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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Just a picture from a magazine called Long Range. I am good to about 1000 yds with the .338 but I want a new scope.
I have been reading some good reviews on what is a new scope to me called the Titan. They have various long range scopes.
They are in the 800-1,000 USD range vs the known 2000-Infinity prices of the well known company's like Leopold, Night Force etc.
I enjoy getting out with the young'uns and out shooting or at least holding my own with the younger sports.
View attachment 124687
Have you ever used geobalistics BalisticArc? Check it out. Great affordable long range shooting app/system


Jan 8, 2021
Almost makes one wonder if his true mission was to SHOW people how the system really works. I'm not a Trump apologist, but he wasn't going to garner a lot of support from your everyday citizen if he started firing people left and right. The optics of that would've been terrible. Now, think about how people would feel if he went on a firing rampage. They'd love it. Why? Because they've been exposed to the hypocrisy on a daily basis. More and more people know that our system is controlled by unelected bureaucrats who feed off corporate greed and contempt for America. IF(and that's a BIG IF), he gets back into the WH, he can drain DC. He'll have way more support and evidence to back his decisions. The true test will be if he actually does it. Personally, I think he will - IF he gets in.

Just my .02 cents.
Have to account for all the criminals in the Senate. As soon as he starts cleaning house in the executive, Congress will impeach him and the criminals in the senate will also come out of hiding and convict him no matter what.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
This is where I get completely lost with Trump, it makes complete sense that he could either be controlled opposition or an outsider. I'm old enough to remember the press vilifying Bush, who turns out is just another one of them.

Yea, he would have had major problems arresting the swamp, because he would be requesting the swamp to arrest themselves. He would have also faced even more media attacks with a population willing to listen and abide.

Sucks we won't know until/if he gets elected again. I want to believe, but dammit if I haven't been fooled my whole life by the system. Q didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, just pointed me in the direction to have the proof I needed to stop listening to the noise.

I'm just waiting for the shooting to start, so I don't have to be the one who fires too soon...(in minecraft)

Bush peaked at like 28% negative coverage

Trump was at 65% negative.

It’s not even comparable


Dec 1, 2020
This is all you need to know about today's events and what side you need to be on.

Goober and the rest of DC always think the US which is less than 250 years old can change the culture and behavior of China which is over 3,000 years old.
They do it on purpose to create problems and then claim to be the people who can solve the problem if you re-elect them.


Jan 8, 2021

At least we know how shallow you are. If you don’t understand why he gave that speech, nobody can help you because we disected it many times in the past for you.
You think it's a reverse

I'm calling it a double reverse

He's a tool for the people you think he is ending


Jan 8, 2021
I'm one of the people who respect the view that @ETNVol and @Cincinattus91 bring to the table. If they are right about Trump though, then I might surmise that everything we may think we are fighting for here has already been decided.

@Hoosier in Mad Town is right on the money in his point above, that far more people are awake to reality now than were when he walked down the escalator. Had he done back then what we now know he needed to do, many people who support him now (maybe even myself - I didn't come around until about a year into his term) would have instead supported the swamp in removing him from office.

That he gave these people every opportunity to work for the betterment of the country, and that they declined every invitation, speaks volumes about what needs to be done going forward.

All that said, this debate among people who generally agree on almost everything is taking up very valuable time and resources. Like I said, I generally agree with the outlook of the two who consistently bring it to the table, but if they can't let it go I suggest the rest of us treat them in the same way we do left-wing trolls.
They don't care how many people are "awake"

Especially if the vessel that "awoke" them is a part of their fleet

You can't handle it and so the opposition must be "left wing trolls"

For the more sober minded people who prioritize truth.......look at these arguments and make your own decision

Here is a breakdown of this guy's post

"I respect his view but it's a waste of resources so he must be a communist"


That's just not a serious effort

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