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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
This is soooo far from over and so different than anything in US history that virtually none of that applies. This is the first real attempt to take down centuries of corruption. That is why the cabal is losing its fucking mind.

Sloppy Mexican

Jan 9, 2021
I humbly but emphatically disagree. What happens if the Republicans take back power in 2022 in the house and the senate? The answer is nothing. They have proven to be just a useless as the dems. The difference is the demskeep pushing through the shitstorm and the republicans just sit back and try to bargain with them. The republicans will try and push some shit through but Biden will have Veto power and then they will sit back and do nothing. If DJT gets back into power in 2024 and we control all 3 branches of govt, the Rhinos will come out and vote against DJT and claim its to late(ex. Obamacare). Republicans do not have any balls. It is a game to them. Not all but most. Yes I am very dejected this morning and worry about my children's future and my futre grandchildren. The Difference between Republicans and Dems is Dems will push through anything to destroy the nation Whereas the Republicans just sit back and talk. I say Fuck them ALL. Start over, and take out anyone who is against the constitution (I know that would be against the constitution, but hell we havent lived by that document for a long time) It is time to right the ship
I don’t think you and I completely disagree. I’m as fed up with the RINOs as anyone, that’s why they need to be on the chopping block along with the dems. By “sweeping victory” I mean removing any big government element from the halls of Congress as well as the White House. Nothing short of complete destruction of the deep state will be what is required to save the Republic.


Jan 8, 2021
I humbly but emphatically disagree. What happens if the Republicans take back power in 2022 in the house and the senate? The answer is nothing. They have proven to be just a useless as the dems. The difference is the demskeep pushing through the shitstorm and the republicans just sit back and try to bargain with them. The republicans will try and push some shit through but Biden will have Veto power and then they will sit back and do nothing. If DJT gets back into power in 2024 and we control all 3 branches of govt, the Rhinos will come out and vote against DJT and claim its to late(ex. Obamacare). Republicans do not have any balls. It is a game to them. Not all but most. Yes I am very dejected this morning and worry about my children's future and my futre grandchildren. The Difference between Republicans and Dems is Dems will push through anything to destroy the nation Whereas the Republicans just sit back and talk. I say Fuck them ALL. Start over, and take out anyone who is against the constitution (I know that would be against the constitution, but hell we havent lived by that document for a long time) It is time to right the ship
This is why I have said the Republicans HAVE to go scorched earth on the Dems once we hold the House and Senate. I don't care if NOTHING gets done legislatively, as long as the Pubs go balls deep on everything the dems have done over the past almost 2 years. They also need to be repaid handsomely for the way they treated Trump.

Who knows, maybe they will start the civil war. They do seem to be adept at rioting and destroying things.


Dec 1, 2020



Nov 27, 2021
From Comment Section at sonar21.com

‘They’ve fired on Ft Sumter. They’ve crossed the Rubicon.’
Now, in a REAL banana republic, ‘dissidents within the security forces’ would doxx the agents who participated in the raid, and they would confront a howling mob of MAGA people pelting them with rotten eggs and tomatoes next time they open their front doors.
I’d be delighted to be proven wrong, but my bet is that, if stealing an election only resulted in a few thousand unruly but ‘mostly peaceful’ boomers in MAGA hats holding an unauthorized rally in the Capitol, there will be no real reaction to the Maralago raid … none that would make individual federal agents urgently ponder a career change.
Sadly, Americans have allowed a banana-republic regime to seize power, but they – and Trump supporters in particular – remain the stodgy, law-abiding Anglo Saxons who, as Trotsky pointed out, are simply clueless about the nature and requirements of revolution. And in this case, by extension, counterrevolution.


Jan 8, 2021
From Comment Section at sonar21.com

‘They’ve fired on Ft Sumter. They’ve crossed the Rubicon.’
Now, in a REAL banana republic, ‘dissidents within the security forces’ would doxx the agents who participated in the raid, and they would confront a howling mob of MAGA people pelting them with rotten eggs and tomatoes next time they open their front doors.
I’d be delighted to be proven wrong, but my bet is that, if stealing an election only resulted in a few thousand unruly but ‘mostly peaceful’ boomers in MAGA hats holding an unauthorized rally in the Capitol, there will be no real reaction to the Maralago raid … none that would make individual federal agents urgently ponder a career change.
Sadly, Americans have allowed a banana-republic regime to seize power, but they – and Trump supporters in particular – remain the stodgy, law-abiding Anglo Saxons who, as Trotsky pointed out, are simply clueless about the nature and requirements of revolution. And in this case, by extension, counterrevolution.
Would love to hear your plan for what a revolution would actually look like this day and age. Are we all going to get in our cars and use Waze to get to DC? Are we going schedule a meetup at the local pub and hash out our grand plan? Maybe we could start a group text?

