Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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If Biden legitimately beat Trump in 2020 OR they had 2022 and 2024 rigged again so that the Dems would be guaranteed to win . . . why in the fuck would they be trying to destroy Trump with these bullshit tactics?

Answer: Biden didn’t win in 2020, and the 2022 and 2024 elections are secure enough for Pubs and Trump to take control and end the cabal.
I cant get behind that. 2020 MUST be addressed and rectified first. The new Republic must be made whole and made aware of the prior flaws. No lesson is complete without proof. JMHO

‘Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 And 2032. We’ve Got 12 Years Coming’​

Now we know the end goal. Let's see how this game plays out. I'm thinking we're going to need bigger gallows (metaphorically speaking, of course)......

IMO, they only take that step in hopes of goading Trump supporters into violence.

From an electoral standpoint, DeSantis is almost as strong as Trump. If they can cheat and beat Trump, then they can probably cheat and beat Desantis as well, or alternatively, if they would struggle to beat Trump, they'd struggle with Desantis. Keeping Trump off the ballot might be satisfying to extreme leftists, but it wouldn't do a lot to further their mission.

One thing for certain, there's always more going on than meets the eye. If they were that concerned about Trump himself, they'd just heart-attack gun him.

‘Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 And 2032. We’ve Got 12 Years Coming’​

and I've got some ocean front property in North Alabama...
IMO, they only take that step in hopes of goading Trump supporters into violence.

From an electoral standpoint, DeSantis is almost as strong as Trump. If they can cheat and beat Trump, then they can probably cheat and beat Desantis as well, or alternatively, if they would struggle to beat Trump, they'd struggle with Desantis. Keeping Trump off the ballot might be satisfying to extreme leftists, but it wouldn't do a lot to further their mission.

One thing for certain, there's always more going on than meets the eye. If they were that concerned about Trump himself, they'd just heart-attack gun him.
I like your post I think you are so intelligent and you know so much about so many subjects, especially the scripter and economy plus you are a Southern brother.
But at this point, if you just post that there is no way out for the US and we have no path to save our nation and we are all doomed then your mission in this thread has been accomplished.
Let the ones who have not given up hope carry on without your negative comments and your sarcasm.
Hope is what keeps dreams alive so stop your negative outcome even if you turn out to be correct just let it play out. This is much bigger than you.
Hillary and Bill Clinton stole furnishings from the WH and never got raided.
Fuck the FEDS they are all ROGUES
Lettuce not forget about Sandy Burgular....he strolled right in the National Archives and somehow managed to have some documents just run up his leg and hide in his tighty whiteys, right next to his pedo least he was found guilty and had the book thrown at him...LMAO

"under a plea agreement that Robinson must accept, instead of jail, Berger would pay a $10,000 fine, surrender his security clearance for three years and cooperate with investigators."


I think all this talk of a "civil war" is exactly what the lefties and Biden want. They want to hear that "radical right-wing" talk coming from patriots. Honestly, they probably really want a small uprising with Proud Boys or some other militia group. That way they can blast it out on CNN/MSNBC how dangerous conservatives are.

If there were to be an effective movement to actually make real change, it would be an all-or-nothing event. No half-stepping. It would have to be so big that it sends a message that there is no misinterpreting. It would have to be incredibly bloody. It would have to make the American Civil War look like the Greasers vs. the Socials fighting in the park in the Outsiders. I think anyone who says they want a civil war in this country have no idea what they are saying.

I DO NOT WANT to see this country devolve to that level of violence. I am prepared for it should it happen.

It has to happen at the ballot box this November and then in November 2024. Then, I think it is time to politically go scorched earth on these Dem MFers.
I like your post I think you are so intelligent and you know so much about so many subjects, especially the scripter and economy plus you are a Southern brother.
But at this point, if you just post that there is no way out for the US and we have no path to save our nation and we are all doomed then your mission in this thread has been accomplished.
Let the ones who have not given up hope carry on without your negative comments and your sarcasm.
Hope is what keeps dreams alive so stop your negative outcome even if you turn out to be correct just let it play out. This is much bigger than you.

Having Jayhox false hope is just putting a smile on your face as they load you into the boxcar, brother. If there's a solution, you can't see it if you're putting faith in institutions and people destined to fail.

That wasn't a particularly negative post, just pointing out the obvious, the cabal is not concerned about Trump himself, they're concerned about what to do about his supporters.

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