Cameltoe, as you know, squeezing dicks make them go bang too!
Earth wouldn't be the only planet that creates something. A moon of Jupiter creates methane.So are you disputing that oil is made from organic materials?
Let me ask this question another way... Do you think there is oil on the moon or on Mars?
Didn't they know they were working for a known racist?Oh. so they are crying. Makes sense in this entitled age.
No. They knew they were liberals. They still don't know they are racist.Didn't they know they were working for a known racist?
We live in a State of Voluntary Servitude. Bred to the harness. To be docile and never question the Great Open Air, Self Supporting Penal Colony WE Are Reared In.Oldie, but a goodie. I've seen a few ask about this ITT. Here's the link to the supposed Rothschild member Q&A
Who knows.Same Cops?
What An Insult to Minorities
Robert Barnes said that he is hearing that legal people in DC are hoping he is found guilty. Because the evidence is so overwhelming... if a 'not guilty' verdict is delivered, it will kill the illusion of DC being an honest court district.
The Dems are on a joy ride doing everything they want knowing there will be no accountability. They fear not and every act they do is bolder and is now in the open and in our faces.That didn't work out worth a shit
The Dems are on a joy ride doing everything they want knowing there will be no accountability. They fear not and every act they do is bolder and is now in the open and in our faces.
The Dem judicial commune they have created in DC is their gateway safeguard to any crime spree they want to implement against our country.
That “Swedish Engineer” is a moron. Those numbers are comical.An observation from a Swedish engineer:
“The notion that a nation can run on sunshine and breezes is worse than delusional.
People might fall for the idea that we can merrily run on sunshine and breezes, alone, but with a few trillion dollars worth of mythical mega-batteries providing backup for a few minutes, when the sun sets and the wind stops blowing.
A two-megawatt w!ndmill is made up of 260 tons of steel that required 300 tons or iron ore and 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons.
A w!ndmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”
🇺🇸 Tiff 🇺🇸 on GETTR : Black slaves are leaving the Biden plantation because BLM might pay more
Black slaves are leaving the Biden plantation because BLM might pay
Raheem J. Kassam on GETTR : White House Supply Chain Advisor Is a World Economic Forum Climate Change Activist Who Worked at Hunter Biden’s Think Tank.
President Joe Biden's Director for Sustainable Supply Chains is an alum of the World Economic Forum who previously served as a fellow at a think tank chaired by Hunter
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It seems like this verdict wasn’t going to be a surprise based on this post above. What am I missing?
I agree to a point, but either way, it's a mockery of justice. For a juror to say that we didn't convict Sussman for lying to the FBI (which is a crime) because it's not that big of a deal, is to not follow the law. They're job is not to interpret which laws are big enough to need to be followed, but to make a judgement based on the law. If for no other reason that to follow the law, but then give a ridiculously low sentence of community service or something like that.
Hopefully they can use the evidence that has been introduced in this case to tie it to a broader conspiracy, but I honestly don't know what the impact of this judgement will be.
Nice redirection.So are you disputing that oil is made from organic materials?
Let me ask this question another way... Do you think there is oil on the moon or on Mars?
the daily caller
Harvard graduate and Daily Caller social media director Emma Heussner went viral Sunday for walking out of Merrick Garland’s commencement speech.
Heussner posted that she “just walked out of Harvard’s graduation because I didn’t want to listen to Merrick Garland talk about himself for 30 minutes,” but what she did hear was “pretty rich.”
Heussner’s viral walk-out from the speech led to an overwhelming response from Twitter users. “The amount of of support in the replies has been very warm and I was shocked by how many people congratulated me and were proud of my decision,” Hessner told the Daily Caller, “It’s also been funny to watch leftists lose their minds and hurl insults at me for walking out. It’s entertaining to see how easily upset some people are by the actions of others.”
Before posting her video, Heussner had roughly 1,600 followers on Twitter. That number is fast approaching 10,000. When asked what prompted her to leave the ceremony, she said, “I had been sitting there for more than two hours listening to people speak in Latin, give cordial formalities. By the time Merrick Garland got on stage, I was so anxious to leave and meet up with my parents. They’re the ones who helped me accomplish what I have and supported me to get to Harvard in the first place.”
“Choosing to walk out was an easy decision for me,” she said.