Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
*Meanwhile numerous political scam artists enjoy a perverted "art" show.👇🤨
*Oh, what's this?
What is that rancid centrepiece depicting?

#EDIT: Just found out the "art" in the images above were actually photoshopped.

*Updated info in a subsequent post.

*I was mistaken and far too hasty reposting them here without any scrutiny.

*My apologies everyone.

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*Also, the artificial shite -
-Sodium Fluoride added to toothpaste & water supplies, is a highly toxic chemical waste byproduct.

*Seems they've tried to confuse us, it is not the same as the naturally occurring mineral -Calcium Fluoride.

(*Someone recently tried to convince me of the health benefits, & that they're one and the same - natural - thing called "fluoride".)
*As I'd mentioned several days ago, the NZ commies -covaids "BA.2 variant" narrative is rapidly intensifying.

*Will try to keep ya'z up to date as shit goes down.

(Myself & any other unvaxed peeps here will very likely be threatened with fines/imprisonment and forced into self isolation/lock down again, legally banned from doing anything,....and scapegoated, blamed for all societies woes.)

#Not looking forward to this lunacy again.

#EDIT* -"BA.5 variant".
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Pay attention to the top 3, the Monarchy has kept some control over us but it will end. We will all be richer once we burn off all the leeches on our economy. Yea and you Blackrock and you too Vanguard, leeches.

*Oh, what's this?
What is that rancid centrepiece depicting?
Totally focused on the 10 year old’s access to abortion instead of the piece of shit that did it. Upsidedownworld!
Don’t they still determine how pregnant a woman is based in the dates of their last cycle? Are 10 year olds so regular that the doctor couldn’t say she was 5 weeks? I know my wife’s due dates changed several times. This poor little girl is being used.
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