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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
So you believe Harvey Weinstien for example will get salvation before a theoretical saintly Christian?

Knowing that Islam is obviously a fraud and has similar arbitrary hierarchies, does that cast any doubt on your belief that any jew is priortized for salvation?

Who has owned the printing press? Did they think to alter the bible?

FTR, I believe the bible in its present form is full of manipulation and insertion of UnGodly language

Harvey Weinstein is the same as you and I. If he puts his trust in Jesus, he will receive salvation.

The nation of Israel will be saved at the end, but only after paying a terrible price for their 2000 years of rejection of Jesus. 1/3rd of those living before the day of the Lord will survive and accept Jesus. 2/3rds will be slaughtered by the anti-christ or the cataclysmic events to come. God's word declared it. Jesus declared himself a Jew for the ~33.5 years he was here, and will do so again when he reigns in his millenial kingdom in the future. That shouldn't make you uncomfortable, but if it does, too bad, the Bible describes Israel as God's natural children, and us gentiles as adopted.

Are you trying to say Gutenberg was a jew? Not as far as I've read.

The dead sea scrolls are over 2000 years old, confirm much of our OT scripture today, 1500 years before the printing press. There are very few differences from the dead sea scrolls and fragments from them vs. a 1611 King James Bible, and no significant differences.

You think God would permit his word to be manipulated? Without the word of God, you're without hope. There is no other rock for you to stand on. The Jesus of the Bible is the only one who can save.


Jan 9, 2021
Blacks hate camping what will they do force them to camp at gun point.
Fuck them anyway look at the mess those SOB's leave in their Ghetto's
Lol.. when I went to Zion last summer the distribution of races seemed reflective of society. Felt relaxed compared to the skewed distribution of Atlanta.
In fact the only ones that got to see the wave by permits were Chinese tourists. Pisses me off to this day, these areas that are limited should go to citizens first.


Jan 8, 2021
This is your most egregious response yet

Those passages only further prove that Jesus would not describe himself as Jewish...his kingdom is not of this world

And yes Jesus wouldn't describe himself as Christian, nor as Jew. I was making a tongue and cheek statement that the ideal of Christianity would not describe himself a Jew, that would negate the entire faith

Trust the plan!

This is an lie, and a misrepresentation of scripture.
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Jan 8, 2021
Where do you get this nonsense? "Chrisendom"? No, Christianity cannot die. Worship of Christ will last forever. There is no precept in Judaism that dictates Christianity must be destroyed (though their is in islam).

No, Jews today are not practicing true Judasim. That should be obvious to even a child. They have no temple with its holy of holies, they have no Ark of the Covenant, they have no place on the Temple Mount. If a Jew is caught praying on the temple mount, muslims start burning buildings and police arrest the praying. No matter their heart, a jew cannot practice Judaism.

When the Romans took Jerusalem the final time, they built a temple to Zeus on the temple mount, and banished all Jews from Jerusalem forever. Their religion was bastardized with the talmud and kabalah, etc because they could not practice as God had described (God purposely gave them no means to continue, because it was now a dead religion; their only way out is Christ).

"Jews" are not responsible for butchering our culture, we are. We didn't vote as we should when it mattered, and we didn't take matters into our own hands when it no longer mattered. Yes, some of the evil men running this world are jews. There are also many in those small groups of people who are not. What you're doing is akin to blaming all black people for what goes on in the NBA. But even if all of the luciferian elite were jews, there are millions who are not. Millions who long for a relationship with the creator, a way to provide for their family, or to just live for a while in peace. They're no more involved in the destruction of our way of life than you or I are.
Maybe I'm missing something here. But you rather quickly traversed to describing the jews as the only people to perpetually exist and maintain their culture to jews aren't practicing judaism. I presume that though they can't practice Judiasm they are still jews.....hmmmm, could be

It is our responsibility. So I presume I shouldn't call those actively attacking as the modern sandehrin or synagouge of satan? Those are real interesting terms to me

I am not a collectivist and judge individuals. When I look to the individuals in charge of the institutions and industries pummeling what remains of Christendom I see some common threads. I presume those with jewish sounding last names in media, finance, government, entertainment, etc are not real jews.....and that is fine with me

It sounds like you are saying there are ethnic jews but no righteous jews....which is stronger than what I'm saying. As you are the one actually saying all "jews" lack righteousness, for they exist but "can't" practice their wonderful faith

Happy to investigate further and see what I'm missing but I don't think you've quite thought this out


Dec 9, 2020
Had a lively discussion with a friend this weekend. The subject was the officials holding the offense from running plays until the defense had a chance to substitute. It's a silly rule.

