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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

‘Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 And 2032. We’ve Got 12 Years Coming’​

There will be no 2024, 2028 or 2032 if 2022 is stolen. Can't wait until 2024. This country will be just a figment of our imagination if 2022 is stolen.


Jan 8, 2021

Repubes aren't going to do shit as long as OBiden is president. He'll veto any attempt to repeal this legislation. All they can do, if they get power in January, is not fund this BS. This assumes they have the balls to do that which is very very iffy.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
So who is carrying it out? Sydney “I have it all” Powell? Ezra “Savior” Cohen? Pillow Guy? Rudy Guilani who still has makeup running down his face? Tony Bobulinsky? Durham? Barr? White hats? Oh, maybe our gay ass military with MRNA running through their woke asses? Even if the irrefutable truth was out there who’s gonna allow it to spill when we cannot even have safe elections? There is no plan but to destroy our country from within and even the decent politicians cannot stop it b/c there are too many forces against them so they fake it and try to grab power & money while they can.
Dude they post about it on social media. Dan Crenshaw posts about it all on ID and Twatter. What do you mean they do nothing? They post about it for us. Great Americans.


Jan 8, 2021
If Biden legitimately beat Trump in 2020 OR they had 2022 and 2024 rigged again so that the Dems would be guaranteed to win . . . why in the fuck would they be trying to destroy Trump with these bullshit tactics?

Answer: Biden didn’t win in 2020, and the 2022 and 2024 elections are secure enough for Pubs and Trump to take control and end the cabal.
I really want to believe all of this. I just can’t see it. If Trump is arrested, I’m not sure what my reaction will be. I just finished watching “The Chosen” - to be clear, Trump is not God and is only a man - but it feels more and more statements need to be made… in blood.

I’m praying for clarity.


Jan 8, 2021
IMO, they only take that step in hopes of goading Trump supporters into violence.

From an electoral standpoint, DeSantis is almost as strong as Trump. If they can cheat and beat Trump, then they can probably cheat and beat Desantis as well, or alternatively, if they would struggle to beat Trump, they'd struggle with Desantis. Keeping Trump off the ballot might be satisfying to extreme leftists, but it wouldn't do a lot to further their mission.

One thing for certain, there's always more going on than meets the eye. If they were that concerned about Trump himself, they'd just heart-attack gun him.
I’m not sold on Desantis… we will see.

Sloppy Mexican

Jan 9, 2021
I think all this talk of a "civil war" is exactly what the lefties and Biden want. They want to hear that "radical right-wing" talk coming from patriots. Honestly, they probably really want a small uprising with Proud Boys or some other militia group. That way they can blast it out on CNN/MSNBC how dangerous conservatives are.

If there were to be an effective movement to actually make real change, it would be an all-or-nothing event. No half-stepping. It would have to be so big that it sends a message that there is no misinterpreting. It would have to be incredibly bloody. It would have to make the American Civil War look like the Greasers vs. the Socials fighting in the park in the Outsiders. I think anyone who says they want a civil war in this country have no idea what they are saying.

I DO NOT WANT to see this country devolve to that level of violence. I am prepared for it should it happen.

It has to happen at the ballot box this November and then in November 2024. Then, I think it is time to politically go scorched earth on these Dem MFers.
Couldn’t agree more. Civil war is not the answer, but if it becomes inevitable, we must be prepared to save our Constitutional Republic. Let us pray for sweeping victory in November and beyond, and an end to the communist rot that has slowly eaten away at this great nation.
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Nov 27, 2021
In my mind very simple. If Biden has not fired FBI Director Wray and Garland by the End of Today. Then Fired Himself.
You will have your answer as to what they intend next.
Arrest of Former President Trump by Sept/Oct before mid terms and full on theft of the mid terms.
Americans have accepted all the illegality of the Deep State Judges, FBI and CIA plus now the Communist Coupe de etat against the American People of the 2020 election.
The Communists embedded in both Parties will now go for the whole enchilada.
Jan 8, 2021
Semantics- I’m aware of this and you are correct he only started the thread. I’m just ranting, but it has always bothered me a bit. I do believe the thread is monitored and a possibility of plants.

