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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Would you say Trump left the military in better shape?

Financially, the US better off?

Any progress with jabs? Lol

Did we lock her up?

Or did we get locked up?

Education, how we looking?

He cut taxes by 5 dollars

How'd that wall turn out?

Did we drain the swamp?

Never mind all that, Brian stelter attacked him so he must be good

Cmon guy
This is kin to expecting a football coach to come in to an infected failing program and turn it in to a championship team. Nonsense. You can cry for these things, wanting your way immediately. Reality in a mans world its not realistic. ITs fucking obnoxious, your list. Bullshit and people like you have become a fringe enemy. Chill the out with your constant bs. Use your brain a little. Its fiction to think it was possible on any level for Trump to get that bullshit fairytale wish list that quick. Shit you didnt even know half of that was real until Trump was in office. Now you want to think you are such a patriot and extremely above everybody bc you realize these things. Its old pal. Your arrogance is a joke as well.
Stop sone

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
You are a fucking idiot like your butt buddy @ETNVol

Save humanity the trouble and suck start yourself
I just said this same thing to him. I knew we are on the same page. Knuckle head saying all this, when he had no clue of any of it until Trump was the guy in office. Now Hes more cunning and aware. Trump is one of them. We are fooled but not him. Clown. Much love to you


Jan 8, 2021
Biblical question for you.

Have a buddy stating the following:

Hear me out - I think blacks are native to earth while whites are the people depicted in the Bible…who came to earth loved having sex didn’t leave. Think about it … blacks have everything required to live off the sun…whites don’t. Black bodies work essentially like a tree or flower.

My head hurt trying to make sense of this, so you seem to be in the know and want your opinion

We all came from the same father and mother, Adam and Eve, the differences in races are superficial. I do think each group of people has it's own different gifts. As someone said below, that sounds like the Black hebrew stuff, which I know nothing about and care to know nothing about.

Ken Hamm at Answers in Genesis has geneticists on staff. People dismiss him immediately because he doesn't have a doctorate degree and believes in young earth, but he has a huge team of scientists working for him. One of his geneticists said that today, you can take DNA from all across the world, count differences (or markers or some other term he used), and if one does that, every person on earth traces back to one of 3 women (Noah's daughters in law), ~4,000 years ago. He said that even secular science admits this "3 women" theory is indeed the case, but modern science claims those 3 women lived 50,000 years ago or some such. His geneticist claimed that secular scientists know they're wrong, they can't explain why, but they use far few differences between generation than actually exists (it's over my head, but something like secular science says you and your parents may have 5 dna difference, when Ken Hamm's team claims it would be more like 50 differences), but if one uses the markers as they have at the Creation Institute, it's clear that our genes trace back to one of those 3 women, and that its mathematically impossible for those women to have lived tens of thousands of years ago.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
No, I didn't forget how deep the swamp was. I just know it's deeper now than ever, and part of it is because Trump didn't fight it. He actually thought he could work with those people. They played him like a fiddle.

The Wall? Trump could've met with every single congressional republican and given them an ultimatum, no wall, no to everything else. Instead, he thought he could finesse them and wound up with something like 15% of the wall.
Holy cow you guys are simple. Like I told your partner. You had no clue about any of it until Trump showed you. now you are above it all. So what are your suggestions?

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Oh, and I suppose you know? Nothing in the world stopped him from doing exactly what I suggested.

Too high? He did nothing of note to drain the swamp. He made things worse by appointing a bunch of swampers to the most powerful positions. As I said in a previous post, those of you who are hell-bent to give him a pass for one failure after another, you're not Trump supporters, you're worshipers.
You had no idea until now. Let alone then


Jan 8, 2021
Holy cow you guys are simple. Like I told your partner. You had no clue about any of it until Trump showed you. now you are above it all. So what are your suggestions?

We're simple? You're the one accepting Trump at face value, when the last 20+ years have shown us that almost nothing is as it seems. Unlike Cincy, I don't believe Trump is part of the cabal or is knowingly their tool. I believe he's incompetent. The only other explanation for Fauci, Chris Wray, Dominion, Gina Haspel, Bill Barr, Mark Milley etc is Cincinnati's. "Trump is a patriot and great president, he just botched every major appointment because the swamp is too deep" doesn't cut it, is simply not believable by any person holding him to any standard at all, and is giving a pass to a degree we wouldn't any other person in public office (or business or any other aspect of our lives).


Jan 9, 2021
I and many other posters here live in FL. DeSantis is the best. And I selfishly do not want him running for POTUS or VP until he does his entire 2nd term here in FL. We cannot lose FL to some fucking scum leftist because he bounced to the Fed Gov.
We need guys like Desantis running states all over the country...if we had that...the Feds would be in trouble...it’s the way it’s meant to be. Fuck the Federal Government!


Nov 27, 2021
Ha Ha Ha hard to believe, but when I started my apprenticeship, the only place taking apprentices had a machine shop, Blacksmith shop, that had everything running off a line shaft like this, and if you were stupid enough to make the mistake of accidently sitting in one of those old bastard's chairs at lunch time. Well let's just say you would not make that mistake twice....Me and the other apprentice always got to do the striking for the Journeyman Blacksmith, he was a little over 80 and still worked half a day. Him and old Harry the carpenter had Shithooks the size of 12 in frying pans.
Nobody even the big boss talked to them with nothing but respect. They seemed to move slow, but nothing ever had to be redone or repaired. Just good enough was not in their vocabulary. Do it Once Do it Right.


Nov 27, 2021
Who Your Daddy
DeSantis, sends Cops to Physically Remove Soros Backed State Attorney.

Update: DeSantis sent state police to physically remove Warren from his office, "with access only to retrieve his personal belongings, and (ii) to ensure that no files, papers, documents, notes, records, computers, or removable storage media are removed from the Office of the State Attorney..."



Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021
This is just the beginning. You’ll understand someday. But you have no patience. Or understanding of the bigger picture.

You've constructed quite a fantasy world for yourself to live in. The reckoning is always in the future, lies and failures can simply be overlooked or dismissed because hey, disinformation, and any major events that prove your narrative must remain secret. While in reality, the deep state marches on, permanent deadly damage is done to our way of life.


Dec 9, 2020


Nov 27, 2021
Oh Oh Ukrainian NAZI's Being Bad. Joe better send them some more anti Personnel mines.

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