I’ve went down these rabbit holes over and over. If you read Enoch, which was found with the oldest book of psalms in history, Noah had blue eyes. Lamech freaked out when Noah was born thinking his wife had an affair with one of the fallen. He went to his father Methuselah who took him to Enoch his grandfather. Enoch assured him he was Lamech’s child then gave the account of Shem, Ham, and Japheth that was to come. He also gave the account of revelations which was written by John thousands of years later.
Enoch explains the fallen, the Annanaki, ancient mysteries, and aliens. It puts it all together.
Monks were buried with Enoch. The disciples assume a familiarity with Enoch in the Bible. Now, I know this runs certain Christian’s the wrong way. Cool. But Enoch was written for the last generation and it’s growing in popularity and does not counter anything in the Bible. It confirms it.
What makes that all even more interesting is that all blue eyed people have a common ancestor dating back 6k-10k years ago. When was the flood biblically speaking?
Like I said. I’ve went way too far down this rabbit hole over and over again and I know this will spur a lot of hate from certain posters.