be done at the state level. Trump had no power to do it. If the same thing were to happen in every state, we'd never get another ridiculous idiot for a President again.

When the steal was on 2 years ago, Desantis had an opportunity to stand up and join the ranks of the "election deniers" and he chose not too and DJT is pissed that he didn't have his back. He has every right to express that. I wish he'd shut his mouth about it though. That does not necessarily mean RDS can't be trusted, but given that the biggest problem this country is up against is free and fair elections nationwide, that is NOT a small deal that RDS chose to quietly address it in Florida, but not shoulder any of the political weight nationally. That may have been the best thing for Florida, his career, his family, whatever. But if that isn't at least a yellow flag then you're not paying attention.

For the record I will vote for whichever one of them wins the nomination but I'm still DJT in the primaries unless I see a good reason to dump Trump and I've not seen it yet.

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