Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Question for the computer literate.

I was sent 3 videos of shoplifters in South Texas...illegals, of course. These are .mp4 format.

Do I have to post these to a hosting service like Imgur in order to post on here? One is entitled Walmart12.mp4. Or can .mp4's be posted here as titled without the https:// blah blah blah?

Oh, I am hearing thunder in Dallas.
You have to put them on some kind of video service. YouTube or rumble. YouTube is easy and you can just mark the video private so it can be only shared here
Question for the computer literate.

I was sent 3 videos of shoplifters in South Texas...illegals, of course. These are .mp4 format.

Do I have to post these to a hosting service like Imgur in order to post on here? One is entitled Walmart12.mp4. Or can .mp4's be posted here as titled without the https:// blah blah blah?

Oh, I am hearing thunder in Dallas.
If you want I can dM you my email and you can just email them to me and I will put them up
This is why I have said the Republicans HAVE to go scorched earth on the Dems once we hold the House and Senate. I don't care if NOTHING gets done legislatively, as long as the Pubs go balls deep on everything the dems have done over the past almost 2 years. They also need to be repaid handsomely for the way they treated Trump.

Who knows, maybe they will start the civil war. They do seem to be adept at rioting and destroying things.
DC assholes don’t go scorched earth on other DC assholes. Uniparty is the problem.
Spoke with a 30ish black woman today in an apartment. We were discussing whether it would rain, gas prices etc. I mentioned OBiden stopping oil production on federal lands on day 1. She said, "we don't mention that name in this house." Then goes over to a drawer and pulls out a Trump MAGA tailgate sticker and said her family has never voted democrat.
I take that 3-4 times a week as a detox. I had no idea about it working on vasculitis. that is so cool to hear and good for you! SKOL!
I had some of his symptoms, they thought Vertigo at first from vision/passing out and dizziness. Didn't help, had vision/hearing/carotid artery checked. Went daily to the extract and was much better in two weeks, pretty much normal in a month. Twice a week for precaution, with NAL and the normal vitamins
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Biden laughs when asked about his FBI Raid on Trumps home
So I tried to respond to some braindead fucks on FB that are rejoicing the FBI raid. My reply wouldn't submit because FakeBook apparently has keyword algorithm that prevents posts. That aside, it truly TRULY blows my mind just how fucking STUPID people are.

First Idiotic Comment - I’m a democrat and that’s not what I do. I’m a law biding citizen, who spent 20 years serving my country in the Army and Army National Guard. I took an oath, the same oath Trump took and I’ve never wavered from that oath. Trump trampled on the constitution, the very document he swore to obey and defend.

I replied - Please give examples of him trampling the constitution. Would love to hear this.

So some dumb snatch replies to me - Oh, i dunno, the insurrection, tried to take away women's rights and abolish our healthcare, should I go on?

I replied which FB wouldn't allow me to post so I took a screenshot and posted the pic instead - The Big Lie of the Insurrection. Please tell me what he did specifically that cause the Capitol Police to unlock the doors and escort people inside the building. Why did Trump try to activate 10,000 National Guard where Nancy Pelosi, DC Mayor and Pentagon denied the request? Please now, explain the taking away of women's rights. That one is hilarious. And how do you abolish healthcare? Wasn't it Trump that forced Big Pharma companies to charge the same prices in the US they were charging in other countries? Yes it was, I could Keep Going...

Wonder if I couldn't post the reply because I called Insurrection the big lie. I know it is wrong and I shouldn't but I absolutely hate these idiots.
The Democrats and the Deep State and even the UN are fighting now like cornered rats on a burning ship.
Like Hillary said we will all dangle if we don't get that bastard Trump.
These people are fighting for their lives. Literally. When the FBI/DOJ firewall eventually falls. A lot of these people will be put to death for treason. They aren't just doing this for themselves. They are harming the country for foreign governments.
So I tried to respond to some braindead fucks on FB that are rejoicing the FBI raid. My reply wouldn't submit because FakeBook apparently has keyword algorithm that prevents posts. That aside, it truly TRULY blows my mind just how fucking STUPID people are.

First Idiotic Comment - I’m a democrat and that’s not what I do. I’m a law biding citizen, who spent 20 years serving my country in the Army and Army National Guard. I took an oath, the same oath Trump took and I’ve never wavered from that oath. Trump trampled on the constitution, the very document he swore to obey and defend.

I replied - Please give examples of him trampling the constitution. Would love to hear this.

So some dumb snatch replies to me - Oh, i dunno, the insurrection, tried to take away women's rights and abolish our healthcare, should I go on?

I replied which FB wouldn't allow me to post so I took a screenshot and posted the pic instead - The Big Lie of the Insurrection. Please tell me what he did specifically that cause the Capitol Police to unlock the doors and escort people inside the building. Why did Trump try to activate 10,000 National Guard where Nancy Pelosi, DC Mayor and Pentagon denied the request? Please now, explain the taking away of women's rights. That one is hilarious. And how do you abolish healthcare? Wasn't it Trump that forced Big Pharma companies to charge the same prices in the US they were charging in other countries? Yes it was, I could Keep Going...

Wonder if I couldn't post the reply because I called Insurrection the big lie. I know it is wrong and I shouldn't but I absolutely hate these idiots.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Both sides think they’re in the right. One side has facts, the other has propaganda talking points.

Wife’s friend is the one lib I actually like. She told me that she believed Trump colluded with Russia to steal election. I sent her the docs Grennell declassified and said here’s your proof it was a hoax. I then asked her for proof that Trump did collude with Russia. That was two years ago and she never sent me anything. In other words, they have their heads up their asses.

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