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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
No cheif I'm in bad, I don't see a way out. Help!!

Not sure what behavior has you so concerned. Though your sensitivity is totslly misplaced at least it's also disingenuous

I think his base is mainly comprised of people who think he genuinely wants what's best for the country but do not blindly follow him. He's been funny and the best option relative to the other choices

Well, I wouldn't say I was deeply concerned, but what concern was there wasn't disingenuous. I've been following your posts for a long time, and you helped me to see how bad things really were. I've even defended you and your partners takes in the past. I was genuinely surprised that you took what I said to mean you were actually a left wing troll.

Your last paragraph is why I think we can call time out on this conversation. Again, that's just my opinion.


Dec 1, 2020
Horrific. When are people going to realize it’s a cultural issue? This is a prime example of how we do not value human life. Some micro-cultures/sub-cultures??? within the country are worse than others.

The guy also admitted to killing someone 2 years ago. His "girlfriend " believes it was right to kill the guy. Fuck that city


Dec 1, 2020

Jul 9, 2022
Y’all need to realize, especially you non-believers that Ephesians 6:12 is accurate. The more human blood spilt, the more they desecrate the Father’s creation, the more children murdered, the better.

I know I’ve got hate for my view of Enoch and several here dislike what I’ve said, but it brought it all into perspective for me. It all finally made sense. Not sure why but it did. It brought it all together and made me see things the church never did.

I’ve never been more convinced of our Lord, Father and His creation.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The elite worship Moloch and Baal, the LMNOP’s worship Baphomet. Unwittingly of course. It’s like the spirit of Jezebel on them but Baphomet instead. Call me a nut, I’m cool with that.

The fallen tried to contaminate the creation of God by mating with women and creating the giants. I believe the real goal was preventing the birth of Christ, contaminating God’s creation, and destroying Him.

I’ll probably get hate but that’s okay.
We are in a war, that is for sure. I dont know about the giants thing, but the blood if the innocent thing is correct for sure...


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Are to elaborate? I have no idea what the sovereign is? Royalty?
Story few weeks ago. Supposed whistleblower IT guy tasked with setting up the new ‘reset’ banking system. Sovereigns are the ruling class in the new system. Several high profile folks accounts were discussed and PJW was listed as one that had an account. It was theorized that the ‘on our side’ people will be used for controlled opposition once it is implemented. Carlson, Trump, and DeSantis all had sovereign accounts, but only Carlson’s account had been ‘funded’ at that point. TIFWIW.

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