I just don’t remain as optimistic as you b/c Most folks I know could really care less about the topics we discuss in here daily or have absolutely no idea. Even so called patriotic folks I’ve known forever or family members get uncomfortable talking about basic topics we discuss, not the weird shit. They have no clue about $4.5 billion for Ukraine… Point is… the radical left has flooded the media with so much garbage and continued controversies that folks just can’t keep up or don’t want to anymore.

Correct. Some are waking up but your regular everyday citizen has now clue what’s going on in this country. I would say maybe 1 of every 25 people have any clue. Others are distracted by their phone, day to day life, etc. we have been dumbed down to the extent their is no return. Give them bread and circuses

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021

How could they be missing it? What do they think the point of the J6 hearings are?

Also if they take trump out (politically) they are going to get BDR. Btw, we now have a law in Florida that Victims of Communism day must be covered in all schools each year. They might want trump back because Desantis knows how to play the game.


Jan 8, 2021
Couldn’t agree more. Civil war is not the answer, but if it becomes inevitable, we must be prepared to save our Constitution. Let us pray for sweeping victory in November and beyond, and an end to the communist rot that has slowly eaten away at this great nation.
I continue to pray. I understand that my anger and desire to avenge is weakness… I’m getting weaker daily. I pray for clarity and peace.

My wife actually said she was concerned by some of my comments. She is a great woman. Strong Christian. She knows my first instinct, always, is to fight. I just can’t see how evil gets shut down without a fight.


Jan 9, 2021
Couldn’t agree more. Civil war is not the answer, but if it becomes inevitable, we must be prepared to save our Constitution. Let us pray for sweeping victory in November and beyond, and an end to the communist rot that has slowly eaten away at this great nation.
I humbly but emphatically disagree. What happens if the Republicans take back power in 2022 in the house and the senate? The answer is nothing. They have proven to be just a useless as the dems. The difference is the demskeep pushing through the shitstorm and the republicans just sit back and try to bargain with them. The republicans will try and push some shit through but Biden will have Veto power and then they will sit back and do nothing. If DJT gets back into power in 2024 and we control all 3 branches of govt, the Rhinos will come out and vote against DJT and claim its to late(ex. Obamacare). Republicans do not have any balls. It is a game to them. Not all but most. Yes I am very dejected this morning and worry about my children's future and my futre grandchildren. The Difference between Republicans and Dems is Dems will push through anything to destroy the nation Whereas the Republicans just sit back and talk. I say Fuck them ALL. Start over, and take out anyone who is against the constitution (I know that would be against the constitution, but hell we havent lived by that document for a long time) It is time to right the ship

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
I like Desantis but he won’t do shit pertaining to this if he won office, probably wouldn’t even try to be honest. It will be the “we don’t want to play the same dirty games as the democrats, and we are above that yada yada”. If he wins nothing will be reformed, no one will be held accountable, no one is going to jail. Period.
You never know, but Desantis doesn’t strike me as one to let things slide.


Jan 8, 2021
In my mind very simple. If Biden has not fired FBI Director Wray and Garland by the End of Today. Then Fired Himself.
You will have your answer as to what they intend next.
Arrest of Former President Trump by Sept/Oct before mid terms and full on theft of the mid terms.
Americans have accepted all the illegality of the Deep State Judges, FBI and CIA plus now the Communist Coupe de etat against the American People of the 2020 election.
The Communists embedded in both Parties will now go for the whole enchilada.

Wait till we find out Biden personally authorized this approach.


Jan 11, 2021

‘Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 And 2032. We’ve Got 12 Years Coming’​

That is exactly what this country needs to get back on the right track! We have God on our side! No worries!
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