Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I was arrested on misdemeanor criminal charges for harassing texts to my wife I was divorcing by local DA because my “threatening” texts had “Silent War” and “Tuesdays can be Dark” and explained to detective in front of my lawyers they were Q terms and DJT war against the Deep State,,,,DA picks up that, charges me....donate big money against Obamacare and shortly after my business gets audited
I donated to Trump campaign first of October. Credit FICO went to 837 from 850. Yesterday it went back up to 850.🤷‍♂️
So, there was an iOS update last night. Some chatter around Twitter before I left was to have folks check password securities in their settings.

I did and had to change several that supposedly were part of a “leak”. (iOS wording)

One of them was for I just joined yesterday)

Likely not related, but you know how this thread makes you get “Spidey tingles”.
Hey found the board. Old user name is KC Johnny
I just don’t talk politics with anyone but people here for this very reason- if my brother responded like that, I probably wouldn’t talk to him about anything important ever again.
These are from family:

Since the media refuses to cover any of the things that have happened today, I’m happy to oblige.
The FBI is raiding legislative offices and homes in Tennessee as we speak. Stay tuned for that.
Google is censoring you from seeing what everyone is talking about on the other side of the world. An affidavit was handed to Congress at 1:12pm Wednesday (just before the breach) that proved our election WAS rigged. If you use DuckDuckGo and search for yourself, it is plastered all over the world. Billions of our tax dollars was sent to Italy to hack dominion and change Trump votes to Biden. ITALY rigged our election. They ADMITTED AND TESTIFIED. Check for yourself #italydidit
One hour ago, Lindsey Graham was escorted out of an airport because patriots in the airport were chanting “traitor” at him. Poor Lindsey

Lin Wood exposed extremely sensitive information on his Parler yesterday. Some examples include “a treasure trove” of video files that are most likely what got Isaac Kappy killed. He tried exposing everyone with these files, he then was found dead. Also, emails between Pence and Paul discussing Pence’s plot to take over as president. And James Bulger & Hunter Biden making deals with CCP company..a case for the FBI for sure lol But feel free to check those out on Parler.
There is video evidence that Trump supporters were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking into the capital. ANTIFA was trying to smash an emergency door and a patriot stepped in to stop it. There is also video evidence that police were in on the breach. They opened the gates and stepped aside to let “protestors” in. Witnesses all have matching stories of what happened but the media will not share it. A few witnesses heard antifa’s plan to “shake things up”. It was ANTIFA who stormed the capital, they were not Trump supporters. You can find this on Parler or in Facebook groups like ThePatriotParty. It’s all there on video that Facebook and YouTube keep trying to remove. Parler won’t delete them tho, try there.
During the breach at the US capital building, 11 laptops were stolen. One of them was Nancy Pelosi’s. Safe to assume that the military and/or Trump has those laptops. Could explain why she’s trying so hard to invoke the 25th amendment and have Trump removed from office. She’s frantic.
As soon as the lockdown was over and they realized the laptops were stolen, numerous members of the administration resigned. More continue to resign. With 12 days left, why wouldn’t they wait? That’s curious.
Roughly 6000 troops were just deployed to DC. They are there as we speak, for the next 28 days or so. Also curious.
None of this is speculation. This is all out there for you to check yourself. Proof. Evidence. But most people are lazy and won’t. The media knows that and takes advantage by covering whatever fits their agenda. MSM is biased and corrupt and fake. They aren’t telling us the truth. Google and social media are censoring what you can see. So it’s easy to believe what they want because they’re controlling what you see. With a little digging, it’s not hard to find the truth. The real truth. Use DuckDuckGo, oann news, RSBN, Parler, etc.
Hey senator Schumer everyone knows that the destruction today was again BLM and antifa again at their best. They cause problems everywhere they go. This is always the way of the demacrats.
It's easy when they just open the doors for you, like they are doing for China right now.
Is mom making her pot roast Sunday?
I wound recommend we not be so obvious in the board title. Search will be used to crack down and we should assume anything Q related will be top priority.