My friend said it was only fair that the defense had the opportunity to substitute if the offense does. ??

The way I learned to play football and did play was the offense could do anything and it was incumbent on the defense to adjust, be called for too many players on the field if substituting, be out of alignment or have to call a timeout. He said that wasn't fair in this age of hurry up offenses. Again, either have the defensive players adjust or be caught with wrong personnel or call a time out.

If fairness is what the reasoning for the official to stop play. Why isn't the offense simply mandated to give the defense the play? Or maybe give the offense the defenses alignment--after all it's unfair for the defense to play a zone defense when the offense thought they would be in man to man.
Love that you posted this!!!! Don’t give a fuck, but we started as a football message board on the other site, and this takes me back to my roots.


Jan 8, 2021
Harvey Weinstein is the same as you and I. If he puts his trust in Jesus, he will receive salvation.

The nation of Israel will be saved at the end, but only after paying a terrible price for their 2000 years of rejection of Jesus. 1/3rd of those living before the day of the Lord will survive and accept Jesus. 2/3rds will be slaughtered by the anti-christ or the cataclysmic events to come. God's word declared it. Jesus declared himself a Jew for the ~33.5 years he was here, and will do so again when he reigns in his millenial kingdom in the future. That shouldn't make you uncomfortable, but if it does, too bad, the Bible describes Israel as God's natural children, and us gentiles as adopted.

Are you trying to say Gutenberg was a jew? Not as far as I've read.

The dead sea scrolls are over 2000 years old, confirm much of our OT scripture today, 1500 years before the printing press. There are very few differences from the dead sea scrolls and fragments from them vs. a 1611 King James Bible, and no significant differences.

You think God would permit his word to be manipulated? Without the word of God, you're without hope. There is no other rock for you to stand on. The Jesus of the Bible is the only one who can save.
Who was the first jew?

Moses was not, Solomon was not, David was not. Israelites not jews....those words are not interchangeable

Gutenberg was a catholic. the vatican and the truth....yikes. and when did the jews completely overtake media? jew printing was robust right away. Theoretically you could have a true and authentic bible up until very recently and you could be reading a totally disingenuous book based on when you got it and who published it

God allows all kinds of things, that's a preposterous and untestable response. If you believe the bible has survived this long true to its original form I think you are delusional

Who is the synagogue of satan today?


Sep 19, 2021
Give this a listen be interested in your take. Lira lives there on the ground in Ukraine. Not msm Caged Parrot.

This will escalate bigly...we are in scary, global takeover times...this is no doubt a power play, as our globalist dems and rhinos see that BRICS will turn us into a broke shithole, and they will have no seat at the table...

Also, this is terrible news for my Clemson Tigers...


Dec 10, 2020
Give this a listen be interested in your take. Lira lives there on the ground in Ukraine. Not msm Caged Parrot.

Heard him several times on The Duran. He is definitely anti Ukr and pro Russia in this conflict but he's originally from South America. I listen to him but I take him with a grain of salt because he seems to have a big bias. That being said, he did post videos during the start of the war and was arrested by Ukr secret police and was only released after International pressure.... so he has a reason to have a bias I guess.


Jan 8, 2021
Heard him several times on The Duran. He is definitely anti Ukr and pro Russia in this conflict but he's originally from South America. I listen to him but I take him with a grain of salt because he seems to have a big bias. That being said, he did post videos during the start of the war and was arrested by Ukr secret police and was only released after International pressure.... so he has a reason to have a bias I guess.
I used to listen to him....he is a part of controlled right wing punditry that is paid to push people into thinking putin is some kind of savior imo

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
So you believe Harvey Weinstien for example will get salvation before a theoretical saintly Christian?

