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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
May 25, 2021

That seems to be written on the teleprompter. Are they purposely making him look bad now? Putting that lie in a speech is totally different than his senile mistakes and bullshit stories. This is a lie that nobody is buying including the left and at best you insult the intelligence of everyone who sees this. Bold strategy.
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Jan 9, 2021
Like that piece of shit Cramer Has ever been right about anything before


Nov 27, 2021
I've heard that we only have 16 himars systems in Ukraine at the moment. The rest are still being trained up or en route. One thing that makes me think he might be more right is how many stories and YT videos are coming out about how bad it is for Russia and how the knives are out in Russia for Putin. It comes off as propaganda to make sure we keep supporting this thing because if the truth came out nobody would want to carry on with status quo.

I try to watch europe media on this and they contradict themselves constantly in their reporting. They did a story about the iran drones saying that it showed Russia couldn't produce missiles but then said that they only cost $20000 and the anti aircraft systems Ukraine were using to shoot them down were around $400000 to shoot one down. They didn't even want to entertain that Russia was just launching a bunch of cheap drones at electric targets to weaken Ukraines air defense as well... it was just because Russia couldn't produce any drones themselves. I do know that one Nato guy was calling for Germany to supply 100's more tanks like it was a done deal but Germany is facing a huge energy inflation. They had to shutdown several manufacturing plants. I'm not sure Germany could produce 100 tanks by spring with what is going on there. The US had to shut down production of the f35 because china stopped shipping an alloy used to make the frame.

I think he's being more forward looking than what is happening right this second. We know Ukraine made tons of gains the last month but I think Col Mac is saying they took heavy losses to achieve those gains and Russia hasn't even put their new units into war in masse yet. I think he's saying there is no stomach for war in Europe and Russia wouldn't just roll over and then we are stuck there with a bunch of countries that don't want to be involved anymore during a global recession.

It sucks the media is so bad that we just don't know though. All we can do is watch different takes and try to find a middle truth. But I can't believe that Russia has lost 100,000 dead, 300,000 wounded and 25% of their aircraft and 1000 tanks and Ukraine has lost 8657 dead and 15000 wounded. When a media outlet puts that out it's comical. If that were anywhere close to true than Russia would have already imploded. Putin would be dead and a coup would of occurred.
Hey if it's not CNN or one of the 80 odd news outlets world wide owned by 6 corporations and those 6 owned by Blackrock it just can't be factual....


Jan 8, 2021
No links No CLIFFS.
LEAKED INFO: White House staff witnesses Joe Biden diarrhea episode . . ."there was puddles of shit all over the hallways"
The White House staff members asked to remain anonymous:

"It smelled really bad, we were all evacuated from the west wing and were not let back in until cleaning crews were done cleaning"

"The President was being supported by secret service agents on both sides because he could not stand on his own"

"The President has been having spontaneous bowel movements more often especially since his last booster shot for Covid"

View attachment 145393
View attachment 145394View attachment 145395
Evidently the clot shot doesn’t clot feces.


Jan 8, 2021
He has some interesting things to say that are not directly about the war in Ukraine, like how some countries are interested in de-dollarizing trade. But on the subject of Ukraine itself, he says some things that are clearly not true. Do you believe that there are massive numbers of Russian T80 tanks rolling through western Ukraine right now from Belarus? Really? Don't you think this would be something you would hear about in other media, especially Polish media? Also, it is the Russians who are having trouble replacing equipment, not Ukraine. Ukraine is being supplied with equipment from most of the West. It is Ukraine who has greater use of precision weapons, like HIMARS. Even the Russian media have admitted this. On the topic of the Russians falling back to more defensible terrain, getting ready to slaughter Ukrainians, I guess we'll see. From my vantage point, I don't see anything to make me think the Russian retreat will end anytime soon, and I also believe that the winter fighting will favor the Ukrainians, who have better equipment now.

Overall, I like this guy you posted because I like to get a variety of information. He does have lots of interesting things to say. Just on the topic of what is currently happening in Ukraine, I think he is delusional. Saying that Russian T80 tanks are in western Ukraine destroys his credibility.
Please provide the most compelling video of legitimate clashes between the 2 armies


Jan 8, 2021

These fucking punks need their asses kicked and disposed of once and for all.
Jan 8, 2021
Haven't seen that particular one with him but he thinks Ukraine is losing 4 or 5 to 1 in men and tanks during this offensive. He said the Counter Offensive started out with 40000 to 60000 men armies attacking on 5 fronts. He said that went down to 15000 size units attacking in 3 fronts. He said they are now down to attacking in groups of 500 to 800 in probing attacks.

He thinks that once Russia's backups show up that they will dog walk Urkraine without a huge game changer. He said Ukraine is calling up a 15000 man unit that nato has been training for spring but they need them really bad right now. The reason for the propaganda on how bad Russia is losing is to keep nato support and to hopefully create political unrest in Russia. He thinks that if people knew how bad it was on the ground we would drop all support and sue for peace.

He thinks that we will be pressured to put the 101st in a blocking pattern in Odessa to keep Russia from overtaking it and says that is probably the ww3 we all feared.

There has been a couple people on this site that has constantly repeated that Russia is losing this war. It’s crazy what people will believe as long as the tv tells them.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 9, 2021
It appears the price of all O&G products has been kept artificially low for the election. I expect them to skyrocket afterwards. That's when OBiden stops draining the reserves...except to send to China.
It doesn't matter what the price is now or after the election. Nothing moves in this country or the rest of the world without diesel. Production and distribution comes to a grinding halt.


Jan 8, 2021
Another lying speech from Crazy Joe about shit that never happened.

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