I’d recommend something along the lines of JustUs or even more benign, Central Intelligence Board
I think we need a poll. I would throw my weight behind Law Abiding Citizens for what is now being labeled tMB.
These are from family:

Since the media refuses to cover any of the things that have happened today, I’m happy to oblige.
The FBI is raiding legislative offices and homes in Tennessee as we speak. Stay tuned for that.
Google is censoring you from seeing what everyone is talking about on the other side of the world. An affidavit was handed to Congress at 1:12pm Wednesday (just before the breach) that proved our election WAS rigged. If you use DuckDuckGo and search for yourself, it is plastered all over the world. Billions of our tax dollars was sent to Italy to hack dominion and change Trump votes to Biden. ITALY rigged our election. They ADMITTED AND TESTIFIED. Check for yourself #italydidit
One hour ago, Lindsey Graham was escorted out of an airport because patriots in the airport were chanting “traitor” at him. Poor Lindsey

Lin Wood exposed extremely sensitive information on his Parler yesterday. Some examples include “a treasure trove” of video files that are most likely what got Isaac Kappy killed. He tried exposing everyone with these files, he then was found dead. Also, emails between Pence and Paul discussing Pence’s plot to take over as president. And James Bulger & Hunter Biden making deals with CCP company..a case for the FBI for sure lol But feel free to check those out on Parler.
There is video evidence that Trump supporters were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking into the capital. ANTIFA was trying to smash an emergency door and a patriot stepped in to stop it. There is also video evidence that police were in on the breach. They opened the gates and stepped aside to let “protestors” in. Witnesses all have matching stories of what happened but the media will not share it. A few witnesses heard antifa’s plan to “shake things up”. It was ANTIFA who stormed the capital, they were not Trump supporters. You can find this on Parler or in Facebook groups like ThePatriotParty. It’s all there on video that Facebook and YouTube keep trying to remove. Parler won’t delete them tho, try there.
During the breach at the US capital building, 11 laptops were stolen. One of them was Nancy Pelosi’s. Safe to assume that the military and/or Trump has those laptops. Could explain why she’s trying so hard to invoke the 25th amendment and have Trump removed from office. She’s frantic.
As soon as the lockdown was over and they realized the laptops were stolen, numerous members of the administration resigned. More continue to resign. With 12 days left, why wouldn’t they wait? That’s curious.
Roughly 6000 troops were just deployed to DC. They are there as we speak, for the next 28 days or so. Also curious.
None of this is speculation. This is all out there for you to check yourself. Proof. Evidence. But most people are lazy and won’t. The media knows that and takes advantage by covering whatever fits their agenda. MSM is biased and corrupt and fake. They aren’t telling us the truth. Google and social media are censoring what you can see. So it’s easy to believe what they want because they’re controlling what you see. With a little digging, it’s not hard to find the truth. The real truth. Use DuckDuckGo, oann news, RSBN, Parler, etc.
Hey senator Schumer everyone knows that the destruction today was again BLM and antifa again at their best. They cause problems everywhere they go. This is always the way of the demacrats.
It's easy when they just open the doors for you, like they are doing for China right now.
Is mom making her pot roast Sunday?

I Want to Party With You, Cowboy - YouTube

Ol’ Dan is going to fight hard on the state level for election reform. I’m in his district and voted for him. I haven’t been active in holding these fools accountable, but will work hard to do a better job going forward.

Same here.... briefly met Dan a couple of times but have had some nice conversations with his father. Have big hopes for Dan.... suppose we’ll have to see?
Short the Nasdaq futures when they open Sunday at 5:15p ct. or you can use the triple leveraged SQQQ short nasdaq etf. For every $1 Nasdaq drops SQQQ falls $3.
I know who I'm hitting up for investment advice.
Huh, I’m 64. When your close to retirement hopefully one doesn’t have any debt. Not bragging and yes I understand some people have extenuating situations.
And for life advice.
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