Knowing that Islam is obviously a fraud and has similar arbitrary hierarchies, does that cast any doubt on your belief that any jew is priortized for salvation?

Who has owned the printing press? Did they think to alter the bible?

FTR, I believe the bible in its present form is full of manipulation and insertion of UnGodly language
These are such sophomoric questions. You think the Bible today is simply reflective of the latest printing press and not the intact scriptures we have that span thousands of years?

I believe that Jesus provides salvation to anyone who repents of their sins and turns to him as Lord and Savior. Jesus' goodness is bigger than the worst of our terrible sinfulness. This applied to Saul of Tarsus, David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer. So if Harvey repents of his sins, he too has salvation available to him via Jesus.

Ultimately, that is between him and God.


Jan 8, 2021
Maybe I'm missing something here. But you rather quickly traversed to describing the jews as the only people to perpetually exist and maintain their culture to jews aren't practicing judaism. I presume that though they can't practice Judiasm they are still jews.....hmmmm, could be

It is our responsibility. So I presume I shouldn't call those actively attacking as the modern sandehrin or synagouge of satan? Those are real interesting terms to me

I am not a collectivist and judge individuals. When I look to the individuals in charge of the institutions and industries pummeling what remains of Christendom I see some common threads. I presume those with jewish sounding last names in media, finance, government, entertainment, etc are not real jews.....and that is fine with me

It sounds like you are saying there are ethnic jews but no righteous jews....which is stronger than what I'm saying. As you are the one actually saying all "jews" lack righteousness, for they exist but "can't" practice their wonderful faith

Happy to investigate further and see what I'm missing but I don't think you've quite thought this out

Yes, there are - in a sense - righteous jews. ~5% of jews worldwide are professing Christians, so in the only way we can really be righteous, they are.

The "Synagogue of Satan" you've quoted many times has nothing to do with fake jews or anything happening today. There is no real sanhedrin, and the nation of Israel is mostly secular, godless, and almost hopelessly lost and wicked. None of that changes that they are God's chosen. But they still have the culture, language, formalities of the people from 2000 years ago. They cannot practice their religion, so they made up a way to try to practice. That's not "tranversing" anything, it's stating a fact.

They were told to practice it in a very specific spot, in a very specific way, using very specific items, and they aren't doing that. God didn't give them a plan B. So by default, anything they're doing today cannot be a true practice. When they once again do those things the way and in the place the Bible describes, you'll know that you're almost at the end.

Of course "Jewish" is an ethnicity. The seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, whittled down to the tribe of Judah and those who stayed with him when the nation split. My thoughts and what I have or haven't thought out on the subject are irrelevant, God's word describes them in detail, Paul spoke much about Jews, their past, and their future. Converts to Judaism were 2nd class citizens, who could not enter the temple as ethnic Jews could, so it is first and foremost about their bloodline, not their beliefs. When someone who was a Jew was called "not a jew" in scripture, it was an allegory for the state of their heart, not their racial identity. Just as the bible speaks of the heart being circumcised, it was referring to salvation, not a heart procedure.

How important is the Jew? Christ told them that they would trigger the 2nd coming. When the leaders of Israel rejected Christ for the final time, he told them "ye will not see me again til you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", an OT moniker for the Messiah. In other words, Jesus told the Jews they would not see him again until they called on him as their messiah, which they will do just before armageddon. Read in Daniel, why is there a 7 year Tribulation, which he referred to as "Jacob's trouble"? Because the primary purpose of that awful time is to bring Israel to their messiah. Not to bring Cincinnati or ETNVOl to messiah, because that's what the last 2000 years has been about.

Why do jews dominate entertainment, law, medicine, etc in America? I can only assume because they're blessed. When God blessed Abraham, he made his descendants of promise special. The prominence of Jews at the top of many industries bears that out. But if one is a non-believer, those gifts are a curse rather than a blessing, because to whom much is given, much is required. As for those of us who aren't from that seed, we're told we're blessed if we bless them, and cursed if we do not. Which should make anyone who has antisemitic thoughts tread lightly.


Jan 8, 2021
These are such sophomoric questions. You think the Bible today is simply reflective of the latest printing press and not the intact scriptures we have that span thousands of years?

