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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
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Dec 24, 2020

I know it is but if the offense subs then the defense should play them with what they have on the field or run the chance of being offsides, too many men on the field, out of position or with the wrong players. Currently the offense makes a sub and the defense lollygags while the play clock tics off seconds. That's unfair to the offense. What this does is take the ability of the offense getting an advantage on the defense which is what football is/was about.I
I see where you are coming from, but the game evolved so the rules had to as well. It used to be that teams would huddle the majority of the time. There was/is a rule in place that the offense cannot break the huddle with more than 11 men. This rule was to allow the defense to know which personnel were on the field and adjust accordingly. They had to add the new rule to allow the defense the same info now that many teams run no-huddle.


Jan 9, 2021

I see where you are coming from, but the game evolved so the rules had to as well. It used to be that teams would huddle the majority of the time. There was/is a rule in place that the offense cannot break the huddle with more than 11 men. This rule was to allow the defense to know which personnel were on the field and adjust accordingly. They had to add the new rule to allow the defense the same info now that many teams run no-huddle.
Exactly...it’s not hard to figure out. No huddle will also allow you to snap quickly for a penalty while the defense is trying to substitute...that’s hardly fair.


Jan 8, 2021
Anyone know anything about this Hydrogen Fueled Vehicle.

Maybe an EV that finally makes sense?


View attachment 144931
Cost to generate hydrogen is massive. Uses a lot of electricity and is inefficient.

Hydrogen is a much better system than lithium batteries for storing energy though. Lithium batteries make up between 25-30% of the purchase price of vehicles. But, lithium is the route the “green” folks/manufacturers are pushing.


Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
Parsing scripture rarely holds up well. Yet again, the Word of God will help correct your misunderstanding.

Jesus' own words:

Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

Ephesians 1:21
far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Again, Jesus wouldn't refer to himself as a Christian. He is the Messiah. The Christ. He doesn't follow himself as he is the standard bearer. That wouldn't make any logical sense. He is the way, the truth, the life. He is the door. He is the Good Shepherd. He is God.

I do encourage you to get into a good Bible study. You are way off in your understanding of what the Bible actually says about God, Jesus, and all of us.

You will have to take that up with God.
This is your most egregious response yet

Those passages only further prove that Jesus would not describe himself as Jewish...his kingdom is not of this world

And yes Jesus wouldn't describe himself as Christian, nor as Jew. I was making a tongue and cheek statement that the ideal of Christianity would not describe himself a Jew, that would negate the entire faith

Trust the plan!


Jan 8, 2021
Jesus wouldn't describe himself as a Jew, yet he will sit on David's throne in his millennial kingdom? After he partitions the land of Israel amongst the 12 tribes? And then reinstitutes temple sacrifice? Hence why you should be cautious with your hatred of those God called the apple of his eye.

Judas betrayed him, but he was just a spoke in the wheel. No one took Christ's life from him, he offered it up of his own free will. Men could've no more killed the son of God than an unarmed guy in a row boat could sink an aircraft carrier. Judas' betrayal would've been a meaningless gesture were not it God's plan that Christ sacrifice himself.

Modern Judaism is not real. They won't practice - en masse - Old Testament Judaism until after WW3. They won't - as a nation - accept Christ until armageddon. "Zionism" is not to blame for 1948, God is. He had it planned from eternity past. Never before has a group of people kept their ethnic identity, their language, their culture, thousands of years after they were conquered and dispersed around the world.

There's only one nation that survives everything that is to come, and it isn't us.
I don't hate a collective, especially one with a rather dubious and indeterminable definition as "jew"

Decent judaism died with ascension of Christ

Modern Judaism isn't real....hmmmm, ok. What do the Jews believe these days? Who are the real Jews today? If you say messianic Jews, you could have some validity but I'm not sure I distinguish between Christians and righteous jews

As Christendom is to die will you do your part in ushering in its end to fulfill prophecy?

As the imposers of God's will butcher your culture and the children you will spin the dreidel

To the abstainers, do the right thing and hug a jew. Maybe drop him a letter to pass your words on to posterity...after all they will be all that remain!

Begs the question who is the synagogue of satan today? the sanhedrin? could it be white European Christians?


Jan 8, 2021

View attachment 144920
The right-wing evangelical Christian media is lying to us!

Quick, grab a Rabbi, and get this fixed!


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Update after Max's last game. Serious, obnoxious braggage ahead. 😁😁😁😁😁

We won 35-0.

