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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Never understood why USA ignore Saskatchewan and Alberta. Saskatchewan has 50% of the world's reserves of Potash fertilizer, and the largest high grade uranium deposits in the world.
Alberta has the 2 largest proven reserves of oil in the world. I say 2d because Saudi has never allowed an Independent Audit.

If we ever secure our southern border, the next step should be to annex Canada. The majority of the country would probably approve.


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 10, 2021
@Cyberty help me out here...not trying to be an ass born, poop coochie faggit...I dm'd you, so help me out, "bro"
Look at your links. They start with https. Standard links start with http.

http stands for “hyper text transfer protocol “.

https stands for “hyper text transfer protocol secured”.

You should only see https when you are going to purchase something because https creates a secure private tunnel from your device to the seller. This protects your credit card info from being intercepted. https works great for this.

However, because of that secure private data tunnel established by https, any site using it for “non merchant” type actions can also use the secure tunnel to send malware(virus) directly to your device. It is a known exploit used to Install malware. Just clicking on the link is all it takes to open your door to malware.


Dec 9, 2020
I do...............the "Jews" of today are not the Jews in biblical times
Do what now?

Are you trying make the argument Jew v Zionism?

And exactly which Jews do you deem worthy, if any?

And here's the thing. I don't think Jews are free from criricism just because they're Jewish. Just like I don't think anybody else is for whatever reason. But there is a line between discussion/criticism and antisemitism....just as there is for anybody else.

But your post....how it reads. Not only crosses that line, it circles back and wipes it away Bugs Bunny style.

Edit: I obviously skipped a lot of the conversation. I won't delete because, still, that post can easily be taken out of context and IN CONTEXT is still not good.

Your path in faith is yours. But be sure whatever path you take is pure of heart and true. Saying that you're choosing Team J because it's easier is a little bit.....gross and not true.
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Sep 19, 2021
You overstep.
You overstep.
I overstep? You help...right? Asshole, I've asked independently, and openly...I'm proud enough to fight, but also humble enough to ask for help...I've dm' you, or keep it open...if you'd like to embarrass me, ok, it's easily done...if you wanna talk, I've given instructions...I embarrass me every day...


Sep 19, 2021

I overstep? You help...right? Asshole, I've asked independently, and openly...I'm proud enough to fight, but also humble enough to ask for help...I've dm' you, or keep it open...if you'd like to embarrass me, ok, it's easily done...if you wanna talk, I've given instructions...I embarrass me every day...
Be an ass all you want..but I've offered


Jan 10, 2021

I overstep? You help...right? Asshole, I've asked independently, and openly...I'm proud enough to fight, but also humble enough to ask for help...I've dm' you, or keep it open...if you'd like to embarrass me, ok, it's easily done...if you wanna talk, I've given instructions...I embarrass me every day...
You overstep because you missed my post right before that gave you an explanation. Look above the post were I posted: “you overstep”. I gave you an explanation.

Here is some more info on the company that owns ifunny.


Please read my posts before you berate me.


Dec 1, 2020
The Original UN Agenda 21 called for banning humans from all wilderness areas then gradually forcing people into smart cities, and out of the countryside.
Hives of Socialist sheep.
These fools have big plans. Fuuuuuuck that! SKOL!


Nov 27, 2021


Sep 19, 2021
You overstep because you missed my post right before that gave you an explanation. Look above the post were I posted: “you overstep”. I gave you an explanation.

Here is some more info on the company that owns ifunny.


Please read my posts before you berate me.
Good info! I'm not discounting you! I could absolutely be wrong here...I just haven't had a problem...which could be THE problem...bro...I've dm'd you, or let's start another thread...


Dec 1, 2020
Now somebody is sabotaging undersea cables.
Gas pipelines blown now undersea cables.
Imagine the shitshow if NYC undersea cables were cut. Much bigger losses than gas pipelines.
What a mess
Shit has happened twice in the last year and a half to the ACORN cable from Washington State to AK. Excuse was a dragger got it raping, errr, raking the ocean floor. It can and does happen. I used to build the inshore fibre stations once the cable made it to shore. I have been aboard one of those cable laying ships. Only cable layers allowed aboard, haha SKOL! Anyways, it is always a pain in the ass but repairable. if these fools act like it's not then we can assume they fucked it up good or just turned the light off.
Jan 8, 2021
What exactly are you disagreeing with me about? Do you not think that the Ukrainians are on the outskirts of Kherson?

I've seen plenty of combat footage, but for the most part don't believe much. Those videos don't tell me much. Reading about Russians evacuating their people out of Kherson tells me something.

I'm one of these people you're calling out here... I share your skepticism for many media. But that should include all media. Why do you think Russian media has any more legitimacy than other western media? In this context, I'm excluding the American MSM. Do you believe the guy that @FreeMiner (not trying to call you out personally brother, just was your link) linked that claimed that large numbers of Russian T80 tanks are rolling in western Ukraine? Why am 8 supposed to believe some obscure YouTube channel, but ignore dozens of other media? Do you deny that the Ukrainians have pushed back the Russians in the last couple of months? Do you think that some of the things you believe about this war is complete bullshit, or do you only think that about others?

I wasn’t calling you out. I didn’t remember specific posters who shared the viewpoint of Ukraine winning the war.

I can’t answer any of your questions because I havent kept up with it almost at all, mainly because I don’t care. However, my intuition tells me the country getting shelled constantly and needing 50 billion every 6 weeks isn’t winning. It also tells me that if Russia really wanted to escalate the war it would be over rather quickly if that’s what they wanted. Last, but not least, as a rule of thumb anything the media tries to tell me is true I believe the opposite. The fact they tell us we need to support Ukraine and they are winning is why we probably shouldn’t support Ukraine and that they are in fact losing. I guess we will see who is right in the next 3-6 months


God Fearing Patriot
Jan 9, 2021
If Putin fucks up and sinks a Turkish ship it's game on boys, start digging the fall out shelters.

Look at your links. They start with https. Standard links start with http.

http stands for “hyper text transfer protocol “.

https stands for “hyper text transfer protocol secured”.

You should only see https when you are going to purchase something because https creates a secure private tunnel from your device to the seller. This protects your credit card info from being intercepted. https works great for this.

However, because of that secure private data tunnel established by https, any site using it for “non merchant” type actions can also use the secure tunnel to send malware(virus) directly to your device. It is a known exploit used to Install malware. Just clicking on the link is all it takes to open your door to malware.
What does TLS have to do with malware? Can't the malware you describe above also get sent in unencrypted traffic?

I wasn’t calling you out. I didn’t remember specific posters who shared the viewpoint of Ukraine winning the war.

I can’t answer any of your questions because I havent kept up with it almost at all, mainly because I don’t care. However, my intuition tells me the country getting shelled constantly and needing 50 billion every 6 weeks isn’t winning. It also tells me that if Russia really wanted to escalate the war it would be over rather quickly if that’s what they wanted. Last, but not least, as a rule of thumb anything the media tries to tell me is true I believe the opposite. The fact they tell us we need to support Ukraine and they are winning is why we probably shouldn’t support Ukraine and that they are in fact losing. I guess we will see who is right in the next 3-6 months
Fair enough... I share your skepticism about MSM, but I'm not going to blindly believe the opposite of whatever the MSM reports either.
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