I believe that Jesus provides salvation to anyone who repents of their sins and turns to him as Lord and Savior. Jesus' goodness is bigger than the worst of our terrible sinfulness. This applied to Saul of Tarsus, David Berkowitz and Jeffrey Dahmer. So if Harvey repents of his sins, he too has salvation available to him via Jesus.

Ultimately, that is between him and God.
I agree with you on salvation

I do not believe the King James bible of today is symmetrical with the original scriptures

Simply via translation, you lose something. Let alone manipulation


Jan 8, 2021
Who was the first jew?

Moses was not, Solomon was not, David was not. Israelites not jews....those words are not interchangeable

Gutenberg was a catholic. the vatican and the truth....yikes. and when did the jews completely overtake media? jew printing was robust right away. Theoretically you could have a true and authentic bible up until very recently and you could be reading a totally disingenuous book based on when you got it and who published it

God allows all kinds of things, that's a preposterous and untestable response. If you believe the bible has survived this long true to its original form I think you are delusional

Who is the synagogue of satan today?
Isn’t there a religious post for
Everyone to participate in? You all seem know about your beliefs and good for
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Sep 19, 2021
I agree with you on salvation

I do not believe the King James bible of today is symmetrical with the original scriptures

Simply via translation, you lose something. Let alone manipulation
Well (and I don't know like y'all do ITT) but a TON was removed by Constantine, long AFTER the translations of centuries old stories were told/written...so, including misinterpreted stories/text, we know that it's been selectively doctored...

I'm not discounting anyone here, again, as I don't have the education for this debate...it's been fun reading y'alls back-and-forth though, so far


Jan 8, 2021
Yes, there are - in a sense - righteous jews. ~5% of jews worldwide are professing Christians, so in the only way we can really be righteous, they are.

The "Synagogue of Satan" you've quoted many times has nothing to do with fake jews or anything happening today. There is no real sanhedrin, and the nation of Israel is mostly secular, godless, and almost hopelessly lost and wicked. None of that changes that they are God's chosen. But they still have the culture, language, formalities of the people from 2000 years ago. They cannot practice their religion, so they made up a way to try to practice. That's not "tranversing" anything, it's stating a fact.

They were told to practice it in a very specific spot, in a very specific way, using very specific items, and they aren't doing that. God didn't give them a plan B. So by default, anything they're doing today cannot be a true practice. When they once again do those things the way and in the place the Bible describes, you'll know that you're almost at the end.

Of course "Jewish" is an ethnicity. The seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, whittled down to the tribe of Judah and those who stayed with him when the nation split. My thoughts and what I have or haven't thought out on the subject are irrelevant, God's word describes them in detail, Paul spoke much about Jews, their past, and their future. Converts to Judaism were 2nd class citizens, who could not enter the temple as ethnic Jews could, so it is first and foremost about their bloodline, not their beliefs. When someone who was a Jew was called "not a jew" in scripture, it was an allegory for the state of their heart, not their racial identity. Just as the bible speaks of the heart being circumcised, it was referring to salvation, not a heart procedure.

How important is the Jew? Christ told them that they would trigger the 2nd coming. When the leaders of Israel rejected Christ for the final time, he told them "ye will not see me again til you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", an OT moniker for the Messiah. In other words, Jesus told the Jews they would not see him again until they called on him as their messiah, which they will do just before armageddon. Read in Daniel, why is there a 7 year Tribulation, which he referred to as "Jacob's trouble"? Because the primary purpose of that awful time is to bring Israel to their messiah. Not to bring Cincinnati or ETNVOl to messiah, because that's what the last 2000 years has been about.

Why do jews dominate entertainment, law, medicine, etc in America? I can only assume because they're blessed. When God blessed Abraham, he made his descendants of promise special. The prominence of Jews at the top of many industries bears that out. But if one is a non-believer, those gifts are a curse rather than a blessing, because to whom much is given, much is required. As for those of us who aren't from that seed, we're told we're blessed if we bless them, and cursed if we do not. Which should make anyone who has antisemitic thoughts tread lightly.
This is absolutely unreal

Who was the first jew?

