Reparations For Blacks $350,000 USD per descendent.
For what? They were field help. Lol nothing more or less. Field Help. They got what they deserved. A Chance at living in America instead of Africa, which hasnt changed.
Reparations For Blacks $350,000 USD per descendent.
How many of the network or cable morning shows have you been on discussing, "Bodies of Others"? How many of them have had Dr's Malone, McCullough, Kory, Alexander, Desmet, Van der Bosch, etc on? How many are reporting on the farmers in The Netherlands? How many are reporting the rapid dwindling of rights in Canada? How many are reporting on Germany's energy situation and what is to come? How many are reporting the reason Sri Lanka had a revolt and how they are now living? How many are reporting the true extent of the border crisis? How many are reporting details of the laptop from hell? How many have had Bannon and Alex Jones on to explain their side of their court cases? How many...How many...How many...
Iran's atomic energy chief says country could build a bomb but has no plan to
The rare claim is likely to intensify concerns over Iran's controversial nuclear
View attachment 124455
Millions of people need to ask themselves, "Where would they be if slavery had not occurred?" Yes, some may have become doctors or lawyers or successful in their chosen field had slavery not occurred. However, some would still be living in mud huts chasing animals with spears or slaves in other countries.For what? They were field help. Lol nothing more or less. Field Help. They got what they deserved. A Chance at living in America instead of Africa, which hasnt changed.
A dicky doo. His belly sticks out further then his dicky doView attachment 124298Look at the little guy. No wonder why he’s a fat fuck sell out pos. Little tiny nut with an innie.
I do not give a rats ass where any of the Feral Race woulda coulda shooda. They can all FOAD as far as I am concerned. I never owned a slave, they were never a slave, if they don't like it they can FOTA (Fuck Off To Africa) and have a good life.Millions of people need to ask themselves, "Where would they be if slavery had not occurred?" Yes, some may have become doctors or lawyers or successful in their chosen field had slavery not occurred. However, some would still be living in mud huts chasing animals with spears or slaves in other countries.
Obligatory— we’re fucked!
I’m going SoldanoTrump does it again. At this point, if you aren't seriously questioning Donald Trump, you're not paying attention at all, or worse, you're not a Trump supporter, you're a Trump worshiper.
In a desperate, last-ditch attempt to show President Trump that the conservative grassroots in Michigan oppose Tudor Dixon’s candidacy, thousands of activists signed a petition directly addressing the President.
“MAGA supporters in Michigan are strongly opposed to Tudor Dixon winning the gubernatorial nomination. Betsy DeVos does not have our best interests in mind, and we are working hard to stop her.” The petition said.
Nine of Michigan’s most conservative candidates, including Rep. Matt Maddock and America First patriot John Gibbs, signed a statement directed at Trump urging him not to endorse Dixon.
Still, President Trump endorsed the Betsy DeVos-backed candidate, Tudor Dixon, while leaving candidates with a track record of solid support for President Trump and his America First agenda to question their loyalties to the former president. Trump cut a deal with a former member of his cabinet who blamed him for the violence on January 6 and admitted to working behind the scenes to convince Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment as a way to remove him from office in his final days.
Many blame the DeVos family for the large number of spineless Republican lawmakers in Michigan, many of whom rely on the DeVos family to fund their campaigns and are beholden to the whims of the billionaire family.
My sister and hubby are both double vaxxed. Both just had Wuhan.With all due respect that is just the IB or Tylenol doing its job. Plus a resilient child. Are they trying to kill Jo Jo for the greater good of how bad covid is?
Pure raunchy allsomeness from Kid Rock at a WWE event this weekend.
I suspect NJ is not alone in taking DNA from people. Probably anyone who has blood taken, like at a police station for alcohol analysis, probably had their DNA code taken too without their knowledge.How Can This Be Legal?
New Jersey Police Tap Into Secret State Database that Contains DNA Quietly Taken From Every Baby Born
TRENTON, NJ - If you're under 20-years-old, you might want to think twice before committing a crime in New Jersey. That's because the government has your
I suspect NJ is not alone in taking DNA from people. Probably anyone who has blood taken, like at a police station for alcohol analysis, probably had their DNA code taken too without their knowledge.
I'm guessing the VA System and others do the same with blood they draw from a person.
With all due respect that is just the IB or Tylenol doing its job. Plus a resilient child. Are they trying to kill Jo Jo for the greater good of how bad covid is?
Glen Beck was talking about polling, 538 and so forth, this morning, and that most inside the beltway are saying that Republicans won't take the senate, Dr. Oz down 15 to a near-dead man, etc. Ronna Romney was on some show this past weekend and said republicans will pick up only 4 seats, iow not take the majority.
Sowing seeds for when dems steal or halt the election.
I agree, there is no way she won last time. She’s going to end up in some significant appointed position or as the dem candidate in some slam dunk election. She has no chance against desantis but the media is pushing her hard.This election thief (yes, she was the lone appointed "winner" in the state election in 2018) is polling at absolutely pathetic number and stands zero shot at beating DeSantis.
Yup. The polling is used to make it look legit