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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
Whats on the docket for today? More fear, why of course. The quad vaxxed are keeling over as we speak. Others are running for their HBP pill and even more are frantically digging a bunker. Fuck, wake me when those dirty chicomms startdropping from the sky. Skol!
Key the new stand with Taiwan flag as Ukraine fades like a bad fart.


Jan 9, 2021
These are the people that screamed about ivermectin.


Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
All new commercial projects in the area are required to dig a large storage basin on part of the property to contain rain runoff from overwhelming the sewer system. We have all these little lakes around town after rain and then a host of mosquitoes as it goes away.

My city like many don't enact their own municipal codes. They simply impose the international building codes on us.
Most states follow IBC. Those that don’t have their own codes which are all based off IBC with local mods (hurricanes in Florida, earthquakes in California, everything being constantly frozen in vikingland, etc). It’s always fun to look at who sits in the boards of various codes and standards. Non-spoiler - it’s the people who will make money off the requirements.


Dec 1, 2020
I have heard of urine therapy. The first urine of the morning you are to cut off mid stream and collect 2-4 ounces. Dilute with cold water and slug. Never heard of aged urine before but to each his own. I have read that it chock full of goodies but to refrain if you have any infections. Dr. Lee Merrit was singing it's praises in a video I saw a while ago. Take it for what it is worth. SKOL!

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
One thing is for sure. There are 100 million armed motherfuckers out there screaming USA!! and all thanks to the controlled oppo guy. They may want chaos and without some miracle intervention they will get chaos. They will also get a rope or guillotine depending on the geographic location. Mass numbers from across the globe are in full revolt against their government. Countries in full blown melt down all simultaneously around the world like nothing ever seen before, at least to our limited knowledge. All screaming death to the central bankers and their sold out gov't officials. The financial and global reset is coming. It's amazing how many people use the word 'reset' nowadays come to think of it. If you said 'great reset' even two years ago most people would have glazed over and pulled up their mask. The LAC is rich in stories of our collective knowledge of what most used to consider conspiracy theory and is now common knowledge. We have talked ad nauseum about the evil bankers/cabal/Luciferians who run everything. Those types of thoughts that used to be found on message boards and secret dark web sites is now pretty mainstream. Not on the boob tube media but in just about every pirate or secondary form of gathering information out there. The awakening is happening and some dude other then Trump mentioned that. SKOL!


Jan 8, 2021
I have heard of urine therapy. The first urine of the morning you are to cut off mid stream and collect 2-4 ounces. Dilute with cold water and slug. Never heard of aged urine before but to each his own. I have read that it chock full of goodies but to refrain if you have any infections. Dr. Lee Merrit was singing it's praises in a video I saw a while ago. Take it for what it is worth. SKOL!

I’ll pass brother. 🤣

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
Trump picked a bunch of alligators and crocodiles for everything other than the supreme court. Who appointed Chris Wray? Bill Bar?

Promoting the vaccine and Dr Oz?
This doesn't get solved at the ballot box. Sadly it is too late for that as both sides are corrupt.
John 3:20
This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Hiding-Sins

Maybe this is all about brining that darkness into the light, exposing it, so that we can truly grasp the depth of the broken system/world we live in.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
What one could actually do....how about anything? He did nothing to disrupt the deep state apparatus, to the contrary, he helped entrench it further. One deep state appointment after another. He bragged about his judges, fact is, those were Mitch McConnell's judges, not Trump's. If anyone else had made an appointment like Chris Wray, virtually everyone ITT would be calling them a loser and/or a globalist.

There are really only 2 answers: incompetence (my argument) or acquiescence (Cincinnati's belief). "He was a great president but the swamp was too deep" isn't a viable answer. One bad decision after another has to be answered for. It was Trump, not George Bush, who made Bill Barr AG again, endorsed Ronna Romney and Kevin McCarthy, made his "good friend" (Trump's words, not mine) Mark Milley CJCS, and on and on. One of his first appointments was Rience Priebus. Rience. Freaking. Priebus. He complains to this day about some of those people, never acknowledging even once that he was the one who made the mistakes. And the solution of almost everyone ITT is to double down on the guy who did all that?

He did nothing for election security, in spite of telling us for a decade it was a huge issue. He had been on twitter about it going back to the 2012 election. His solution? Do nothing. Put a do-nothing AG over the DOJ and I'm sure it'll just magically fix itself. He and his campaign were prepared for nothing that happened on Nov. 3, 2020.

To say nothing of Trump biting on Fauci's line like a hungry fish. Yeah, let's trust the nation to this lifelong globalist who had a terrible record, and appears to have been connected to the creation of the virus.

He didn't take the deep state down. He didn't even try. He could've made one bulldog interim appointment after another until Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy would've had no choice but give him what he wanted, instead Trump gave them who they wanted, Gina Haspel and her ilk.

All you folks pining for Trump are not being honest about his legacy. Yes, he faced unprecedented attacks and opposition and gave us the best tax cut in American history. Facing that opposition with iron skin and going to war with the DS was supposed to be what he was made for. Instead, the deep state had their way with him and tossed him aside as easily as they did Nixon.
How many people in 2016 thought the GOP was good and the DNC evil, even in earlier ITT of this thread?

How many people thought the FBI was generally good in 2016? What do we think about this now?

