Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
What do you guys know about an app called Signal?
Patriot friend recommended it to me for comms for when cell signal goes down...

me and my buds use signal to communicate (we formerly used whatsapp), its encrypted and secure. but we're gradually transitioning to the session app, check it out
Feminists-are mentally ill

Couple of things. I just made a donation and I hope everyone else can do the same to keep this site going.

also I heard for my big money man in Georgia they are meeting with the governor of Georgia Sunday night and I think it’s going to be determined that he should not run For reelection in two years
What I would pay to listen to that conversation!
Any guesses as to what the libs try to silence?

Obviously Trump supporters are first.

Conservative media will be next.

I think pro second amendment groups/people will be after that.

Then "science deniers" or anyone who questions man made climate change.

From there I'm not sure. Obviously anyone who stands in the way of their agenda/move for total control of government. They'll probably frame it as "moving toward the advancement of society" and label the people they silence/cancel as "racist" or "domestic terrorists". Pretty much following China's model.
Talking to all those mentioned is correct.. don’t know who this is but they are somewhat legit or have a tech inside.. but the stock talk I’m not so sure.. the conversations were about solidarity “you have my back now”
Yeah I think the conversations make complete sense. The stock related conclusions are speculative at best and perhaps a bit too optimistic. As with everything on the chans, the entire thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Not everything will be clean . . .



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