No 2: Anti-semitic? Who are the semites? What % are jews? When did the term appear?

Israelites and jews are certainly not the same. "jew" is translated from the latin word "loudaios" meaning a person living in judea....which is not necessarily or in actuality an Israelite or descendent of Jacob....Original King James bible called the fellas "lewes"

Hey everybody, the moguls of these beautiful industries aren't ruthless psychopaths.....they are blessed!!

Ultimately, if I get up to Saint Peter and he tells me son you were so close but you mistakenly evaluated george soros and didn't "bless" him so it's a no go, I'll eat my crow and think of you


Jan 8, 2021
Well (and I don't know like y'all do ITT) but a TON was removed by Constantine, long AFTER the translations of centuries old stories were told/written...so, including misinterpreted stories/text, we know that it's been selectively doctored...

I'm not discounting anyone here, again, as I don't have the education for this debate...it's been fun reading y'alls back-and-forth though, so far
You probably know way more than me

My ludicrous theory is the bible of today is different in word and spirit (of the word) than it was almost 2000 years ago

But this error has me as an anti semite

Discerning people ITT understand


Jan 8, 2021
Who was the first jew?

Moses was not, Solomon was not, David was not. Israelites not jews....those words are not interchangeable

Gutenberg was a catholic. the vatican and the truth....yikes. and when did the jews completely overtake media? jew printing was robust right away. Theoretically you could have a true and authentic bible up until very recently and you could be reading a totally disingenuous book based on when you got it and who published it

God allows all kinds of things, that's a preposterous and untestable response. If you believe the bible has survived this long true to its original form I think you are delusional

Who is the synagogue of satan today?

The hatred in you is like a cancer.

As I said before, the dead sea scrolls confirm much of our OT, and our OT confirms much of our NT. No one has a valid reason to reject the bible. And if you reject the bible, you're totally without hope. Hell is your destiny, and only the Word can save you from that. God gave the Jews no plan b for worship, he gave you and I no plan b for salvation. God's word is the only way to really know him. If you cannot trust that the bible is his word, there is nothing that you can trust, and there is no way to trust Christ as your savior while mistrusting the word. The only way we know who Christ is and what he did is through God's word. "God allows all kinds of things" but as he said in his word, the word endures forever, and he will never be without witness. It's the only thing in this world you can trust.

Continuously throwing out irrelevant or unrelated facts is tiresome. Like you think that I or others here don't know what Jew means. For example, the Ethiopians who claim to be Israelites are often referred to as Ethiopian jews, even though they are believed to be from the tribe of Dan. Paul, a Benjamite, called himself a jew of jews. Is there a technical difference? Yes, but that's an irrelevancy you want to dwell on because of your irrational hatred of them.

Reading the story of Judah vs. Israel, God made it plain that Judah was the real kingdom. They were the nation that came back from exile, whereas greater Israel was scattered and lost until the time of the end.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021

Megyn Kelly was the guest on Dave Rubin’s podcast the other week. And I’ve sporadically listened to her podcast over the years if someone like Clay Travis is on. She is always SO close to getting to the truth and taking the red pill. And then she swerves back to the absolute brain washing she has experienced for years as a MSM reporter. She was talking to Dave Rubin about the vaccines. And she said (I’m paraphrasing), “Dave. I’m working on an absolute bombshell of a story about how they lied to us. They knew the vaccine would do damage and they approved it any way. You won’t believe all the ways it had harmed people. It is mind blowing”. And Dave Rubin, to his credit, was very nicely like, “Yeah. I’ve been saying this since early 2021.” She definitely thought she was breaking this news to him and his audience. Perhaps what happened to her sister is the beginning of the scales falling from her eyes (but she’ll never get there 100%. She hates Trump for what he said to her during the debate).


Dec 1, 2020
Vax side effects are good.


Dec 10, 2020

I'm starting to think these kids are no different than the gangsters in the 50's and 60's wearing leather and having switchblades or gangs in the 70's having vests and using butterfly knives, or 80's gangs wearing vinyl and carrying boom boxes, or 90's gangs being tatted up and holding pistols wrong.... These kids are criminals who use this uniform for an advantage in their crimes.
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