Max had 3 TDS, 1 interception, 14 receptions. (broke the school record for receptions in a game) I'm not sure how many tackles but at least 11, and 169 yds. (He's also punter and punt/luck return). Never comes off the field.

Oh and 1 unsportsmanlke conduct penalty because he could and had never gotten one in 10 years of football. He slapped the ball out of the db's hand to get it. Even the ref laughed while throwing the flag. 😂

(school records) He's second in season receptions (missed it by 2) 3rd in season yardage abs 3rd in career yardage. Missed breaking the season yardage by 30.

Here's the coolest part. Today, we found out Max is SWBL 1st team offense, 1st team defense AND1st team special teams. He's also the league offensive player of the year.

That is one hell of a way to end your football career. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

We're trying to see if any player has ever been 1st team in all 3 phases before.

Edit: it's never happened. You make first team with position listed. Not broken down 1st o,d, st. (Max was first team last year for DB.) Apparently they will be listing him as 1st team, and all positions. This has never happened before. It's always been 1st team (whatever singular position). And apparently the delima going in was what position they were going to put him in for. So they settled for all 3.

Holy shit. I'm so proud of this kid. Not because he's a great athlete (he is. That's his gift). But because he's an amazing human being who doesn't know how to quit and is always trying to get better and making sure those following behind him do the same. In his own quiet way. He's a leader without being an asshole. So when he goes off, they listen. Even the coaches.

EX: He had a pass way overthrown in the endzone, went over to pick the ball up and saw the littles standing there and took a second to yell 'what up fellas?!?'. He was pissed but still recognized there was a group of peewee boys who look up to him (as he did when he was little) and made it a point to make them important. He knows what it means to those boys. He wasn't going to take that away from them. And he makes them feel they're part of the game. He wants them to keep playing and love the game...even when it sucks.

The first thing he did last night after the game was to go to the student section to get them on the field. The principal and ad were standing there and trying to stop them. Max looked at them and told them this is happening. We need this. Permission granted.

Our team has 39 boys. 12 played both ways. (Max played always). We have really good athletes they just got worn out.

As braggy as I am...I'm most thankful that none of our boys suffered injury. That's all I was praying for all year. My prayers were answered. And you best believe I gave and am still giving prayers of thanks.

I love these kids something fierce.

Oh...and as of now per stats put in, Max is 8th in the state for receptions and 3rd for interceptions (all divisions).

With roughly 2 months left in the year & as Moderator along with the other Moderators. who I feel will agree with me, @tgsio if the "Official Winner" of

Post of The Year
Maybe Max and his friends can replace us on day in the future on this board. That would be an honor. What a great young man!

Edit - @tgsio you have to bring Max to Vegas we need to meet him since I feel like we've watched him grow up over the last few years.



Dec 1, 2020
Biden should hope that they do. Our enemies want the inept Dems in power. If they meddle it won’t be to hurt the left.
Do you think Putin would rather have Biden or Trump in office? My 30,000 ft. view has Putin fighting the same enemy as the American people. Of course people have been conditioned over decades to believe the Russian people and leader are our enemies. So I could see most believing Putin/Russia are the enemy. I think everything Trump and his white hat handlers did BEFORE the stolen election was to set up the play we are seeing now. JMHO. SKOL!


Jan 9, 2021
Do you think Putin would rather have Biden or Trump in office? My 30,000 ft. view has Putin fighting the same enemy as the American people. Of course people have been conditioned over decades to believe the Russian people and leader are our enemies. So I could see most believing Putin/Russia are the enemy. I think everything Trump and his white hat handlers did BEFORE the stolen election was to set up the play we are seeing now. JMHO. SKOL!
No doubt in my mind...


Jan 8, 2021

I see where you are coming from, but the game evolved so the rules had to as well. It used to be that teams would huddle the majority of the time. There was/is a rule in place that the offense cannot break the huddle with more than 11 men. This rule was to allow the defense to know which personnel were on the field and adjust accordingly. They had to add the new rule to allow the defense the same info now that many teams run no-huddle.
I understand. The teams complained that their old archaic defenses couldn't keep up with 4-5 WRs and no huddle so they bitched until the rule was changed. Now, we see defenses taking 10-15 seconds to substitute when the rule also says they have a limited amount of time to make defensive changes. Silly me, I thought that was what innovation was about--trying to get the advantage over your opponent. Maybe the NCAA will make a rule that the offense can't run a flea-flicker unless the defense is prepared for a flea-flicker. Afterall, isn't fairness what they are wanting to achieve?
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