How many people trusted the health system, particularly public health, and understood the entanglement of that institution with the pharma companies that fund them? What do we know about that now?

How many people thought our elections were pretty fair and the people were able to rise up organically in 2016? How easy was it to steal an election when everyone was focused on it in 2020?

How far was the demonic transgenderism and CRT in 2016? How quickly was it amped up and pushed? How did parents respond just in the past 2 years to this abomination?

How many people actually thought the government was benevolent in 2016? How many people believe that now?

How many people understood NATO, The Federal Reserve, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, etc... in 2016? How many understand it now?


Jan 9, 2021
I have heard of urine therapy. The first urine of the morning you are to cut off mid stream and collect 2-4 ounces. Dilute with cold water and slug. Never heard of aged urine before but to each his own. I have read that it chock full of goodies but to refrain if you have any infections. Dr. Lee Merrit was singing it's praises in a video I saw a while ago. Take it for what it is worth. SKOL!
Yeah, no.


Jan 8, 2021
How many people in 2016 thought the GOP was good and the DNC evil, even in earlier ITT of this thread?

How many people thought the FBI was generally good in 2016? What do we think about this now?

How many people trusted the health system, particularly public health, and understood the entanglement of that institution with the pharma companies that fund them? What do we know about that now?

How many people thought our elections were pretty fair and the people were able to rise up organically in 2016? How easy was it to steal an election when everyone was focused on it in 2020?

How far was the demonic transgenderism and CRT in 2016? How quickly was it amped up and pushed? How did parents respond just in the past 2 years to this abomination?

How many people actually thought the government was benevolent in 2016? How many people believe that now?

How many people understood NATO, The Federal Reserve, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, etc... in 2016? How many understand it now?
Almost makes one wonder if his true mission was to SHOW people how the system really works. I'm not a Trump apologist, but he wasn't going to garner a lot of support from your everyday citizen if he started firing people left and right. The optics of that would've been terrible. Now, think about how people would feel if he went on a firing rampage. They'd love it. Why? Because they've been exposed to the hypocrisy on a daily basis. More and more people know that our system is controlled by unelected bureaucrats who feed off corporate greed and contempt for America. IF(and that's a BIG IF), he gets back into the WH, he can drain DC. He'll have way more support and evidence to back his decisions. The true test will be if he actually does it. Personally, I think he will - IF he gets in.

Just my .02 cents.


Dec 2, 2020
Almost makes one wonder if his true mission was to SHOW people how the system really works. I'm not a Trump apologist, but he wasn't going to garner a lot of support from your everyday citizen if he started firing people left and right. The optics of that would've been terrible. Now, think about how people would feel if he went on a firing rampage. They'd love it. Why? Because they've been exposed to the hypocrisy on a daily basis. More and more people know that our system is controlled by unelected bureaucrats who feed off corporate greed and contempt for America. IF(and that's a BIG IF), he gets back into the WH, he can drain DC. He'll have way more support and evidence to back his decisions. The true test will be if he actually does it. Personally, I think he will - IF he gets in.

Just my .02 cents.
This is where I get completely lost with Trump, it makes complete sense that he could either be controlled opposition or an outsider. I'm old enough to remember the press vilifying Bush, who turns out is just another one of them.

Yea, he would have had major problems arresting the swamp, because he would be requesting the swamp to arrest themselves. He would have also faced even more media attacks with a population willing to listen and abide.

Sucks we won't know until/if he gets elected again. I want to believe, but dammit if I haven't been fooled my whole life by the system. Q didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, just pointed me in the direction to have the proof I needed to stop listening to the noise.

I'm just waiting for the shooting to start, so I don't have to be the one who fires too soon...(in minecraft)


Jan 8, 2021
I'm one of the people who respect the view that @ETNVol and @Cincinattus91 bring to the table. If they are right about Trump though, then I might surmise that everything we may think we are fighting for here has already been decided.

@Hoosier in Mad Town is right on the money in his point above, that far more people are awake to reality now than were when he walked down the escalator. Had he done back then what we now know he needed to do, many people who support him now (maybe even myself - I didn't come around until about a year into his term) would have instead supported the swamp in removing him from office.

That he gave these people every opportunity to work for the betterment of the country, and that they declined every invitation, speaks volumes about what needs to be done going forward.

All that said, this debate among people who generally agree on almost everything is taking up very valuable time and resources. Like I said, I generally agree with the outlook of the two who consistently bring it to the table, but if they can't let it go I suggest the rest of us treat them in the same way we do left-wing trolls.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
I'm one of the people who respect the view that @ETNVol and @Cincinattus91 bring to the table. If they are right about Trump though, then I might surmise that everything we may think we are fighting for here has already been decided.

@Hoosier in Mad Town is right on the money in his point above, that far more people are awake to reality now than were when he walked down the escalator. Had he done back then what we now know he needed to do, many people who support him now (maybe even myself - I didn't come around until about a year into his term) would have instead supported the swamp in removing him from office.

That he gave these people every opportunity to work for the betterment of the country, and that they declined every invitation, speaks volumes about what needs to be done going forward.

All that said, this debate among people who generally agree on almost everything is taking up very valuable time and resources. Like I said, I generally agree with the outlook of the two who consistently bring it to the table, but if they can't let it go I suggest the rest of us treat them in the same way we do left-wing trolls.
I'm with you too. I like hearing the opposing viewpoints and making my own judgements.

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