Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I get so irrational over that shit.

Went to Walmart today. This guy in front of me in a mask was talking all kinds of pseudo BS science trying to convince a lady to keep getting boosters, wear a mask, get a chicken pox booster. Everything he said was a an MSM talking point. He was massively brainwashed washed.
When are you gonna tell us the part of the story where you called him on his bull shit?
Not in principle but the Trump attachment is a different breed

Though they rolled us with the patriot act in the Iraq War with W

I'd put the covid program right up there with it, but the q deal puts Trump in a different lane
What do you suggest we do? Since Trump is the Wizard behind the curtain and fooled us.
Or is this your small penis projection.
It bad for Trump. But it also means that the Bushes, Clinton's and Obama's and Bidens are now targets as well. Precedent has been set. There is no Constitutional protection for former Presidents. It is merely a Customary Courtesy.
Now lets get all Obama's hidden files for his whole life out on the table.
And raid Harvard and Columbia for his college documents. Especially the one where he claims to be a foreign student.

So IMO Trump has all the classified (most of which shouldn't be classified) that shows all the corruption. Hunter Biden trash, Hillary, All or most of it. They raided his home for optics and that classified information. Trump will start to release more. and they know it. So now he stole Nuclear information. Lol They are petrified of what he has. It will start rolling out more and more. This raid was the beginning to the end
I know an elderly lady who got the shot earlier this year and immediately starting having a reaction. The worst symptom is she can't walk very well so she has to use a wheelchair now where before she could move and groove just fine. Her doctor ran all sorts of tests to try to figure out what it was but of course everything was inconclusive. Now this is coming from her so who knows what he said, but she says that he said that if he indicates that her reaction is from the jab, then he loses his job. TIFWIW but wanted to share.
This is eerily similar to what happened to my Dad after getting a booster (without telling me) this past December. Except the last part.

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