Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Not enough capitalized words in his post if you axe me.
Notice this happened on a Friday, it will be explained away by Monday, and has been posted previously, the exodus will have been replaced by Bots. They will claim moral high ground with the backing of libs and the media, and the hit won't be bad at all.

I hope I'm wrong

That would be glorious. You can't sue a tech company for censorship due to 230, but stockholders can damn sure sue for intentionally manipulating a stock price and insider trading, and a non-corrupt DOJ would even have grounds for criminal charges for securities fraud.
I have received lots of requests for direct messages for the email. I checked with the person who sent it to me and I am not allowed to do so. I am allowed to put it into my own words and post it. The person is obviously afraid that if it gets traced back to him he will be terminated immediately from his job. When I get finished driving I will try as best I can to put the email into my own words it's literally about 5000 words.
I keep telling people I'm not a Q guy. I'm really not. Not saying I don't think Q is legit, I do. The biggest thing that go me on board with Q was when I saw the people I trust the least and hate the most go after them, trying to silence them. But I was red pilled the day my fam brought me home from the hospital. My dad voted for Perot because he knew Bush Sr. was a snake. He knew he was involved in the JFK assassination 30 years ago. He schooled me on not trusting anything in the media that I didn't see with my own eyes. He was US Army 82nd Airborne and the toughest and kindest man I've ever known. And the most honest.

So while a lot of you are red pilled and unplugged, I'm a genuine child of Zion, born free, right here in the real world.
Don’t let this come between you and your brother.

Fuck him...I don’t care who you are or what you are to me, he would be dead to me. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be cordial to him, but I wouldn’t give him the time of day. A “how are you” would be all he got from me moving forward. If you openly give in to him though, you are absolutely bending a knee. In fact all of the libs in my family are dead to me.

Fortunately for me my brother is not one of them. However, my brother is not very informed and he gets sucked into the msm narrative of Trump sometimes and I generally have to show him that whatever they are saying is false. Sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn’t, and the times he doesn’t I just have to ignore him. Good thing is he still would prefer Trump over any of the current alternatives, which we know is slim anyway.

My aunt though, my father’s oldest sister, along with a number of my ignorant libtard cousins, are absolutely dead to me. I wouldn’t piss on them if they were literally on fire. There’s been several family functions I’ve avoided because I knew I’d have to make small talk with them, and I just can’t fake away my disdain for them anymore. So instead of going and making an ass of myself I just don’t go.
I live on the border of the city and the suburbs. The left side of the road is known for LOWER taxes in the area. The right side is known for HIGHER taxes.
“Taxes are needed for infrastructure, and blah blah blah” FALSE! Taxes should be minimal! It does NOT take much money to pay for these things.
The more taxes there are, the more there is to steal and waste.
Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, snow and outdoor

Not my hood
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