Revolution only comes when citizens see no viable alternative - we aren't even close to that yet. There's still plenty that can be done at the local level to fight back without escalating to violence, which is exactly what they don't want. They want violence. They want unrest. They don't want us involved at the local level, which is what is happening now.

What actually needs to happen is secession. Work at the local level to get people into office who view secession as a nuclear option, but actually have the guts to pull the trigger when needed.


Dec 9, 2020
Couple of things: Dems screwed this up by taking their energized RvW Voters out of the spotlight. This will energize the leaners to lean for freedom and not fuckery.

On the search warrant: this is DOJ through and through. The FBI agents aren’t dancing for joy that they had to execute this warrant. The work for the AG and executed the search warrant. The search warrant had to be specific they can’t just walk through the house. There is no toss this joint warrant it was specific and I think it was specific to the safe. New safe in the house. Somebody dropped a dime and said there is a new safe. Some idiot at Justice exclaimed we got him now!!! Except it was empty (calling Geraldo). Eric Trump stated they gave justice boxes of items requested and all they had to do is ask.

This stunt will cause huge blow back. What the hell were they thinking? They weren’t.


Nov 27, 2021
Would love to hear your plan for what a revolution would actually look like this day and age. Are we all going to get in our cars and use Waze to get to DC? Are we going schedule a meetup at the local pub and hash out our grand plan? Maybe we could start a group text?

Revolution only comes when citizens see no viable alternative - we aren't even close to that yet. There's still plenty that can be done at the local level to fight back without escalating to violence, which is exactly what they don't want. They want violence. They want unrest. They don't want us involved at the local level, which is what is happening now.

What actually needs to happen is secession. Work at the local level to get people into office who view secession as a nuclear option, but actually have the guts to pull the trigger when needed.
1st of all it was a comment from the comment section on a blog.

All politics is local. All revolutions are local.
As I have said before here, when the Boers defeated the British Empire they did it from within the system. They hollowed out the system. They started local and worked their way up.
The Irish did the same when they got rid of the British Empire.
That is what my solution is, and what i have advocated on here since i came on this site.
The orders flow down from DC and are carried out at the local level.
When they no longer comply with DC at the local level it is all over.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
Couple of things: Dems screwed this up by taking their energized RvW Voters out of the spotlight. This will energize the leaners to lean for freedom and not fuckery.

On the search warrant: this is DOJ through and through. The FBI agents aren’t dancing for joy that they had to execute this warrant. The work for the AG and executed the search warrant. The search warrant had to be specific they can’t just walk through the house. There is no toss this joint warrant it was specific and I think it was specific to the safe. New safe in the house. Somebody dropped a dime and said there is a new safe. Some idiot at Justice exclaimed we got him now!!! Except it was empty (calling Geraldo). Eric Trump stated they gave justice boxes of items requested and all they had to do is ask.

This stunt will cause huge blow back. What the hell were they thinking? They weren’t.
These people are stupid.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Would love to hear your plan for what a revolution would actually look like this day and age. Are we all going to get in our cars and use Waze to get to DC? Are we going schedule a meetup at the local pub and hash out our grand plan? Maybe we could start a group text?

Revolution only comes when citizens see no viable alternative - we aren't even close to that yet. There's still plenty that can be done at the local level to fight back without escalating to violence, which is exactly what they don't want. They want violence. They want unrest. They don't want us involved at the local level, which is what is happening now.

What actually needs to happen is secession. Work at the local level to get people into office who view secession as a nuclear option, but actually have the guts to pull the trigger when needed.
In on secession! Secession itself will bring on the ‘federal’ violence.


Jan 8, 2021
Sussman has yet to be arrested. Get your facts right if you like being taken serious.

Sussman was indicted, charged, and allowed to stay out on bond under travel conditions. He was technically arrested, along with Igor Dagachenko, who was actually taken into custody. Someone in your family should have taught you to shut your pie hole when adults are talking.

But you keep looking for that "first arrest".

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
If Biden legitimately beat Trump in 2020 OR they had 2022 and 2024 rigged again so that the Dems would be guaranteed to win . . . why in the fuck would they be trying to destroy Trump with these bullshit tactics?

Answer: Biden didn’t win in 2020, and the 2022 and 2024 elections are secure enough for Pubs and Trump to take control and end the cabal.
So can we officially call the plan dead if the republicans don’t win sweeping victory in this years’ elections? What does that mean? Pubs take the house and senate? Just the house?

What if trump doesn’t become president in 24? Then is the plan officially dead?
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